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Customising Aghanim's Scepter's upgrades for every hero!

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Customising Aghanim's Scepter's upgrades for every hero! 331 posts - page 2 of 34
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Swixcap » February 27, 2015 12:41pm | Report
Moar suggestions!

Anti-Mage: The damage of Mana Void also counts the mana missing from other enemies inside the 500 damage radius, up too twice that of the targeted enemy.

Clockwerk: Hookshot becomes unit-target and will not hit units blocking the path to the target. ( noobs be like YAAAY)

Drow: Deactivation radius lowered to 100 (from 400).

Faceless Void: Void is now un-targetable inside Chronosphere, i.e. he cannot be attacked or hit by unit-target spells, but AoE and point-target spells will still affect him.

Disruptor: Static Storm silences items and slows movement speed by 50% in the centre, changing linearly to 10% on the edge.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » February 27, 2015 8:10pm | Report
MrLocket wrote:

Well this can be insignificant because doomed victim will usually runs away from teamfight to prevents the doom countdown timer being halt.
Good point. My thought was that this would hinder the doomed target's team from helping him. What about: Doom's current level of Scorched Earth is applied to and around the Doomed target, with the same effects as when Doom uses it himself but with a smaller radius. This would increase the effective damage of Doom and keep his friends from helping him.
Previous idea still doesn't do much thing because it only slows you 10% for 2 seconds. I like the new idea though, the Scorched Earth on doomed victim deals damage only? What about slowing enemy around the doomed victim? And the mute effect is too good to give up.

Dark Seer
That's cool idea, but do you know how huge 600 radius is?
Hehe, yeah, it's a bit larger in diameter than the wall is long. I was pondering how large I should suggest it to be and chose a rather large one to create a more team fight controlling spell. With the extended cast range, the thought was that you should be able to catch the whole enemy team inside the ring.
Urm... There is a reason why it is wall-form, because it will punish the enemies who tries to chase/fall back, making it ring-shape will actually make things worse because it's really hard to have them hit the ring due to its abnormal large radius.
Here is my new idea, enemy hero who pass through the Wall of Replica for the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 2n-1th... times will be silenced (pierces magic immunity but it can be dispelled), the silence lasts until they pass through the Wall of Replica again, or until the wall's duration ends

Earth Spirit
That's some OP stuffs consider that Earth Spirit will usually get an Aghanim's Scepter as core.
Well, it's only core now because of the current upgrade it gives, Enchant Remnant, which this is a substitute for. I agree it may be OP though. I was trying to think of a way to make ES more viable late game. Enchant Remnant is more of a fun spell than a very useful one, in my opinion.
Instead of adding small effect, I would really like to see something that can let Earth Spirit matches up with his other 2 brothers, Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit. Ember Spirit can get rampage with a Sleight of Fist, and Storm Spirit get infinite mobility as long as he has enough mana, so Earth Spirit should receive something like that, and our beloved IceIce has just give it a fine upgrade that turn anyone into stone remnant, which offers him more control throughout the game.

Please no, not the buff like this, Juggernaut should always jumps randomly during Omnislash.
Considering he won't have the extra jumps he gets from Aghanim's Scepter now, unit focus basically makes Omnislash a more damaging but slower Laguna Blade-type nuke, more easily countered by items. Controlling who you jump on also gives the ability more utility value, as a way to position yourself in the fight for example - it wouldn't just be a click-and-wait ability.
But it will allow Juggernaut to kill 1~3 heroes in the teamfight without being disturbed, which is simply OP.

Magic immunity piercing pure damage, coupled with slows and stun are OP.
Remember that these upgrades are substitutes for the ones that are today. So here we're trading the pure damage trait for a slow, basically, giving Lina more control but less nuke damage.
Yea that make sense, I thought the actual upgrade isn't removed.

So it is a Reverse Polarity that doesn't pierce magic immunity?
Hm, yeah, a bit too similar I suppose. How about: The tentacles splash ink on the affected enemy units, slowing their movement speed by 30% for 1/2/3 seconds after the stun.
Good buff but not very impressive though.

Uhh... Not necessary and Morphling does better job than this.
OK, this was mostly just for fun; it's the most out-of-the-box suggestion and, I will admit, not a very good one. But it would be funny ^^
Haha, looking forward for a better idea.

Somewhat OP to me because 175 radius is really small.
My first idea was that the leashes would pull the enemies gradually towards the centre, but then I remembered the whole point of the spell is that they are stunned if they "pull on the leash", so to say. Still, it's a suggestion outside just "value-changing".
What about making the leashes and the "ball" thing invisible?

Dude, check out our 4x Thundergod's Wrath, 4x Black Hole, 4x Ravage, 4x Reverse Polarity, or 4x Doom!
*** ye ;) Although I adore the current Agh's upgrade that Rubick has, team-steal would be really cool too, and it connects him more to the rest of the team! As of now he's sort of a "stand by yourself and wipe the enemies with their own spells all on his own" type of guy. Team-steal would enable and require great cooperation!
I prefer something that requires skills instead of combo-and-win. 4x Thundergod's Wrath or 4x Doom is completely OP and wreck teamfight for sure.
Here is my new idea, whenever an enemy casted a spell within 900 range from Rubick, that spell will be copied and placed in the 'F' slot. It remains in the 'F' slot for 10 seconds, replaced by another spell, or until it is used. The spell will cost no mana.

Anti-Mage: The damage of Mana Void also counts the mana missing from other enemies inside the 500 damage radius, up too twice that of the targeted enemy.
Not necessary, it's too overkill.

Clockwerk: Hookshot becomes unit-target and will not hit units blocking the path to the target. ( noobs be like YAAAY)
The cooldown reduction is too good to give up, and real man doesn't need unit-target to win. :)

Drow Ranger: Deactivation radius lowered to 100 (from 400).
Urm.. I actually have an idea of doubling the bonus AGI, making it a more situational choice. And... "No value changes only, and be creative!

Faceless Void: Void is now un-targetable inside Chronosphere, i.e. he cannot be attacked or hit by unit-target spells, but AoE and point-target spells will still affect him.
That's too OP, literally there is nothing can stop him now.

Disruptor: Static Storm silences items and slows movement speed by 50% in the centre, changing linearly to 10% on the edge.
Good idea, it helps set-up Kinetic Field now.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » February 27, 2015 10:27pm | Report
Nuuu come back! 12 seconds of true sight yes of course it's OP.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Swixcap » February 28, 2015 11:24am | Report
Yes, most of my suggestions are probably too strong or too weak, but balancing them is the easy part, that's just value changing. One has to start with an idea, a concept, and then build on it. I did the former and expected you to do the latter. Look at the great discussion initiated by MrLocket!

While we're on it, I like the idea that Vendetta removes magic resistance. It's quite original and makes Nyx Assassin a good counter to some "unexpected" heroes like Viper and Huskar. Cool!

You are right, I am new here (4 posts so far, woho). That should not give my opinions or suggestions less merit, should it? That wouldn't make me feel very welcome to the forum. Furthermore, I am sure it was not your intent, but beside not contributing to the thread, your rejective response demotivated me to contribute further myself. If that's "how people in this forum write", then no wonder the average number of responses to threads here are in the single-digits. I am "all that mad" because I want to actually get a good discussion going and you seem to want to shut it down. I apologize if that doesn't fit your usual dynamic here on the Dotafire Forum, to the point were you're simply "outta here", but I hope you can understand that if everyone posted like you did, this forum would die (and to be honest, it's not very much alive right now).

Sorry for the long post, off-topic. I was excited to create an account and start contributing to the forum and then the first response was simply "no". Doesn't motivate me to continue. Thankfully MrLocket followed up in a better way, thank you! I think I've made my case clear, so please post your retort, Unscathed, and we'll leave it at that.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » February 28, 2015 12:14pm | Report
I must admit there are merits in your words.. True, I might be a little careless with my tongue.
How about we forget this and return to the post? Because ending a conflict starts a friendship :)

Time Lapse grants Weaver a 4 seconds grace period
Death Pact can be used as a finisher when enemy's HP is 375 or below. Can be used on allies to deny them. Grants the bonus damage/hp based on the formula like usual. No bonuses for allied hero denial. Also, buff duration increased by 10 seconds.
Blink Strike charges has a 17% replenish chance when Backstab procs
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Swixcap » February 28, 2015 12:51pm | Report
MrLocket wrote:

Previous idea still doesn't do much thing because it only slows you 10% for 2 seconds. I like the new idea though, the Scorched Earth on doomed victim deals damage only? What about slowing enemy around the doomed victim? And the mute effect is too good to give up.
Well, it would lower stats and damage by 10% as well, but let's scrap that first idea.
Scorched Earth: I was thinking it would just be the normal aura applied to the Doomed target. So your team-mates close to him would be healed and get movespeed, while he and his mates close by are damaged.

Dark Seer
Urm... There is a reason why it is wall-form, because it will punish the enemies who tries to chase/fall back, making it ring-shape will actually make things worse because it's really hard to have them hit the ring due to its abnormal large radius.
Here is my new idea, enemy hero who pass through the Wall of Replica for the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 2n-1th... times will be silenced (pierces magic immunity but it can be dispelled), the silence lasts until they pass through the Wall of Replica again, or until the wall's duration ends

Placing a ring around them instead of a wall in front (or behind) would hinder both advance and retreat, so wouldn't that be better? How the skill would be used would change though, but with the increased cast range I imagine it would be a terrific crown controller.

The silence upon passing through is a cool idea! The enemies would be more inclined to walk around the wall, making it a better blockade, and if they do pass through once they have to chose whether to suffer the silence or pass through again, making another illusion. That would really disrupt a fight. Duration?

Earth Spirit
Instead of adding small effect, I would really like to see something that can let Earth Spirit matches up with his other 2 brothers, Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit. Ember Spirit can get rampage with a Sleight of Fist, and Storm Spirit get infinite mobility as long as he has enough mana, so Earth Spirit should receive something like that, and our beloved IceIce has just give it a fine upgrade that turn anyone into stone remnant, which offers him more control throughout the game.
The traits you mentioned for Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit are both without Aghsnim's Scepter though - it's just the way the heroes work. Similarly, no hero can Rampage at level 6 as easily as Earth Spirit can, due to his ultimate. Contrary to his brothers though, he falls off heavily late game, and I don't think Enchant Remnant fixes that. Not saying it is bad and should be changed, but this thread was about posing other ideas, right? ;) Honestly, I don't want Earth Spiritto change at all, he's just too cool ^^

But it will allow Juggernaut to kill 1~3 heroes in the teamfight without being disturbed, which is simply OP.
Yeah, I guess so.

Good buff but not very impressive though.
I imagine a cool new animation would be required, and I welcome that! Is the slow enough to make Aghanim's Scepter viable on Tide instead of going directly for Refresher Orb though? Doubtfully. I think a more situational buff is required - something that would sometimes be more useful than Refresher, but other times not.

Haha, looking forward for a better idea.
How about making all the clones really small, so it's harder to target one of them specifically?

What about making the leashes and the "ball" thing invisible?
Hm, increases the risk of breaking it if you moved. Makes it a bit "random" though whether you're stunned or not - I don't like random events deciding outcomes in dota :/
What do you think about silencing those caught in the coil? That way they have to chose either silence or stun, making it a more strategic move (and of course a better ability for Puck).

I prefer something that requires skills instead of combo-and-win. 4x Thundergod's Wrath or 4x Doom is completely OP and wreck teamfight for sure. Yeah, agreed.
Here is my new idea, whenever an enemy casted a spell within 900 range from Rubick, that spell will be copied and placed in the 'F' slot. It remains in the 'F' slot for 10 seconds, replaced by another spell, or until it is used. The spell will cost no mana.

So it's like an automatic, secondary spell steal? In a team fight where spells are flying everywhere it would change all the time though, making it difficult to utilize, I imagine. I like the idea of stealing two spells though, so how about that? Rubick can steal and keep up to two spells (new ones replace the oldest), sort of like Invoker has.

Not necessary, it's too overkill.

The cooldown reduction is too good to give up, and real man doesn't need unit-target to win. :)
That is very true ;) but noobs be like YAAY
New idea! Enemies caught by the flying Clockwerk are grabbed and flies with him to the hooked target where they are stunned (as of now they are just stunned). Cool-down also reduced to half (35/27/20). This makes Hookshot a linear, harder-to-hit Reverse Polarity type spell, sort of like Skewer, and sets up for great Power Cogs. I would love this.

Drow Ranger:
Urm.. I actually have an idea of doubling the bonus AGI, making it a more situational choice.
This is a more realistic buff, I suppose. Boring though :P

Faceless Void:
That's too OP, literally there is nothing can stop him now.
AoE and point-target spells would still affect him, which makes some other heroes good counters to him, like Invoker, Skywrath Mage and Lion to name a few, and Aghanim's Scepter a situationally great item to pick up. As of now it's pretty "meh". It changes the draft tactics around him a bit, which I like.

Good idea, it helps set-up Kinetic Field now.
Yeah, and it allows Disruptor to target certain enemies more heavily. It's pretty much certain death if it silences items too though, so maybe OP?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Swixcap » February 28, 2015 1:05pm | Report
Unscathed wrote:

I must admit there are merits in your words.. True, I might be a little careless with my tongue.
How about we forget this and return to the post? Because ending a conflict starts a friendship :)
Thank you :) Yes, let's bury the hatchet.

Time Lapse grants Weaver a 4 seconds grace period.
Grace, as in invulnerability or magic immunity?

Death Pact can be used as a finisher when enemy's HP is 375 or below. Can be used on allies to deny them. Grants the bonus damage/hp based on the formula like usual. No bonuses for allied hero denial. Also, buff duration increased by 10 seconds.
Yes, love it. 8% of 385 is only 30 bonus damage though. Maybe, to make it more viable late game, it inceases bonus hp and damage from 80% and 8% to something like 120% and 12%, instead of the duration increase?

Blink Strike charges has a 17% replenish chance when Backstab procs.
Cool. Makes it a nice item for the longer team fights that occurs late game.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » February 28, 2015 2:26pm | Report
Swixcap wrote:

I must admit there are merits in your words.. True, I might be a little careless with my tongue.
How about we forget this and return to the post? Because ending a conflict starts a friendship :)
Thank you :) Yes, let's bury the hatchet.
:) glad its taken care of

Time Lapse grants Weaver a 4 seconds grace period.
Grace, as in invulnerability or magic immunity?
Shallow Grave type of grace

Death Pact can be used as a finisher when enemy's HP is 375 or below. Can be used on allies to deny them. Grants the bonus damage/hp based on the formula like usual. No bonuses for allied hero denial. Also, buff duration increased by 10 seconds.
Yes, love it. 8% of 385 is only 30 bonus damage though. Maybe, to make it more viable late game, it inceases bonus hp and damage from 80% and 8% to something like 120% and 12%, instead of the duration increase?
ouch i thought it was based on max HP.. well let the aghs be based on max HP

Blink Strike charges has a 17% replenish chance when Backstab procs.
Cool. Makes it a nice item for the longer team fights that occurs late game.
woohooh. now controlling Riki is even harder.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by MrLocket » February 28, 2015 4:03pm | Report
Swixcap wrote:

Previous idea still doesn't do much thing because it only slows you 10% for 2 seconds. I like the new idea though, the Scorched Earth on doomed victim deals damage only? What about slowing enemy around the doomed victim? And the mute effect is too good to give up.
Well, it would lower stats and damage by 10% as well, but let's scrap that first idea.
Scorched Earth: I was thinking it would just be the normal aura applied to the Doomed target. So your team-mates close to him would be healed and get movespeed, while he and his mates close by are damaged.

Oh I see, so no love for mute? Doom is very unique because it is the only skill in DotA that mutes. :|

Dark Seer
Urm... There is a reason why it is wall-form, because it will punish the enemies who tries to chase/fall back, making it ring-shape will actually make things worse because it's really hard to have them hit the ring due to its abnormal large radius.
Here is my new idea, enemy hero who pass through the Wall of Replica for the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 2n-1th... times will be silenced (pierces magic immunity but it can be dispelled), the silence lasts until they pass through the Wall of Replica again, or until the wall's duration ends

Placing a ring around them instead of a wall in front (or behind) would hinder both advance and retreat, so wouldn't that be better? How the skill would be used would change though, but with the increased cast range I imagine it would be a terrific crown controller.

The silence upon passing through is a cool idea! The enemies would be more inclined to walk around the wall, making it a better blockade, and if they do pass through once they have to chose whether to suffer the silence or pass through again, making another illusion. That would really disrupt a fight. Duration?

I glad you like it, thanks. Why ring-shape is worse is because of most teamfight will be ended within the ring because the radius is too big, I mean, it's big enough for someone to get rampage inside there without moving out from the area. Whoever trapped in the ring will be forced to pass through the ring, yes, but only once. Placing a wall in the center of the teamfight will spawn more illusions than making a ring-shape surrounding the teamfight.

Earth Spirit
Instead of adding small effect, I would really like to see something that can let Earth Spirit matches up with his other 2 brothers, Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit. Ember Spirit can get rampage with a Sleight of Fist, and Storm Spirit get infinite mobility as long as he has enough mana, so Earth Spirit should receive something like that, and our beloved IceIce has just give it a fine upgrade that turn anyone into stone remnant, which offers him more control throughout the game.
The traits you mentioned for Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit are both without Aghsnim's Scepter though - it's just the way the heroes work. Similarly, no hero can Rampage at level 6 as easily as Earth Spirit can, due to his ultimate. Contrary to his brothers though, he falls off heavily late game, and I don't think Enchant Remnant fixes that. Not saying it is bad and should be changed, but this thread was about posing other ideas, right? ;) Honestly, I don't want Earth Spiritto change at all, he's just too cool ^^
Because Earth Spirit wrecks early game, so he have to spend 4200 golds to get such traits I mentioned. I agreed with you because Enchant Remnant is fine as it, further buffing will make it too OP, have to look for a more creative upgrade that is suitable to replace it.

Good buff but not very impressive though.
I imagine a cool new animation would be required, and I welcome that! Is the slow enough to make Aghanim's Scepter viable on Tide instead of going directly for Refresher Orb though? Doubtfully. I think a more situational buff is required - something that would sometimes be more useful than Refresher, but other times not.
I will always get Refresher Orb for more stun, the slow is somewhat weak.

Haha, looking forward for a better idea.
How about making all the clones really small, so it's harder to target one of them specifically?
Wow, funny but not viable, it can be very useful to who doesn't used to the game but experienced player will have no problem of dealing with it.

What about making the leashes and the "ball" thing invisible?
Hm, increases the risk of breaking it if you moved. Makes it a bit "random" though whether you're stunned or not - I don't like random events deciding outcomes in dota :/
What do you think about silencing those caught in the coil? That way they have to chose either silence or stun, making it a more strategic move (and of course a better ability for Puck).

So you means those victim will have to break the leashes to end the silence?

I prefer something that requires skills instead of combo-and-win. 4x Thundergod's Wrath or 4x Doom is completely OP and wreck teamfight for sure. Yeah, agreed.
Here is my new idea, whenever an enemy casted a spell within 900 range from Rubick, that spell will be copied and placed in the 'F' slot. It remains in the 'F' slot for 10 seconds, replaced by another spell, or until it is used. The spell will cost no mana.

So it's like an automatic, secondary spell steal? In a team fight where spells are flying everywhere it would change all the time though, making it difficult to utilize, I imagine. I like the idea of stealing two spells though, so how about that? Rubick can steal and keep up to two spells (new ones replace the oldest), sort of like Invoker has.
Good idea, but not viable, let's say you now have 2 slots and then you managed to stole 2 big ulties, then you can casts them anytime you want, then refresh and recast again, which is very game breaking. (e.g. Get Rearm and Thundergod's Wrath, now you have wtf mode on.)

The cooldown reduction is too good to give up, and real man doesn't need unit-target to win. :)
That is very true ;) but noobs be like YAAY
New idea! Enemies caught by the flying Clockwerk are grabbed and flies with him to the hooked target where they are stunned (as of now they are just stunned). Cool-down also reduced to half (35/27/20). This makes Hookshot a linear, harder-to-hit Reverse Polarity type spell, sort of like Skewer, and sets up for great Power Cogs. I would love this.

Cool, is it unit-target or point-target?

Faceless Void:
That's too OP, literally there is nothing can stop him now.
AoE and point-target spells would still affect him, which makes some other heroes good counters to him, like Invoker, Skywrath Mage and Lion to name a few, and Aghanim's Scepter a situationally great item to pick up. As of now it's pretty "meh". It changes the draft tactics around him a bit, which I like.
You forgot Black King Bar :P, only Black Hole and Guardian Angel can stop him now.

Good idea, it helps set-up Kinetic Field now.
Yeah, and it allows Disruptor to target certain enemies more heavily. It's pretty much certain death if it silences items too though, so maybe OP?
Not so OP, the actual upgrade includes silence on item as well. Trading extra 2 seconds and 727.25 damage for slow are sounds alright to me.

Unscathed wrote:

Time Lapse grants Weaver a 4 seconds grace period.
Still... Lacking of something, exchanging damage for durable doesn't really fits the cockroach's playstyle.
Death Pact can be used as a finisher when enemy's HP is 375 or below. Can be used on allies to deny them. Grants the bonus damage/hp based on the formula like usual. No bonuses for allied hero denial. Also, buff duration increased by 10 seconds.
Nice one, what about... Consuming a creep with abilities will give him the creep's abilities?
Blink Strike charges has a 17% replenish chance when Backstab procs
Cool, infinite blinks if you tries to turn your back to me. :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » February 28, 2015 4:51pm | Report

weaver: well aghs does give good stats and with the durability increase i say it could be first item instead of linkens (and this one is less situational)

clinkz: 4200 gold for that? lol lemme get aghs and invis-cent stun you :) dont worth the price

riki: glad you liked it

p.s Doom isnt the only thing that mutes. Static Storm with Aghanim's Scepter will mute too.
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