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Customising Aghanim's Scepter's upgrades for every hero!

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Customising Aghanim's Scepter's upgrades for every hero! 331 posts - page 30 of 34
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » July 13, 2015 2:46am | Report
There are a lot of suggestions here, it's hard to tell if they are viable/balanced without proper reference. I will deal with them one by one as soon as I connect my laptop to internet :P
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » July 17, 2015 8:07am | Report
Sorry for the long waitings!


Drow Ranger- That'd work, I'll add it now.
Viper- As long as the target is being attacked, the Viper Strike will always proc, it sounds quite OP to me. Because you're no longer needed to worry about the mana cost and cooldown, just SB in n' keep attacking.

Exorcism- I thought you can already target a unit by right-clicking them. And... a Refresher Orb may works better in order to extend the duration (and the double heal!).

Bloodseeker- I like the idea, running will make things worse. Maybe you can reduce the silence duration and make it pierces spell immunity (more viable in late game)? Does it has a lingering effects on buff/debuff?
Dragon Knight- I like it, instead of 17% crit (it's not so useful), why not giving him extra regen? For example, since he regain his human's conciousness, he can double up his HP regen from Dragon Blood and extra mana regen.
Magnus- How does it work on ranged hero?
Mirana- I will add it now.
Phantom Lancer- With the damage reduction of illusion on building, I don't think this AGU worth the slot n gold.
Riki- Hmm I think this is not enough, what about regain charge when an enemy is killed around him (interact like Flesh Heap). Or, when Riki successfully killed an enemy hero, his Blink Strike recharge time reduced to 3.5 seconds, regain 1 extra charge and reset recharge timer. Recharge time bonus ends when he didn't kill an enemy hero for 10 seconds.
Shadow Fiend- First AGU: I don't think it's good to release 50% of your soul unless you're desperate to get a kill, and it's more like a "Hey Alchemist just give me the AGU so I can make double ult for fun." And second AGU: I kinda like this, what about: in addition, if he successfully killed an enemy hero with Fatal Requiem, his respawn timer is reduced by 50% and soul counts increased max count.
Sniper- It's not so useful because most of the time you only need to cast 1 Assassinate during a teamfight, and mostly don't guarantee a kill. A refresher orbs might work better that way and considering the fact that Assassinate costs tons of mana, I don't think Sniper can spam it.
Templar Assassin- Instant -10 armor may wreck teamfight, what about starting with -6armor to -10armor, like how the slow works?
Tinker- Althought Tinker is a spammer but he has no mana problem given that he have the access to Rearm and Boots of Travel. So I don't think this AGU will helps him a lot.
Winter Wyvern- There is a reason why there is an incoming damage reduction because you don't want to make it a Black Hole that requires no channelling. And considering the fact that there is only changes in value so I'm gonna say.... NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE >:D

Sniper- I like it, that's so badass, maybe reduced damage on secondary target, and extra damage on the main target? Or trade the extra damage for mana/cooldown reduction because Sniper really needs it when he can't right-click.
Spectre- I wished that the Haunt illusion has the Dispersion but considering the fact it's too OP so it's not gonna happen anymore. So I don't think it will be viable.
Morphling- Does the Hybrid illusion has the ability Hybrid? If yes then it's gonna be a hybridception.
Bloodseeker- Instead of giving it a global bonus, any ally nearby the Ruptured victim will get the full bonus might be better.
Terrorblade- Sure.

Night Stalker- That's interesting. I will add it.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 18, 2015 5:41pm | Report

Reduces all cooldowns by 25%
Dream Coil stun pierces Spell Immunity, damage does not.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » July 20, 2015 1:46am | Report
MrLocket wrote:

Viper- As long as the target is being attacked, the Viper Strike will always proc, it sounds quite OP to me. Because you're no longer needed to worry about the mana cost and cooldown, just SB in n' keep attacking.

Alright, just for Corrosive Skin
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » July 28, 2015 5:58am | Report
Agha+core = permanent Phase Shift

What about giving it a % based damage? So he can scale more into late game.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » July 28, 2015 7:22am | Report
Viper Strike at 16 is a BKB-piercing 80% slow, mind you. I think that alone is enough.

Maybe its a bit OP. Give it a 25/30% chance instead of always.

In addition of the current upgrade:
Surge now allows flying movement, but not flying vision
vaccuum now pierce spell immunity.

Unstable Current now reduces units that attack Razor their attack damage by 25%. Lasts 14 seconds and each attack refrshes the duration. Does not pierce spell immunity.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 28, 2015 2:10pm | Report
Octarine Core almost gives perma phase anyway. It's not even all that good since your auras don't do anything when you're removed and you can't do anything either.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » July 28, 2015 5:20pm | Report
Yeah but reliable permanent Phase Shift = totally unkillable. People can silent him though but he will pop his Eul anyway. With immortality means people have no real way to kill him and it can lead to some weird meta, like 4 rapiers build? or he can just keep spamming skills in middle of 5 enemy hero and always able to escape with 6-sec CD orb and dagger.

My suggestion: Phase Shift's cooldown reduction will not stack with octarine orb, and only skills' cooldown will be reduced, but he can now cast skills without interrupting Phase Shift.

25% chance which lasts for 2 seconds?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » July 28, 2015 5:33pm | Report
Its almost a BKB-piercing Craggy Exterior. Fine, increase the chance to 40 or 50 or 60. I just think 100% is a bit too strong.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yzreel » August 13, 2015 7:52pm | Report

Remake the hero


Jokes aside, let's do it seriously this time


In addition to current upgrade, units affected by Berserker's Call will have increased kill threshold from Culling Blade by 25%

Death Prophet:

Exorcism can now be casted on allied hero, changing the source of Exorcism into the target. Once this skill is used, the ghosts will not disappear even if Death Prophet is dead, but will disappear if the targeted hero is dead. The ghosts will return to the targeted hero as well, recovering their HP.


When Blade Dance is triggered, Juggernaut does a pseudo Omnislash, attacking that enemy unit thrice within 0.3 seconds duration, being completely invulnerable to all source of effects. The three attacks will deal half the damage of the actual Blade Dance damage each.

Keeper of the Light:

In addition to current upgrade, receive [D] skill, Light of Day. This skill can change the time into day (like darkness) for 30 seconds, has 150/120/90 seconds cooldown.


In addition to damaging, Heartstopper Aura now heals all allied heroes for the same amount.
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