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Forum » Mentoring » Need some help here? Guide didn't help much 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Shroud of Misery » December 11, 2013 5:20am | Report
I will clearly state this, i am a noob. I've played DotA for 3 years, but i see myself never progressed. (i often play with AI though)

I want to ask some question of the more skilled player here.
I often played 3 same heroes : bristleback, doom, skeleton king.

the first part of question is about bristleback :
1. How do you make bristleback become a force to be reckoned with in late game? i ever got ultra kill in the 20's but got stomped so hard in the 30-40's (or you have to prevent 30's while using bristleback?)
2. If under any circumstances you and your team got stomped, badly. What do you suggest getting to turn back the situation?

Second part about Doom, i play doom in lane, so...
1. Which build is better? Getting scorched earth first or getting the "sure-kill" combo of doom and Lvl? Death level 2?
2. Which is better to get? PT int, arcane boot or phase?
3. In early game, what item do you suggest to increase the durability of Doom? (no vanguard please)

Third part, is about other hero i can play
1. What hero who has a similar gameplay like the three of them and i can possibly succeeded in using? (i ever played magnus and razor but though we win, i usually feed)

Thank you and sorry for the long question

Shroud of Misery

Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AngeloBangelo » December 12, 2013 4:05pm | Report
1. Bristle needs an amazing start to be a threat late game. He excels at picking off squishy support heroes, or heroes with low armor/no escape mechanism. Usually he is a mid game hero, and doesn't scale as well as most real carries. With bristle you need to attack when they're running, and turn when they attack. It's like a reverse kite. In team fights, you never attack anything directly. You need to just get focused, and turn around. When they change targets, start snotting until they focus again, in which you turn around again.

2. Bristle isn't much of a comeback hero. If you're getting stomped and need to turn the game around, it's less about what you can do with your hero, and more about the game as a whole. It's really dependent on both teams composition. What your team excels at, and what weaknesses the opponents team has. Maybe you have a medusa. In which case, you'll just defend and try not to be overly aggressive. Split push a lot, but never commit fully to a push. Just buy time for Medusa. Maybe the OPPONENTS have a Medusa. In which case you'll want to gank her repeatedly to make her worthless, then force a team fight after a few ganks to gain gold momentum. It's all situational.

1. Most people don't lane Doom, because he can jungle. He's a slow hero, either way. If I had to choose, I'd go for scorched earth over LVL death. If people see that you're leveling your nuke, they will play cautiously. LVL is too expensive to spam for damage, and you can't really kill most players with a LVL and an ult right away. You need to conserve mana for constant devours. I feel that's more consistent gold than going LVL/ult.

2. Most people pick up Phase on doom so he can chase more effectively. That's what I would suggest.

3. Most players don't beef up doom too early. He is usually played as a ganker. The only reason to pick up Doom is for his ult. Most heroes with an escape mechanism (A skill that helps them escape ganks like Blink, Sukuchi, or Storm Spirits ultimate) are balanced by being squishy. Doom is designed to pick on these heroes by disabling their escape skill with his ult, chase them, and kill them. Weaver is a great example. His movespeed is low, as is his health. But he has his W, and time lapse, so it's hard to kill him. If doom approaches Weaver while invisible from a shadow blade (A common item on Doom) and he has devoured an Alpha Wolf (A common creep for doom, to boost his damage), he can attack out of shadow blade for huge damage. You can then doom the Weaver and activate scorched earth to chase him. You should be able to kill him within the 12 seconds of silence assuming you have phase boots. Doom is not good in ALL matches. Only against squishy heroes that rely on spells or items to escape.

1. I'm not sure what kind of gameplay you're talking about. It seems like you prefer to be active and play more of a ganking role in your games. Moving from lane to lane trying to assist in picking off heroes. That's what Doom/Bristle typically do. Skeleton King is more of a hard carry, and doesn't leave lane much. I'd say your biggest problem is that your main heroes aren't very competitive picks. You'll want heroes with a strong skill set to give you an advantage in game. If my best hero is Medusa, and your best hero is Bat Rider: I'd say you will beat me 10/10 games, even if I'm a better player than you. This is just because Bat Rider is a more powerful hero than Medusa for most stages of the game. Watch some tournaments and learn what heroes are more powerful.

3 support heroes to look into would be: Lion, Witch Doctor, and Shadow Demon

3 carry heroes to look into would be: Spirit Breaker, Lifestealer, and Dragon Knight

3 roaming heroes to look into would be: Bane, Venomancer, Jakiro

* Juggernaut is a bit of a hybrid between support and carry. Most people in high tier play him as a support for his ward, but he can carry pretty well in middle tier games.

Hopefully I answered your questions. Ask more if you have any, and good luck!



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » December 13, 2013 3:07am | Report
Yeah. Bristleback should be a force to be reckoned late game if he was one in the mid game. He isn't that hard compared to other carries, but I don't see how a bonus 150 damage, really high tankiness, good attack speed and just flat out damage reduction is not enough.

You could always get Blademail. Works really great - combine it with an HP item ( Black King Bar or Heaven's Halberd, maybe?) and you're set.

I don't really like getting the second skill point immediately - I might have a situation that I need to cancel a TP, but I also might be in a dangerous situation. Save it, don't take a skill before you need it.

Depends on your build. I get Phase Boots because my build involves getting at least an Assault Cuirass and Hand of Midas as attack speed items so Power Treads is not good, and Arcane Boots only work on caster Dooms.

You have a lot of STR growth... having an armor item, even a flat Chainmail for the Assault Cuirass later on combined with a plain Stout Shield should be enough. Should this not be sufficient, you could get Vitality Booster (not Vanguard, just the booster. To be upgraded to Heart of Tarrasque later on) That OR if you're playing semi support Doom (which is extremely underrated btw) you could even get a Mekansm.

Not sure about the heroes, but Lifestealer and Dragon Knight seem to be pretty great.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » December 13, 2013 5:07am | Report
Don't know much about playing Bristle so...

Second part about Doom, i play doom in lane, so...
1. Which build is better? Getting scorched earth first or getting the "sure-kill" combo of doom and Lvl? Death level 2?
2. Which is better to get? PT int, arcane boot or phase?
3. In early game, what item do you suggest to increase the durability of Doom? (no vanguard please)

I think an early lvl in Lvl? Death is always good, especially when you're in a Lane where you can get kills, don't forget, it's 125 Damage at lvl 1, and has a Mini-Stun for canceling Town Portal Scrolls. If you're roaming with your Team before the 1st Creep Wave and see an opportunity for First Blood, you can even take it at lvl 1.
samukobo wrote:

I don't really like getting the second skill point immediately - I might have a situation that I need to cancel a TP, but I also might be in a dangerous situation. Save it, don't take a skill before you need it.

This ^

If you're laning, then you won't be so reliant on Scorched Earth for Regen, so take Lvl? Death if you see an opportunity, but always max Devour 1st.

Third part, is about other hero i can play
1. What hero who has a similar gameplay like the three of them and i can possibly succeeded in using? (i ever played magnus and razor but though we win, i usually feed)

Do you mean somthing Tanky, that does well in the Mid-Game and is typically a Carry?

There's Lifestealer, possibly the easiest Carry to learn (just don't Jungle him if you have a Lane free) just Max Open Wounds 1st, not Feast, as you'll be trying to get Kills and won't need the Lifesteal to sustain you in Lane. Get Hand of Midas by 8:00 if you have an easy Lane, and don't see it getting much harder before 20:00. You'll want Phase Boots for chasing, Drum of Endurance for Stats, then an Armlet of Mordiggian for Damage + Attack Speed + Regen. At that point you can start taking part in Teamfights. After that, get an Assault Cuirass for Armour and more Attack Speed and from there...go where your heart takes you. <3

You could also try Dragon Knight, he's fairly easy to learn, does well in the Mid-Game AND Late Game if he gets decent Farm/Kills. Give him an Assault Cuirass and a Heart of Tarrasque and he can survive most Teamfights with good Positioning.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » December 13, 2013 5:18am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

There's Lifestealer, possibly the easiest Carry to learn (just don't Jungle him if you have a Lane free) just Max Open Wounds 1st, not Feast, as you'll be trying to get Kills and won't need the Lifesteal to sustain you in Lane. Get Hand of Midas by 8:00 if you have an easy Lane, and don't see it getting much harder before 20:00. You'll want Phase Boots for chasing, Drum of Endurance for Stats, then an Armlet of Mordiggian for Damage + Attack Speed + Regen. At that point you can start taking part in Teamfights. After that, get an Assault Cuirass for Armour and more Attack Speed and from there...go where your heart takes you. <3

You could also try Dragon Knight, he's fairly easy to learn, does well in the Mid-Game AND Late Game if he gets decent Farm/Kills. Give him an Assault Cuirass and a Heart of Tarrasque and he can survive most Teamfights with good Positioning.

Also note that Lifestealer can opt to get an early midas before the Phase Boots. If you play well enough, you'll have midas, treads/phase, drums and armlet by the 18 min mark.

Btw the build for Lifestealer is usually a 2-1-2 build (the cast range at level 2 is sufficient), and generally Rage is maxed first.

Maxing Open Wounds would give you a nice slow, but the scaling is pretty much just the cast range - if you have Phase Boots this should be enough.

Again, Rage maxed first is the safest and usually the most effective choice. It gives you much more defense and quite a lot of offense. (free Mjollnir level attack speed for 6 seconds at level 7 for a hilariously low mana cost?)



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Shroud of Misery » December 15, 2013 4:58pm | Report
So i can assume :
1. Bristleback is easily outplayed in late, and such, he needs to gain as much kills as possible in mid-game, possibly by letting the team carries take the kills. He need's durability item so in late game he can switch role from ganker/chaser into tanker. So if my team had no real carry I'm outta luck

2.Doom Bringer usually jungle(i don't know, i rarely sees him jungle early but i think i would also learn this) Lvl? Death is taken if your team are ganking oriented, otherwise, scorched earth first, and assist kills by running other people to the death, but, prioritize the farming with devour.Early on use doom to score kill on a squishy escape hero (because in mid-late teamfight i have to use it for heroes who have gamebreaking ult like enigma)

If so, early game Doom will have critical mana problem, how do you overcome it?

I've tried Support Doom, it's great actually. I can buy ward while still completing my core item. I even managed to build Scythe of Vyse. (So thank you for pointing this)
also : extra question. Does Armlet vibe well with Doom?

3. For the heroes suggestion I've tried Lion, Dragon Knight, Lifestealer, Jakiro, Venomancer and Bane

I especially love Lifestealer, Dragon Knight and Jakiro. So...
1. While using lifestealer, you jungle, pull creep, farm in lane when it's free and early on the way you assist kill is by casting open wound.
When you get your core, you gank (maybe like using infest on invisible heroes? or heroes like Barathrum? i've do it and it turn out nice) Get AS item to transition into carry in late game.

2. I only play davion as tank early, get S&Y and usually the game was finished before the late carries shine, so:
What item do you suggest me to carry Davion?

3. As for Jakiro, the item build i use is force, dagger, arcane and aghanim. Is this sufficient? I love the way he wrecked teamfight with his low cd ult
( I use dagger for positioning, then use force to chase/run)

Thank you for the answer!

Shroud of Misery

Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » December 16, 2013 3:36am | Report

I've tried Support Doom, it's great actually. I can buy ward while still completing my core item. I even managed to build Scythe of Vyse. (So thank you for pointing this)
also : extra question. Does Armlet vibe well with Doom?

Armlet of Mordiggian is a pretty good Mid-Game Item for Carry Doom Bringer, due to the Stats it provides. It also has good synergy with Scorched Earth, and if you learn to Armlet Toggle, you can survive Ganks.

If you're playing Support Doom Bringer though, a Mekansm would be better since it provides you with similar bonuses. It's an Item that your Team ALWAYS needs, so if no one else is going to build it, you may have to regardless. 8{(

1. While using lifestealer, you jungle, pull creep, farm in lane when it's free and early on the way you assist kill is by casting open wound.
When you get your core, you gank (maybe like using infest on invisible heroes? or heroes like Barathrum? i've do it and it turn out nice) Get AS item to transition into carry in late game.

You don't have to Jungle, in fact you get less Farm from Jungling than you do from Laning, you only really want to Jungle if your Lane is too hard or your Team has picked 5,000,000 Carries.

Yeah, there are lots of Heroes that are good to infest, anything Invisible, and Barathum are great choices, as are any Heroes with a Blink, Blink Dagger or some similar ability, e.g. Storm Spirit's Ball Lightning.

2. I only play davion as tank early, get S&Y and usually the game was finished before the late carries shine, so:
What item do you suggest me to carry Davion?

If you're going Mid then a Bottle is an essential 1st Item on him. He's very Tanky, already has enough HP Regen from his Passive and does decent Damage, so I would recommend increasing his Attack Speed after you've got Phase Boots/ Power Treads.

Shadow Blade is a good option if you want to Gank a lot, but avoid it if there's already 2 or more Invisible Heroes on your Team. You could also build a Maelstrom to let you Push/Farm faster. However, my favourite option is to grab a quick Hyperstone and build it into an Assault Cuirass to Buff your nearby Allies' Armour and Attack Speed, and Debuff your opponent's.

After that, look at your Teammates. Is one of them a good Damage Dealer with their Auto-Attack, e.g. Phantom Assassin, Anti-Mage, etc. in which case, try to build Tanking items, like Heart of Tarrasque, Vladmir's Offering etc. (note: even if you and your Teammates are Ranged, Vladmir's still provides Bonus Damage, Armour and Mana Regen, so it is always good).

If your Team already has a Tank and needs more Damage, then build a Daedalus. If the other Team's Carry has Evasion, then counter it with a Monkey King Bar. If they have a lot of Abilities to lock your Team down, you may want to consider a Black King Bar

P.S. Dragon Knight can actually Carry in the Late Game quite well, it's just that there are quite a few Carries who can Out-Carry him.

3. As for Jakiro, the item build i use is force, dagger, arcane and aghanim. Is this sufficient? I love the way he wrecked teamfight with his low cd ult
( I use dagger for positioning, then use force to chase/run)

Blink Dagger, Arcane Boots and Force Staff are all excellent on Jakiro. I wouldn't recommend an Agahnim's Scepter on Jakiro, by the time you get it, you'll have either already won, or the extra Damage will be useless (Magic Damage falls off after about 30 minutes). It's better to get Items that can Lock-Down enemies, like Scythe of Vyse, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Shiva's Guard or even a late Orchid Malevolence.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Shroud of Misery » December 16, 2013 5:14am | Report
Thank you for your answer!

(just got stomped 2/13/30 by playing davion, but oh well :p)

Shroud of Misery

Posts: 3

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