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Theory Crafting

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Forum » Theory Crafting
Topic Last Reply Views Replies
Dumb Question Episodes List!
by Unscathed » September 24, 2014 1:23am
I applaud your guy's work...
zxBLAZExz September 24, 2014 10:08am
1380 2
Teh new drow ranger?
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » September 23, 2014 7:22am
(sorry, bad english)...
Rock and Roll September 23, 2014 9:43am
1459 2
Dumb Question S02EP11: Battlefury Sven (plz no)
by Unscathed » September 22, 2014 12:08am
i totally agree we xy..when...
vroomndie September 22, 2014 7:42am
3446 5
Dumb Question S02EP10: Regarding Manta on Axe and Leshrac
by Unscathed » September 20, 2014 6:10am 1 2
This ^
Xyrus September 21, 2014 2:32pm
5598 18
Desolator / MoM in Tiny
by Blubbles » August 6, 2014 10:46pm
The Desolator is more of a...
Peppo_oPaccio September 18, 2014 11:17am
5980 8
Theory Exercise 1 : build around a core.
by Smuggels » September 14, 2014 6:37pm 1 2 3
Very good feedbacks,...
Unscathed September 18, 2014 3:37am
6668 21
Im gonna try something stupid on sven
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » September 1, 2014 3:10am 1 2
Great Cleave actually...
Dimonychan September 17, 2014 11:33pm
8411 11
Best Tri-lane
by Zerosaviour » September 13, 2014 9:50am 1 2
Heck, EG actually ran...
Zerosaviour September 17, 2014 4:05am
5969 12
Dumb Question S02EP09: Manta on Transformation Hero
by Unscathed » September 15, 2014 8:27am
Tiny with Aghanim's Scepter...
KrDotoBestDoto September 15, 2014 12:39pm
3936 9
Jungle Magnush
by Zerak Kyria » September 15, 2014 2:34am
Thank you Wulfstan and...
Zerak Kyria September 15, 2014 3:18am
1136 4
Continuing my Dumb Questions, what is the best teamfight disable ulti . (no chronos plz)
by Unscathed » September 14, 2014 9:00am 1 2
Was about to add. But...
Unscathed September 15, 2014 2:35am
4250 16
Dumb Question S02EP07: Fury Swipes, Vendetta, and crit
by Unscathed » September 13, 2014 5:05am
There u are hamster u...
Unscathed September 14, 2014 9:24am
2262 9
Dumb Question S02EP08: Overgrowth vs Ravage
by Unscathed » September 13, 2014 4:35pm 1 2
Since the my coming to...
Unscathed September 14, 2014 9:12am
5204 11
Armlet on Troll warlord?
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » September 11, 2014 4:24am
It's a DPS item for...
Fumbles16x September 11, 2014 1:59pm
4855 8
Vanguard + Midas instead of rush battlefury on antimage?
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » September 10, 2014 7:38am
Midas is also mostly about...
Timminatorr September 10, 2014 9:46am
6839 5
Dumb Question S02EP06: Doom Support, a Jungle of Utilities
by Unscathed » September 9, 2014 7:50am 1 2
Chen and Ench are fast...
jawbreaker261 September 10, 2014 8:50am
4718 15
by Smuggels » September 7, 2014 6:08pm 1 2
For your Team, you ran...
Xyrus September 8, 2014 6:56pm
3290 14
Rate this draft!
by Terathiel » September 8, 2014 5:06am
You really screwed over...
Timminatorr September 8, 2014 8:38am
1219 3
Dumb Question S02EP05: Can early Crystalis replace orb effect?
by Unscathed » September 6, 2014 6:19am
C9 is also following...
Zerosaviour September 8, 2014 8:01am
1428 7
The Best Carry-Support in reverse?
by Unscathed » September 7, 2014 2:46am 1 2
Shoulda put that in the...
Xyrus September 8, 2014 4:48am
4269 16
Eul's on Clinkz?
by Hamstertamer » September 6, 2014 5:46am
Thanks for your answers...
Hamstertamer September 7, 2014 11:47pm
5203 9
Dumb Question S02EP04: Creep and Building Stats
by Unscathed » September 5, 2014 9:10pm
Lane creep magic resistance...
Dimonychan September 6, 2014 5:42am
1477 2
Dumb Question S02EP03: Amplify, Magic Resist, and some Maths
by Unscathed » September 4, 2014 5:19am
Yes, I know. Im at Junior...
Unscathed September 5, 2014 2:39am
2481 8
Dumb Question S02EP02: Clinkz Offlane, Very Strong?
by Unscathed » September 4, 2014 4:04am
he is pretty weak,...
Timminatorr September 4, 2014 10:55am
4703 4
Dagon on every hero o.O (stupid question)
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » August 29, 2014 7:26am 1 2 3
I think I just found...
Pu12e September 3, 2014 11:41am
8447 26
Haters Gonna Hate
by Pu12e » September 3, 2014 11:34am
it is back?
Timminatorr September 3, 2014 11:34am
1706 2
Night Stalker Guide Update - NEED FEEDBACK
by Pu12e » September 3, 2014 11:12am
Guide advertising is not...
Hades4u September 3, 2014 11:30am
1144 2
Techies everything w/ Blade Mail/Spiked Carapace?
by LaFwoe » August 29, 2014 10:30pm
It works with blade mail,...
Wulfstan September 3, 2014 3:07am
2395 5
Dumb Question S02EP01 pt 2: Ursa and Armlet
by Unscathed » August 31, 2014 6:26am
Yep, you also need Phase...
jamesShajam September 2, 2014 9:17am
1362 3
How to play Dark Zeer.......
by Unscathed » August 30, 2014 4:42am
He's supposed to buy...
jawbreaker261 September 1, 2014 4:33pm
2403 6
Dumb Question S02EP01: Bear Armlet
by Unscathed » August 30, 2014 5:31am
Viable as a "VERY Good...
DaarkGhost August 31, 2014 9:30am
1642 8
Why isnt soul ring an item for pudge?
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » August 30, 2014 6:00am
Well its not the best item...
DaarkGhost August 31, 2014 9:26am
3999 5
6.82 Incoming...
by Fumbles16x » August 25, 2014 8:45am 1 2 3 4 5
Will you people PLEASE...
Terathiel August 29, 2014 1:37am
14309 43
Can. tinker carry mek? If so can he be a support?
by The amazing A.K.A stupid » August 28, 2014 1:09am 1 2
To answer the original...
Nubtrain August 28, 2014 3:52pm
6056 15
by Smuggels » August 26, 2014 4:38pm 1 2
I maintain an 80% winrate...
kkoopman3 August 28, 2014 12:38pm
4650 16
Razor how to starve the lightning ?
by Smuggels » August 25, 2014 6:39pm 1 2
Heavy slows are generally...
Hamstertamer August 27, 2014 11:57pm
4989 13
Dumb question S01EP07: Sven support. Is it viable? (SEASON FINALE,!)
by Unscathed » August 26, 2014 4:25am
I have a friend who says he...
FleetAU August 27, 2014 2:58pm
1670 8
Baloney Scenarios 2
by baloneyhambacon » August 25, 2014 10:08pm
... Smuggels?
TheSofa August 26, 2014 4:49pm
2161 9
Agh's On Lich, Does It Change That Much?
by kkoopman3 » August 11, 2014 8:52am 1 2
It's still good against a...
Therapy August 26, 2014 7:36am
5693 17
Personal best hero?
by gaybear » February 13, 2013 3:28pm 1 2 3 4 5 6
Who: Enigma Nature's...
Therapy August 26, 2014 7:30am
17303 51
Pick these 5 heroes = 100% win
by qark » August 12, 2014 11:59am 1 2 3
Giving you a +rep, mate.
Krwiozerca August 26, 2014 6:36am
13149 21
Dumb question S01EP07: Sven support. Is it viable? (SEASON FINALE,!)
by Unscathed » August 26, 2014 4:25am
I have seen the support...
Unscathed August 26, 2014 4:25am
864 1
Dumb Question S01EP6: Shadow Blade on Leshrac
by Unscathed » August 22, 2014 6:02pm
The gift that keeps on...
Timminatorr August 26, 2014 4:07am
9845 9
Dumb Question 2: Meepo, burst or aoe?
by Unscathed » August 13, 2014 2:58am
I played a game with...
KrDotoBestDoto August 25, 2014 1:23pm
3398 10
by bballer23 » June 29, 2014 4:24pm 1 2 3
Ancient Seal+Decrepify+Life...
Therapy August 25, 2014 11:36am
7677 28
UA Modifiers - Possible Changes?
by oldKainen » August 25, 2014 5:34am
UAM passives were made UAM...
Therapy August 25, 2014 11:32am
1166 3
What would happen if...?
by baloneyhambacon » August 23, 2014 5:57am 1 2
Kamikaze Earthshaker, Tanky...
Therapy August 25, 2014 11:29am
3302 16
Huskar ideas
by the other Mark » August 19, 2014 3:18pm 1 2
Refresher Orb is useless as...
Therapy August 25, 2014 11:05am
4248 17
Baloney Scenarios 1
by baloneyhambacon » August 23, 2014 8:29pm 1 2 3
Ultimately I wouldn't wanna...
Therapy August 25, 2014 10:48am
5350 22
Ring of Basilius on Timbersaw
by Alfred J Kack » August 20, 2014 6:23am
There's also the fact it...
Xyrus August 23, 2014 2:41pm
2879 5

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