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Peppo_oPaccio's Blog
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January 31, 2014

The Underestimated Items: Mask of Madness

Views: 8077 Peppo_oPaccio

Mask of Madness

Cost: 1900 gold
Active: Berserk*
Passive: Lifesteal
Stats: -
*Gives +100 attack speed and +30% movement
speed but causes you to take extra 30% damage.

Common usage: in low level pubs, people tend to get it on carries with high damage ouput like Drow Ranger or Spirit Breaker to "double" the damage they can dish out and get more kills; the lifesteal is also useful. Talking about experienced people, they usually buy one on carries with evasion ( Faceless Void) or on carries with high health and/or armor that lack attack speed, usually STR-based (like Sven).

Hidden potential: while the 30% damage amplification is too high to be considered a good choice for increasing attack speed, the extra movement speed makes it a pretty good roaming tool especially on split pushers or carries that need to farm in the jungle. Talking about farming, the extra attack speed should also increase your gold income …
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January 23, 2014

Match ID: 479926228 (not listed on Dotabuff because it was a team matchmaking game).

Welcome to the adventures of Bear Grylls's Team of Survivors!

For the second blog post regarding lineups that always stomp you, I'll show a loss of our team. While I thought we had the upper hand in the picking phase (and I'm pretty sure most of you will agree on that), we underestimated that cyrillic-writing team with a childish name and didn't pay much attention to our laning phase.

But anyway, we'll talk about what we did wrong later, after showing the draft:

Bear Grylls's Team of Survivors


Let's start from the mistakes we (and them) made in the picking and banning phases:
  • First stage: common bans from both sides. I was actually very surprised about the Furion ban though, that meant they

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January 13, 2014
First off, this blog post is not meant to show my flawless victories; in fact I'll post both games in which I stomp with my team and have a good laugh at the enemy team composition, and games in which I get easily stomped and think about what I did wrong. I'm actually planning to add one of my most one-sided losses in team matchmaking.

The goal of this series is to teach players how to deal with teams that tend to win with a huge advantage the majority of games: this time we'll talk about how to counter teamfight lineups.
Match ID: 466527768 (not listed on Dotabuff because it was a team matchmaking game).

Welcome to the adventures of Bear Grylls's Team of Survivors!

The first game I want to show you is a match I played yesterday with my team: first off, keep in mind that even though 3 of my teammates are good players and I can trust them, Black Rose - the Lycanthrope in this game - is pretty unexperienced and I let him play with us because he's a friend of mine in real lif…
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January 07, 2014
This is a part of what I hope could be a series of speculations about the Dota 2 competitive scene: I won't probably post them regularly (actually, posting this is already a thing I didn't think I would have done) but I'll try to keep up the series as much as possible, if you like it.

So, let's start. After watching different competitive games and seeing how the meta has changed in the past month or two (especially after the 6.79 patch), I'm wondering why some Heroes didn't get considered at all: we saw Hand of Midas on supports, a huge amount of Elder Titan picks for a (relatively) small amount of time, the fall of Batrider and Io and, also, the rebirth of Luna. Many Heroes including Bristleback, Mirana and Slark became the trend of this period, but some others with (in my opinion) big potential just passed through the patch - some of them even untouched - without seeing any increase in their pick ratio.

The first Hero I want to talk about is Centaur Warrunner . …
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