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15 Votes

The Hunger For Carnage

May 2, 2015 by KoDyAbAbA
Comments: 30    |    Views: 43803    |   

Build 1
Build 2

My Build : Conventional Figher

DotA2 Hero: Troll Warlord

Hero Skills

Battle Stance (Innate)

Whirling Axes (Ranged)

1 12 13 14

Whirling Axes (Melee)

1 12 13 14


2 3 5 7

Berserker's Rage

4 8 9 10

Battle Trance

6 11 16


15 17 18


Why?because he is a very overutilized hero and nobody really knows how to play him(no seriously nobody does).

Jah'rakal the Troll Warlord

Troll Warlord is a radiant agility hero,infamous for his insane bashing and DPS output at any point of the game.

The Troll Warlord is a carry who absolutely dominates 1 vs 1 fights while still being relevant in team-fights with his huge attack speed boost to the whole team.

A potent fighter at all stages of the game, The warlord is one you don't want to mess with.

Pros and Cons


  • Very,Very high damage output against single targets.
  • very potent semi-blind/slow.
  • Insanely versatile laner.
  • Starts with a whooping 62 damage if Beserker's rage is taken at level 1.

  • Very very squishy.
  • Countered by illusion heroes.
  • very bad team-fighter apart from Battle Trance.
  • No solid disable.


is Troll Warlord's signature skill which gives him a 10% chance to stun the enemy,while giving plenty of other passive bonuses like Base Attack Time reduction,a small damage boost and movement speed boost.

This skill gives Troll Warlord a chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds.Let this sink in. 2 seconds. Faceless Void on the other hand can stun for 1 second. Slardar also stuns for 1 second.Sure,the % chance is less, but the duration is doubled.

As a skill which goes through Black King Bar, It makes Troll Warlord a very viable late-game anti-carry.

This skill is what,in conjunction with his other skills, makes him a late game beast to play against. Perma-bashing enemies to their death without any mercy, Troll Warlord becomes the most feared opponent on the battlefield

Attack Damage Bonus: 15
Health Bonus: 100
Armor Bonus: 3
Move Speed Bonus: 10/20/30/40
Base Attack Time: 1.55
Bash Chance: 10%
Bash Damage: 20/30/40/50
Bash Duration: 0.8/1.2/1.6/2

[whirling axes size=100] is Troll Warlord'semi-disable skill which is basically 2 skills,either one of which can be accessed by toggling your first skill (beserker's rage.

In its ranged form, Whirling Axes (Ranged) provides the Warlord with a semi-decent slow on a relatively low cooldown.Nothing too good unfortunately.

The one useful thing that one can do with ranged form is that you can use it to scout get 300 flying vision over the place where the axes stop.Use it to your advantage by scouting ahead for enemies and paving way for more powerful nukes like Dragon Slave and the elk.

In its melee form, Whirling Axes (Melee) becomes a decent nuke low cooldown.But this is not why we max it first (okay,maybe it is a part of the reason :P).The main reason is Its amazing miss chance.The units affected by this skill get a debuff which makes them miss 60% of their physical attacks.

This skill single-handedly ensures that Troll Warlord wins every duel he can have against any kind of agility hero until they purchase Monkey King Bar, which is why he considered to be a very good anti-carry.

Blinding enemies with a flurry of axes, Troll Warlord seemingly vanishes from his foe's sight.


Cast Range: 900
Axes Travel Distance: 945
Axes radius: 100
Axes Spread End Radius: 206.17
Damage: 75
Move Speed Slow: 30%
Slow duration: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25
Mana cost: 50


Spin Radius: 350
Axes Radius: 100
Damage: 75/125/175/225
Miss chance: 60%
Miss Duration: 4/5/6/7
Whirl Duration: 3
Cooldown: 12
Mana cost: 50

is a straight forward skill.To explain it in one sentence:
Fervor increases your attack speed by a set amount every time you attack stacking upto 4 times.

The Troll Warlord thrives on the battlefield.

Max Stacks: 4
Attack Speed Bonus per Stack: 16/22/28/34

is Troll Warlord's ultimate.It is a pure offensive skill meant for only one objective, destroying things.This skill gives Troll Warlord and his allies a huge boost to attack speed for 7 seconds and has a very short cooldown of 30 seconds.

This means that not only can Battle Trance be used in team-fights, but it also shows its power when trying to split-push.This skill turn any team composition with Troll Warlord a serious pushing threat.

Troll Warlord temporarily channels his rage into his allies, driving them into joining the warlord in his unending onslaught.

Radius: Global
Attack Speed Bonus: 60/120/180
Duration: 7
Cooldown: 30
Mana Cost: 75

Item Choices - Conventional Fighter

Starting Items

is our choice of starting item because of the awesome all-round stats it gives for early game and the fact that it can be made into Ring of Aquila,which boosts Troll Warlord's fighting prowess in the early game by a LOT.

are a good source of regeneration.

Early Game

is rushed as it gives trollw arlord 18 damage and decent armor and mana regeneration,which is something that Troll Warlord desperately needs.Armor is required for tanking up the harass that Troll Warlord faces and the mana regeneration is handy if Troll Warlord is forced to use his skills often.

provides Troll Warlord with handy stats and builds into Drum of Endurance.A boost in health early on is exactly what Troll Warlord needs.

is good on all heroes.'nuff said.

gives Troll Warlord everything that he needs, mobility, damage and more mobility.

Core Items

is downright amazing on Troll gives him everything he needs,Stats to survive the early game, movement speed and a % based attack speed buff.Now if you have an in-depth knowledge of DoTA mechanics, you might argue that attack speed from items and stats is also in %, but the calculation of % based attack speed from [[drum of endurance is different as it is calculated on the basis of total attack speed,which means that it keeps on scaling throughout the game.

is a very unorthodox but effective item on troll warlord.When activated,It increases his health by a whooping 475 while granting him 40 attack damage,15 attack speed and 5 armor at the cost of 32.25 health per second(7.75 is reduced from the item's innate regeneration),something the [[troll warlord can easily regenerate back with the purchase of lifesteal.

is Troll Warlord's choice of lifesteal due to its armor & damage boost and the fact that it is the only lifesteal item that has any scalability at all.

is considered core on Troll Warlord as it enables him to do what he is supposed to do, wreck people's faces.Immunity from almost all forms of crowd control means uninterrupted bashing time!Also gives you some survivability and damage, which is nice.

Crystalis is Troll Warlord's first step towards consolidating his late game as it builds into Daedalus which gives the highest boost to damage other than Divine Rapier.

Late Game Items

gives a hero the biggest damage boost other than Divine Rapier.Also,when coupled up with Troll Warlord's insane attack speed,even critical strikes for about 600 damage, hurt like hell.

is an item that i would give more importance on Troll Warlord simply because he hits so fast, you are mini-stunning and stunning the **** out of enemies.

is Troll Warlord's choice of lifesteal for the late geme (As it is for all late game carries).Also gives you a considerable boost to your health, making you tanky as hell.

makes achieving those blindingly fast hits possible as it gives Troll Warlord time to build up his attack speed safely.

is my favorite item for Troll Warlord as it enables him to push down towers as efficiently as an anti mage while giving your enemies a reason to not hit you :D

this item in conjunction with your blind from Whirling Axes (Melee) gives you invulnerability for 6 seconds (the duration of the blind).

is good.

Gameplay-The conventional Fighter.

As a major fighting component of your team, Troll Warlord has to focus on solidfying his early-mid game while having a good late-game transition.

Early Game

In the early game, you must concentrate on getting last hits and harassing enemy heroes,something you can do efficiently with your ranged mode.

Remember, the more you harass, the more is the chance that they will be forced to buy regeneration from the shop, meaning that they will be using their precious gold on sustaining in lane rather than making items that actually matter.

Never underestimate the killing power of a troll warlord in lane when coupled with a stunner or nuker because of his ability to adapt to the situations in a jiffy.

Mid Game

This is the point in the game where you start to shine, with your insane battle-prowess, combined with the power to heavily damage towers at your own will makes you a big threat to the enemy.

Armlet of Mordiggian, when coupled up with any form of lifesteal,makes you insanely tanky while having a tonne of damage.Use this to your advantage to push down towers and get valuable pick-offs.

Late Game

Having made items that make you strong in the early game, Troll Warlord unfortunately starts to fall off in the late game but does not lose his power entirely as he must have made an item or two for the late game.

This is when you must stay with your primary carry for whom you were creating space and help him in taking down heroes and towers,which is something at which he is very proficient.

Item Choices-Farming Carry

Starting items

is good for last hitting.Also useful in carving out escape routes.

[icon-stout shield size=100] is amazing on Troll Warlord as it somewhat covers up his abbysmal armor in the early game.As you are mostly going to be in melee mode, Stout Shield will also give us the advantages of a melee Stout Shield.

is good.

Early Game

is made to make the jungle more bearable and harass from supports hurt like a tissue.Also the agility gives you almost 1 armor (you need it).

provides Troll Warlord with handy stats and builds into Drum of Endurance.A boost in health early on is exactly what Troll Warlord needs.

is good on all heroes.'nuff said.

gives Troll Warlord everything that he needs, mobility, damage and more mobility.

Mid Game

is our choice of UAM/Semi-UAM on Troll Warlord as it greatly accelerates his farming speed and builds into Mjollnir.Completely melts agility heroes who are heavily dependent on armor entirely for their defence.

Helm of dominator is used to stack camps and provide you with handy damage,armor and lifesteal.

.because every carry needs it (almost).The damage and health boost are handy.Immunity helps you go downtown without fearing disables or getting nuked down.

Crystalis makes your attacks hurt a lot,lot more.

Late Game

gives a hero the biggest damage boost other than Divine Rapier.Also,when coupled up with Troll Warlord's insane attack speed,even critical strikes for about 600 damage, hurt like hell.

is an item that i would give more importance on Troll Warlord simply because he hits so fast, you are mini-stunning and stunning the **** out of enemies.

is Troll Warlord's choice of lifesteal for the late geme (As it is for all late game carries).Also gives you a considerable boost to your health, making you tanky as hell.

makes achieving those blindingly fast hits possible as it gives Troll Warlord time to build up his attack speed safely.

is my favorite item for Troll Warlord as it enables him to push down towers as efficiently as an anti mage while giving your enemies a reason to not hit you :D

this item in conjunction with your blind from Whirling Axes (Melee) gives you invulnerability for 6 seconds (the duration of the blind).

is good.

Gameplay-Farming Carry

Early game

As a carry,your primary objective is to get as much far as you can acquire.This is not so difficult for a carry with as many options as Troll Warlord, as he can farm efficiently using his melee form which gives him attack damage and a good attack time and he can also harass like hell due to his ranged form,therefore increasing his lane presence by a lot.Ask your support to stack camps as you are going to farm the **** out of them after you get Maelstrom + Morbid Mask (in any order).

Mid Game

In the mid-game, your gameplay does not change by much, only that you can finally alternate between the jungle and lane to farm them both.Also, you have to be more careful about roaming around as the gankers will be prowling your jungle to kill you.

Use helm of dominator creeps to stack amps and then mow 'em down.

Also, don't underestimate your killing potential.Is there an agility carry coming towards you? Engage that ***** and take him/her downtown!Farm your core and you are good to start fighting!

Late Game

This is where you shine.

Pickoffs?you are on the frontlines.

Split push? tell your team to push other lanes, you are enough to push one lane yourself.

Team-fight? turn Black King Bar and whack those puny carries with your blades of carnage.

Nobody,nobody wants to mess with a Troll Warlord 60 minutes into the game.The only heroes that can kill you are:
  • Faceless Void because he is and has a big purple tit.
  • Medusa because she turns you to stone.Doesn't play fair.

Situational Items

is good on Troll Warlord as it gives him very high mobility and kinda solves his kiting problems.

is like a Blink Dagger but can be used on allies too.

is okay.Why? because he doesn't need the stats.The slow is good.the stats are not required as Troll Warlord is a hero that thrives on damage.

is very good on Troll Warlord as it shuts up annoying right clickers like Faceless Void and Phantom Assassin and the elk.Also a good slow,evasion and health boost.But not enough scalability and completely countered by Black King Bar and Monkey King Bar.

is not my favorite item i'll admit.Terrible scaling and very high cost.You need bang for buck,this gives you ********.Save some more money and get daedalus instead.

is an amazing item if you want to end the game early-off.It doesn't scale too well which is why it has not been included in the core items.

Procedures and tips

I think that this is a necessary part of playing Troll Warlord as many people tend to **** them up.

How to chase the enemy?

basic reaction:

  • Switch to Melee Mode.
  • over-take enemy with superior movement speed.
  • Use melee nuke
    [*}Switch to ranged and use slow.
  • Rinse and repeat.


This not how you chase with troll warlord!

Most efficient chasing method:

  • Use the ranged form nuke's superior range (1050 units) to slow the enemy.
  • Just after the projectile leaves, switch to melee and chase enemy.
  • Use melee formed nuke.
  • Chase chase.
  • Use ranged form slow and switch to melee again.
  • Use melee nuke.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Why, you ask? because the cooldown on the ranged nuke is 17 seconds while the cooldown on the melee form is only 12 seconds.As a troll warlord, you lack a decent disable unless man-fighting.Which means that you have to use what you have to the maximum efficiency.

Be careful, this can mean the difference between killing the enemy or letting him run away.
Before a fight, get your Fervor stacks to the maximum 4.This is done so that when you start fighting , you will always land the first blow, which, if god wills it,might be a stun or a critical, which gives you a big advantage in a decisive fight.
Now, I would like to introduce a concept that i have been tinkering with for a while.It is knowns as, "exploiting PRD". Now for those who don't know PRD, PRD stands for Pseudo Random Distribution.

What PRD does is, basically, it reduces the probability of 2 proc abilities being procced continually (2 bashes at once, 2 critical strikes at once). It also works to ensure that a skill doesn't take 1230913 hits to proc (you know that feel).

Berserker's Rage is one of the skills that uses PRD to determine it's bashes.Please be warned[/color that this method is highly random and there is no guarantee that it might work.But, on a hero that has 10% to proc stun, one has to take every precaution and method to get an advantage over the enemy.

So, this is how it should go:
  • Pray to PRD god, say something insulting about RNGJesus.
  • Go into jungle.
  • Start hitting creeps.
  • Stop after hitting like 4-5 times.
  • Thank god and run into enemy screaming,"DIE HERETICS!"
  • Stroke non-existent beard as enemies say stuff like "Wtf first hit stun, hack pls ban.Gaben have mercy."

Welcome To the magic Show!

Yeah guys!one more math corner!
As you can see, i have put in a very, very demanding early game item requirement.The question is,is it possible?
First of all, let us calculate the total cost of my early game items in build 1 as well as build 2:

Build 1

Poor Man's Shield =550
[2] Bracer =525
[3] Magic Wand =500
[4] Phase Boots =1350
[5]TOTAL =2925

Build 2

Poor Man's Shield =550
[2] Phase Boots =1350
[3] Morbid Mask =900
[4] Maelstrom =2700
[5] Total =5500 or 6000(if making Ring of Aquila

let us see the maximum amount of gold that a hero can get from a lane considering we don't go to the jungle.

So we have 3 melee creeps and 1 ranged creep.

Now let us consider 3 scenarios
    [1] All creeps give minimum bounty.
    [2] All creeps give maximum bounty.
    [3] All creeps give average bounty.

Minimum bounty

the minimum bounty from melee creeps is 38 gold
the minumum bounty from ranged creeps is 43

So the total= 38 X 3 + 43 = 157 gold per creep wave

There is a creep wave twice in a minute, meaning that there will be 20 waves of creeps.

This means that the maximum farmable gold
when all creeps give minimum bounty is= 20 X 157 = 3140
Add:Periodic gold = 1000
Add:Starting gold = 625
Total = 4765 gold
As we can see,this scenario easily satisfies build 1 but not build 2.

maximum bounty

the maximum bounty from melee creeps is 48 gold
the maximum bounty from ranged creeps is 53 gold

So the Total= 48 X 3 + 53 =[color-#2EFE2E]197 gold[/color]

This means that the maximum farmable gold
when all creeps give maximum bounty is= 20 X 197 = 3940
Add:Periodic gold = 1000
Add:Starting gold = 625
Total = 5565

As we can see clearly, this scenario satisfies build 1 but just scrapes through build 2.

Average bounty

the maximum average from melee creeps is 43 gold
the maximum average from ranged creeps is 48 gpld

So the Total= 43 X 3 + 48 = 144 gold

This means that the average farmable gold
when all creeps give maximum bounty is= 20 X 177 = 3540
Add:Periodic gold = 1000
Add:Starting gold = 625
Total = 5165

As we can see, this scenario also satisfies build 1 but not build 2.

In short,if you want to get so many items in 10 minutes,you are either nuts or a Medusa :3.

If you get the hard carry early game kit by 12-13 minutes,its pretty acceptable.
Spoiler: Click to view

Please note that these values are calculated considering a 100% efficiency in last-hitting.

for calculations considering a 80% efficiency, click spoiler
Spoiler: Click to view

Maximum DPS Calculation
Troll Warlord's items : Daedalus, Satanic, Monkey King Bar, Butterfly, Mjollnir, Boots of Travel.
attack speed:136(from Fervor + 180 (from Battle Trance) + 68.75 (agility gain per level) + 21 (starting agility) + 9 from taking stats + 15 (MKB) + 60 ( Butterfly) + 80 ( Mjollnir) = 570 attack speed (30 away from maximum value)
BAT = 1.55

Attacks per second = (1 + 5.7)/1.55
=4.3 attacks per second
Troll Warlord's attack damage on level 25(average) = 133
Add: Daedalus's damage = 81
Add: Satanic's damage = 20
Add: Butterfly's damage = 60
Add: Mjollnir's damage = 25
Add: Monkey King Bar's damage(including mini-bash) = 123
Add: Mjollnir's lightning (hitting 4 times a second = 37.5
is guaranteed once per second)
Add: average damage increase from bash = 5
Total After considering Daedalus's bonus damage (35%)=484.5 + 170 =654.5 damage per hit

Therefore,Maximum Total DPS = 654.5 X 4 = 2618 Damage Per Second

Yeah,He's a total monster!

Allies and enemies


physical AND magical immunity?yes please!

becomes a beast when you activate Battle Trance.Also,you can stay out of choronosphere and pummel people with your insane attack speed.

and Troll Warlord buddy-buddies because both are...well...dumb :D

is a ****ing beast in conjunction with Troll Warlord as Tiny needs the attack speed and Troll Warlord needs the stun and gap-closer.

Dazzle + Troll Warlord works just like Huskar + hit,he keeps you alive.


**** this guy.has 2 solid disables.Seriously, **** this guy.

this guy does nothing other than stun you.every ****ing time.

watch Pyrion's guide to faceless void.You will understand what you are saying.

is like a doombringer, only better.

doombringer is doom.'Nuff said.


I hope that this guide is to everyone's liking.Please feel free to give suggestions and keep the arguements going!
If you really liked my guide, please check out my other guides

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