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DotA 2 Item: Armlet of Mordiggian

Shops: Main Shop
Categories: Weapons
Active Effect, Passive Effect Recipe Cost: 625
Total Cost: 2420

Item Details

Armlet of Mordiggian

+4 HP regeneration
+15 Damage
+6 Armor
+25 Attack speed

Active: Unholy Strength

Gives +35 damage, +4 armor and +25 strength while active, but drains 45 HP per second. The +4 armor bonus is given once the armlet is fully activated. You cannot die from the health loss when the bonus strength is gone, or the health drain per second.

Attack Damage Bonus: 31
Attack Speed Bonus: 10
Strength Bonus: 25
Health Cost per Second: 40

Additional Information

Weapon of choice among brutes, the bearer sacrifices his life energy to gain immense strength and power.

Illusions do not benefit from the raw attack damage and speed bonus and do not lose health per second. Illusions gain the strength over 0.6 seconds and copy the original's current health, resulting in them having 475 current health more than the hero if it wasn't at full health as the illusion was created.

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SuperNova (16) | October 13, 2012 9:59am
numeta's only friend
Frosty_walrus | August 10, 2012 3:04am
Just a Magnificent item for Low Hp jukes
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