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Should Morphling be buffed?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Should Morphling be buffed? 13 posts - page 1 of 2

Poll Question:

Morph buff
Make him just like the old one
Increase base attack damage
decrease some mana costs(you know what i'm talkin' about)
increase base damage AND decrease mana cost.
no buff required
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » December 30, 2013 8:09am | Report
If yes, in what way ? Please give him some love people!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yasutsuna » December 30, 2013 8:28am | Report
He is fine as he is. His versatility makes him one of the best hero to play, actually. I had quite a few games with him and like him just fine.

Just interested to know, why do YOU think he needs a buff?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » December 30, 2013 9:14am | Report
i think im just an noob :3

on a more serous note, i think that the 20 per second transfer cost for Morph really wrecked him. and the -5 damage was bad too. the E-blade Nerf almost makes him unplayable for new players..(*cough* me *cough)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » December 30, 2013 10:36am | Report
I really think he needs a buff, but I'm mainly talking about his movement speed: at the moment, he's so slow he can't really chase Heroes without his shotgun combo. His starting INT gain could be increased too, but I don't have many problems with his attack damage: Mirana and Batrider have a lower starting damage (if you put the first skill point in Morph Agility Gain) and a worse attack animation, yet they're picked in competitive.

A really big problem with Morphling in this meta is that he doesn't bring much to the table with the usual Drums + Manta + BKB build. He needs a Linken's plus a damage item to get some momentum: while Weaver has damage steroids and some armor reduction for the early game Morphling has to rely solely on his stat morph and raw items; if you succeed rushing an Ethereal Blade in a reasonable amount of time you're in a good spot, but a normal team would always try to gank a hard carry getting free exp in the safe lane.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » December 30, 2013 2:44pm | Report
I vote for Base Damage Increase and Mana Cost Decrease.

I honestly would rather have Peppo's suggestion of Movement Speed as well as a Mana Cost and Cooldown Reduction for Waveform. He could do with the added mobility to give him a bit more impact in the early game, and with a lower Cooldown Waveform, he'd become a decent Chaser.

Say, 295 Movement Speed with Waveform having a 13/11/9/7 second Cooldown for 120 Mana?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » December 30, 2013 5:56pm | Report
I dont think linkens is the right way to go with morph and even medusa.

If you do get it it will take 30 to just get the right items to get online, and after that you often wont outcarry the opponent becouse 1 item doessnt give damage. And although he can splitpush fine, he doesnt flashfarm either.

I think he could get a minor buff becouse you can counterpick him easily with elder titan, heavy nukers, or pure damage dealers like outworld devourer.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » December 31, 2013 2:19am | Report
Morphling needs a buff, I'd at least say in base movement and damage, but not to the extent where he was in TI2. He was extremely good back then, hence why he and naga were picked so much. Truth be told he is a very versitile, strong hero, he's just a super hard carry, and I feel it's the trends in the metagame that make him feel weak, he really needs a 4 protect 1 lineup to work. Those that played him before that earlier in the beta know he was much stronger, he could use a few tweaks but he's rather balanced in comparison to his older incarnation.
Linkens still gives solid stats and regen which are both extremely important, but for magic resistance you really should be getting a bkb on him, and when comparing him to medusa, the regen is much more crucial for her for her mana shield. Morph needs stats, huge fan of Skadi on him, though it take awhile to farm the damn thing, the stats it provides are great for him, even if considering just building him to shotgun. Being newer, unless you're playing with people who you can trust to keep you alive and give you space, it's a pain in the *** to get him going, lack of communication, vision, etc. He's tough to get right, but by no means is he too weak, and with some stats and an eblade, supports are food .
Linkens isn't a default item on him, prioritize manga and bkb IMO, stats, damage, magic resistance. All it takes is a medallion to pop that linkens and all that regen won't matter.
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Step 2: type in all chat:"GL hf"
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » December 31, 2013 2:20am | Report
Also, wave form needs a mana cost reduction, doesn't do enough for the cost, and it's a damn expensive escape mechanism
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by L0bstz0r » January 10, 2014 4:23am | Report
unfortunately i have little experience with the old (op) morphling, but i even am a huge fan of the current one. I enjoy the play style and his mechanics very much and also he was my favorite hero for quite some time (i love those utility heroes in general ^.^).

Its just too bad that (at the moment) there is literally only ONE viable build for him, which makes him easy to predict and requires a lot of farm, making him useless prior the 30 minute mark. Decreasing his mana costs and increasing his base dmg would make him far more viable in the early stages of the game and mby even wouldnt make Linkens Sphere such a mandatory pickup on him.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » January 10, 2014 5:04am | Report
I don't want an OP morph again, I kind of loath this hero.

Anyway, I would want him to be a bit more viable just for more possible picks in pro games, so I'll vote for only base damage buff. Last hitting is really hard, and you're ranged so a Quelling Blade is SO not worth it.

Mirana and Batrider have a lower starting damage (if you put the first skill point in Morph Agility Gain) and a worse attack animation, yet they're picked in competitive.

Batrider has Sticky Napalm, Mirana is better as a support (unless, of course, you are SingSing) so I don't think they're appropriate comparisons, given that Morphling NEEDS to last hit because he's played exclusively as a hard carry.



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