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7 Votes

Healfezza's Comprehensive Viper Guide

September 12, 2013 by Healfezza
Comments: 9    |    Views: 181062    |   

Build 1
Build 2
Build 3

Modern Hard Carry - Solo Mid/Lane

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

2 4 5 14


1 7 8 9

Corrosive Skin

3 10 12 13

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18


*Don't forget to rate the guide as you see fit! Also please leave a comment on what content you would like to see added!

Viper is a hero some people love and some people hate, but most will agree that facing him in lane can be one of the toughest tasks in the game. Viper's strong suit is his ability to be dominant early in lane using his toolbox of damage over time abilities to gain an edge in EHP (effective hit points) over opposing laners. His next best attribute is his ability to be strong from the onset of the game until the late game with very little farm due to his abilities scaling statically (+dmg) rather then variably (+%dmg).

Now where Viper lacks is in a few areas that have been keeping him out of the competitive scene for the most part. The lack of a hard disable is the biggest detriment to Viper's ability to be a competitive hero, in a game where mobility is king the need for roots/stuns is important and Viper's slow just can't cut it when trying to gank Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, or any other mobile hero. His second biggest problem is the juggling act that is required to find the right balance of tank, damage output, and utility in a given match because if you focus to much on one, the others will wane and hamper your effectiveness.


  • Strong Laner
  • Effective Ganker
  • Versitile Roleplayer
  • Can be effective with limited farm
  • Good at snowballing


  • Falls off late against true hard carries
  • Lack of a hard disable
  • Squishy early
  • No escape mechanism
  • Need regen to stay in the field
  • Covering for his weaknesses lead to a middling role rather then a focused one

When should I avoid picking Viper?

Just like any hero in DOTA, Viper has situations where he is at his best and ones where he is at his worst. This section will go over a few of the basic situations where you should avoid picking Viper

Avoid the Viper pick if:
  • The enemies have particulary survivable support characters. Viper's at his best when he is melting supports during ganks, but if you are up against more durable supports then it can be difficult to be effective in the field.

  • Enemy lineup is STR heavy. Similar to the first, if the enemy lineup are running a heavy STR core it can be tough to Viper to be effective in the midgame vs. things like armlet starts. It isn't that Viper can't rumble, but rather in a simple 1v1 situation a tanky character can avoid the fight all together by simply TPing out before you can kill them.

  • Enemy lineup has an abundance of escape mechanisms. Pretty simple, Viper wants to be in your face slowing you and with the lack of a disable it is tough to do against blinks and the like. Viper excels at snowballing through ganks, but if you fail ganks due to escapes then you are simply wasting your time.

  • You expect to be laning against the following heroes:

    • Dark Seer: DS is just annoying against anyone but as Viper you want to be limiting your opponents farm and getting kills in lane but that will be near impossible against Surge and Ion Shell. The best tool you have against Dark Seer is upgraded Corrosive Skin so you can selectively take 1 tick of Ion Shell damage (reduced by magic resistance) to apply it to Dark Seer. Surge just nullifies your slow so you can't kill him.

    • Silencer: Silence can use Curse of the Silent on you which you cannot dispel early, also Glaives of Wisdom can go toe to toe with Poison Attack for damage. Although not a lost cause, Viper will have to change play style against Silence if matched up against him in lane. Likely build to survive would include Tranquil Boots and extra levels of Corrosive Skin to make his curse a relatively even trade HP wise.

    • Shadow Fiend: SF can be a tough matchup for Viper but if you can an early edge with harass and last hit/denies you can win out. Otherwise once SF has a couple levels with some souls and level 2 Shadowraze he becomes extremely dangerous to the naturally squishy Viper.

Skills - Poison Attack




Intensifies Viper's venom, adding an effect to his normal attack that slows attack and movement speed while dealing damage over time.































  • The slow and damage will not be increased by successive casts; the duration of the spell will be refreshed instead.

Poison Attack is a very good ability because once you get 3 points into it, then you will have it on zero cooldown. This means that you can constantly use the ability to permentantly keep a target's movement and attack speed slowed by at least 30% allowing you to prevent an enemy from escaping as well as reduce their damage output if they try and fight.

3 points into this ability by level 5 is a must. Level 4 is nice, but a luxury so I generally will wait to get it last.

The poison damage on this ability is also a great way to win harass wars in lane. Also note that if you manually activate the ability by pressing Q and then on the opponent, you will not draw aggro from creeps.

Skills - Nethertoxin




Enemy Unit/Structures
Nethertoxin causes Viper's normal attack to deal bonus damage to units based on how much health they are missing. The bonus damage doubles for each 20% of health missing from the target. Nethertoxin deals half damage to creeps and buildings.






Base Bonus Damage





Max Bonus Damage





Non-Hero damage











2 x Base damage for every 20% HP your opponent is missing.

2 x Base damage for every 20% HP your opponent is missing.

2 x Base damage for every 20% HP your opponent is missing.

2 x Base damage for every 20% HP your opponent is missing.

  • Against someone at 100-80% health, it deals 2.5/5/7.5/10 damage.
  • Against someone at 80-60% health, it deals 5/10/15/20 damage.
  • Against someone at 60-40% health, it deals 10/20/30/40 damage.
  • Against someone at 40-20% health, it deals 20/40/60/80 damage.
  • Against someone at 20-0% health, it deals the full 40/80/120/160 damage.

Nethertoxin is what makes Viper such a beast in the mid game. As the enemy health scales down you get bonus damage that grows. With 4 points you can get as much as 160 extra bonus damage (that can be modified by things like critical hit) when the opponent is below 20%hp. This also means that Viper does not scale as well into the very late game because his abilities provide flat bonuses rather then percentage based ones.

Make use of Nethertoxin at 1 point early to get +20 damage to your last hitting power vs. lane creeps. Make sure this is your first ability maxed as it is your best skill to have 4 points in.

Skills - Corrosive Skin




Viper exudes an infectious toxin that damages and slows any enemy that damages it. The acid exudate also increases Viper's resistance to spells.










Attack/Move Slow





Damage Per Second





Magic Resist





  • Magic resistance stacks with magic resistance from items.
  • The damage and slow are applied whenever Viper takes damage from any source.

Corrosive Skin is a great ability is the early laning stage with 1 point as it allows you to deal 4x10 (40) damage to your opponent when they decide to hit you with ANY damage source. It also provides a nice added magic resistance to help avoid death in lane vs. bottle starts.

In the late game you will want to max this after Nethertoxin for the most part as it provides you with a valuable 25% magic resistance, as well as all the other benefits it gives.

Skills - Viper Strike



Target Unit

Viper slows the targeted enemy unit's movement and attack speed while also dealing poison damage over time. The slowing effect reduces over the duration of the poison.







175 (*125)

250 (*125)


80 (*12)

50 (*12)

30 (*12)









Attack/Move Slow




Damage Per Second




  • Items noted with a * are effected by Aghanim's Scepter
  • Against magic immunity, damage is blocked but slow is not.
  • This skill does not allow for heroes to be denied.
    The slow is applied before the projectile connects.
    Deal a total of 300/500/725 damage.

Viper Strike is a great ability as soon as you hit 6, and for a long time after. Due to it's set damage though, it isn't a great DPS ability in the late game.

Viper Strike will do work for you once you hit level 6 by applying huge movement/attack speed slow to go along with a good chunk of damage. This will let you set up ganks and debuff enemy carries in teamfights. Make sure you put points into this at 6, 11, and 16 no exceptions.

Skill Build Breakdown

Viper's first few levels are really the only place where his skill build will deviate slightly, but past level 6 the skill order stays the same. I'll break down the first few levels of skills you should take

Standard Build - Level:

This is a standard build that I will use against the majority of laners out there. If you feel safe you can take level 2 Poison Attack at level 3 and take your first level of Corrosive Skin at level 4.

  1. Nethertoxin at level 1 will add +20 damage to your last hitting, compensating for your low base damage.
  2. Poison Attack at level 2 will allow you to start harassing your enemy.
  3. Corrosive Skin at level 3 will increase your damage over time against opponents you are trading hits with, as well as reducing incoming nuke damage.
  4. Poison Attack at level 4 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition.
  5. Poison Attack at level 5 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition. 30% slow can set up a kill quite easily if opponents are not careful.

Aggressive Build - Level:

This build is one I generally run solo mid against melee characters. Taking Poison Attack from level 1 means you can more easily zone out your opposition, just be aware of your low base damage for last hitting.
  1. Poison Attack at level 1 allows you to start harassing from the start.
  2. Nethertoxin at level 2 will help you last hit and provide extra damage when harassing or going for a kill.
  3. Poison Attack at level 3 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition.
  4. Nethertoxin at level 4 will help you last hit and provide extra damage when harassing or going for a kill.
  5. Poison Attack at level 5 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition. 30% slow can set up a kill quite easily if opponents are not careful.

Support Build- Level:

This build I will run if I am the lane support. It's purpose is to trade hits/harass opposing laners keeping your carry safe.
  1. Poison Attack at level 1 allows you to start harassing from the start.
  2. Corrosive Skin at level 2 will provide damage over time while trading hits.
  3. Poison Attack at level 3 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition.
  4. Nethertoxin at level 4 will help you finish off opponents with additional damage.
  5. Poison Attack at level 5 to increase your damage output while harassing and increase the slow on the opposition. 30% slow can set up a kill quite easily if opponents are not careful.

Skills after level 5
  • Viper Strike should be taken at levels 6, 11, and 16.
  • Nethertoxin should be maxed first as it provides you will the most damage when ganking and team fighting.
  • Corrosive Skin should be maxed second as it will provide great magic resistance as well as utility attack/movement speed slow on opponents.
  • Poison Attack should be level 3 already meaning you have 0 cooldown. Getting level 4 is a luxury so pick up this last point at level 14.

Item Build - Modern Hard Carry: Solo Mid or Lane

This is my own build that I have been using when playing a Carry role. Viper wants to be active ganking as soon as possible so this build focuses on shoring up Viper's weaknesses with inexpensive items early and being active on the field.

The active use of Tread switching is important as well in maximizing this build as each stat gain is beneficial in different spots.

  • STR Treads when being active in balanced skrimishes and teamfights as the extra HP will be important
  • INT Treads should be used on your downtime while you are farming to increase your passive MP regen. It isn't a lot, but stacked with Urn and Aquila the extra boost is noticable enough to keep you in the field longer.
  • AGI Treads are best used when going for ganks as it will give you a little extra punch when your side already has the upper hand. Also good for farming if you have full MP.

    Staring Items

    This build will provide you will good all round stats (+5 to each) for early laning while giving you some regen to trade hits. Circlet builds into Ring of Aquila while the Iron Branches build into Magic Wand.

    Early Items

    This combination of items will give you good early stats that, when combined with STR Treads, will give you an excellent early HP total. The Urn also compliments Viper by giving him much a much needed heal for after ganking keeping him on the field. The mana aura from Aquila's and Urn will keep you passively gaining MP for between skrimishes. Lastly, the Wand's burst heal is exceptional.

    Core Items

    The addition of STR Treads will make you have a decent HP pool early, then we move into Crystalys which is the most efficient DPS item in the game (it also modifies Nethertoxin). Yasha is a decent item that will give you some additional mobility, damage, and attack speed (later it can be upgraded as well).

    Extended Core Items

    The extended core are your luxury upgrades. Daedalus is great for the same reason that Crystalis is, plus you already have part of it so it is a great pickup first. Butterfly needs to be started from scratch but it gives great offensive and defensive benefits, a great second pickup. BKB is very good at keeping you alive during firefights.

    Situational Items
    • Assault Cuirass
      Assault Cuirass is great in a situation where you expect to be going up against lots of physical damage deals. Also great for stacking - armour.
    • Desolator
      Since the - armour lasts 7 seconds you can keep the opponent debuffed while still using your Poison Attack. Good damage at a good price.
    • Heart of Tarrasque
      A great item when you face a spectrum of damage types as the raw HP it gives is exceptional.
    • Linken's Sphere
      One of the best optional items on Viper, but usually takes a backseat to BKB. This is best against a team with a dedicated initiator like Clockwerk when you might expect to get jumped on. Gives amazing stats as well.
    • Manta Style
      A decent upgrade to your Yasha, best suited for dodging spells and removing pesky silence.
    • Monkey King Bar
      Use against evasion, pretty simple.
    • Orchid Malevolence
      A great choice against annoying heros that have escape mechanisms or ones you need to silence immediately during a teamfight.
    • Shadow Blade
      Pretty standard item for Viper in the past. Still decent but the buildup of 3000 gold is expensive and keeps in lane longer. Still a viable option though.
    • Sange and Yasha
      A great option to pick up after your extended core if you already have a Yasha. A paltry 2050 gold will give you good all around stats.

Item Build - Traditional Semi-Carry: Solo Mid or Lane

This is a traditional build that has I see most people flirting with in the community. It focuses on getting Mek first to increase survivability and facilitate early teamfights. Shadow Blade is usually the second item to allow for ganking and as an escape mechanism.

Staring Items

This build will focuses on adding +8 AGI for better last hitting and harass early. The Slippers will turn into Wraith Bands later for all around stats and damage.

Early Items

The Wraith Band's will do your heavy lifting by increasing your damage in lane while the Magic Wand will provide valuable burst heal.

Core Items

Treads give you some options depending on the situation, Aquila provides good stats. Mekansm is your first pickup to add some survivability while facilitating early teamfights. Shadow Blade is good for ganking putting out an extra 150 damage as well as being a good escape mechanism.

Extended Core Items

The extended core are your luxury upgrades. Aghanim's Scepter will provide you with a 12 second ultimate making you always ready for a fight while the Heart will provide you with an exceptional HP pool making you stronger against all damage types.

Situational Items
  • Assault Cuirass
    Assault Cuirass is great in a situation where you expect to be going up against lots of physical damage deals. Also great for stacking - armour.
  • Desolator
    Since the - armour lasts 7 seconds you can keep the opponent debuffed while still using your Poison Attack. Good damage at a good price.
  • Blade Mail
    A decent pickup if you expect to be a primary target (which happens a lot).
  • Medallion of Courage
    Good for facilitating an early Roshan as well as increasing single target damage.
  • Necronomicon
    A great item for pushing, but the mana burn and true sight it gives are the most invaluable.
  • Shiva's Guard
    Great when you need some extra armour vs. physical carries, but also very important in teamfights for it's aura.
  • Pipe of Insight
    A great item to build as it makes you almost magic immune combined with Corrosive Skin as well as providing damage prevention to your team.

Item Build - Straight Lane Support

Viper as a lane support is rarely used but can be viable given the right situation and team makeup. Since Viper needs levels so using him as part of a dedicated tri-lane wouldn't be the best choice, Viper's best use as a support is in a dual lane with a carry that has a disable. In this situation Viper can use his strong harass to push lane control in your favour while still being able to secure kills when your carry can land a disable.

One big note is that Viper can be a constant pest harassing with his Poison Attack being used manually because it will not draw creep aggro.

The biggest thing that seperates this build from others is that you are expecting to not get much farm early as it will be going to your carry. You will see a lot of the same items, but just realize that you will be playing differently.

Staring Items

This is just a generic start, but really whatever items you pick up as the support (Sentry/Courier/Observer) will work. A Ring of Protection is nice to start with as it will allow you to complete a Basi at the side shop providing valuable bonuses to yourself and your laning partner.

Early Items

Standard items: Wand for burst HP/MP, Basi for it's great Aura, and Boots.

Core Items

The addition of STR Treads will bolster your HP pool while the Mek will help facilitate early team fights with burst heal. The Scepter is a great utility as it provides you with valuable defensive stats and gives you a 12 second ultimate meaning you are already ready to rumble.

Extended Core Items

The extended core are your luxury upgrades. Pipe is great item to reduce magic damage to your team and yourself, and Orchid provides a decent damage boost while also giving you a valuable silence.

Situational Items
  • Urn of Shadows
    This is a reasonable pickup, I use it as a core in my main build but here it is optional. Generally Mek is a preferred pickup due to the impact it has in teamfights but if you plan to be roaming a lot an Urn is a good pickup early.
  • Shiva's Guard
    This item will help absorb some physical damage, but it's best point is it's aura that will debuff the enemy team even further. Pick this up against right clickers.
  • Necronomicon
    If you want a nice utility item, Necro 3 is great! Although expensive it will give you true sight, okay damage, and the mana drain can be invaluable against heros like Skeleton King. Also great for a split pushing strategy.
  • Medallion of Courage
    Great for helping burst down targets with it's armour debuff, while still providing some decent MP regen for your mana needs. This item's greatest asset is allowing you to secure an early Roshan to take momentum. Remember to grab a Smoke of Deceit soon after and mobilize your team to take advantage ASAP.
  • Drum of Endurance
    Good all around stats with an easy buildup. Not an item I pick up often as a support, but it can help you round out your game. Don't be afraid to use your charges when they can save someone or secure a kill.

Heroes - Laning Partners

Viper is a very good laner in a solo mid position, but he can also do a great job as a carry in an aggressive dual lane. Viper's abilities mesh well with many supports who have disables and/or high burst damage, but instead of listing all the good supports in the game I will pick out a few that are superstars when laning with Viper.

Dual Lane Stars:

Venomancer has one of the strongest level one abilities in Venomous Gale to set up a first blood, just take Poison Attack first and watch the opponent melt! After first blood the lane doesn't get any better for the opponents, if they dare to return they better bring backup.

Just about anyone with a slow that can stack with Viper is a great laning partner, but Crystal Maiden also brings Frostbite to the party. Not only that, her passive MP aura is great for supplimenting Viper's mana needs.

Lich brings to the party an unending supply of nukes by eating creeps. The nukes combined with Viper's harass will zone out the opposition in no time as well as setting up kills through double slows.

Heroes - Who can Viper counter?

To be honest, a properly played Viper in a lane is a pretty dominant force and is hard to play against. If you are playing Viper you are expected to win your lane, that is part of the deal but here are some pesky heroes people often have trouble with that Viper is exceptionally well at dealing with.

I really do like Templar Assassin as a mid hero, but laning against Viper will lead to terrible consequences. Viper's damage over time abilites will strip off TA's Refraction charges like they weren't there in the first place leaving her naked. Viper also has superior range and by strategically taking damage from Psi-blade to trigger Corrosive Skin you can give TA a beating.

Queen of Pain is one of the best mid heroes out there but Viper really does a good job of shutting her down due to Corrosive Skin. Because Shadow Strike will do an instance of damage to you every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, level 1 Corrosive Skin will do 180 damage over 18 seconds to Queen of Pain every time she uses dagger for harass... Not exactly an efficient trade of resources! Push your advantage early before QoP can get levels and push her out of the lane, even if you don't kill her it is good enough to send her back to the fountain.

*Just remember try not to pick Viper if the enemy team has other carries with escape mechanism besides the QoP as it will be hard for you to be effective.

For the same reason as TA, Viper strips Treant Protectors Living Armor without much trouble making him a weak pick.


Viper is not the right hero for every situation, but when played right he can be devistating. He should always be active on the map working to keep the opponents on their heels and limiting their farm.

Always remember to carry a TP scroll and that proper positioning/timing/decision making will make you a far better player then slapping on a Shadow Blade.

Special Thanks!~

Mirror - for directing me to a great guide for writing guides!

Dr. D - For writing such a great guide to formatting on DOTAfire. Worth a look to anyone interested in writing a guide!

Cimpy and Elowen - Check out their great channel over on twitch! It may be small right now, but they play some fun DOTA and are great people.

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