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Hero of the Flightless

Faction:The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Agility
Attack Type: Melee
Role(s): carry,disabler,escape

Kez's Stats

STR 97 at 30 (19 + 2.6/level)
AGI 131 at 30 (26 + 3.5/level)
INT 69 at 30 (18 + 1.7/level)
Damage 49 - 55
Range 225
Armor 6.3
Movement 320

Switch Discipline

Kez switches between his Kazurai Katana and Shodo Sai. He gains different attack capabilities...

Echo Slash

Kez slashes forward in a line with his Katana, dealing a percentage of his attack damage and a...

Grappling Claw

Kez swings on a grappling hook towards the target unit or tree. When the grappling hook collides...

Kazurai Katana

Katana attacks and abilities apply a stacking damage over time to enemies that deals a percentage...

Raptor Dance

Kez enters into an uncontrollable channel for 1 second, gaining debuff immunity and 100% magic...

Kez's Talents

+1 Echo Slash Attack
+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike
+50% Falcon Rush Evasion
+5% Kazurai katana DPS
Raven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus
+2s Falcon Rush Duration
+1.5 Mana Regen
+12% Magic Resistance

Kez's Facets

Hero Of The Flightless

Kez always has a few fun tricks up his sleeve, but right now he's got a war to win. This facet...

Kez's Lore

"I was born with a price on my head. As I got better at causing trouble, that price went up. Every time Queen Imperia raised the bounty, I knew I must have done something right. I think that's the worst part about being gone so long in Icewrack... I've got to get that price back up to a respectable number."

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