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best hero for getting to late game?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » best hero for getting to late game? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by miturian » August 29, 2015 8:14am | Report
what's your standard pick when faced with the inevitable all-star lineup of 4 team mates who insist of being the main carry? obviously you have to hope that they actually know how to play their heroes, but still, they need farm before you start to have a well-functioning team.

so, which hero do you peak to try to delay the inevitable? last night I picked earth shaker, which wasn't all bad (we made it past 60 minutes of play!), but still he really needs that blink dagger to be relevant, and as the only ward monkey and with the constant tp-scroll expenses of trying to keep back their pushing, I never had any money.

I suppose the optimum is a farm-independent hero who can dominate midgame group fights? sounds an awful lot like earth shaker (especially after earth spirit's nerfs).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » August 29, 2015 8:46am | Report
The first one i can think of is omniknight. His weak normally weak laning stage wont matter anyways if you have 4 carries. Follow siractionslack's advice and be greedy while helping your team and try to make calls.
Also when you get to the lategame you are still very strong.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 29, 2015 9:08am | Report
Winter Wyvern is a pretty good pick in this kind of games. Extremely strong lane presence allowing you to essentially always win your lanes even when dual laning with useless laning carries like AM or Spectre, has strong long range counterpush with Splinter Blast, and Cold Embrace is straight up overpowered. Wins the lane, delays the game by counterpushing, and scales extremely well into late game.

Earth Spirit is also one of the best picks (but only if you know how to play him). Hero completely owns the early-mid game on his own and makes tons of space for your carries.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » August 29, 2015 9:16am | Report
I think that Lion is pretty much the best hero to handle these kind of games simply because of how easily he can set kills up and even kill enemy heroes, while requiring minimal farm.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » August 29, 2015 10:49am | Report
This is indeed a tough call, because you want to simultaneously hold the early game while at the same time not having any farm. Hmmmm is it too out of hand to think of someone along the lines of a Undying or even a support Bristleback? They excel in the early game, and they can build a Mekansm as their core item.

Otherwise I would have to agree with Kody and suggest someone like Lion, indeed. His disables are amongst the best and he only needs his Tranquil Boots and a Blink Dagger to be extremely useful until the late game.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by caine1232 » August 29, 2015 10:51am | Report
Treant protector. You can do so much with just arcane boots and your ulti is relevant all game long.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by masaaki14 » August 29, 2015 11:56am | Report
If your teammates insist on having 4 carries, chances are at least one of them knows their ****. Pick a high impact hero who can either take kills or help take kills easily in the midgame and stick around that guy who knows what he is doing, and help him snowball into the lategame.

Here are a few heroes i love

Shadow Demon - does incredible damage in the early game, and is amazing even after bkb. In the lategame he can also get illusions of the strongest hero to do the work, so he never really falls off(think Dark Seer
Cons - squishy as hell. Get caught out and you are dead, period.

Earthshaker - you have already used this hero before, so you should know how good he is. Even in the late game, a 8 second movement block is nothing to scoff at if used properly. And although not the best way to build him, you can always build critshaker if your team is full of idiots on the off chance.
Cons - learn positioning. Just as a good fissure is wonderfulto your team, a bad fissure can mean disaster for an entire teamfight.

Crystal Maiden - everyone loves crystal maiden, completepy selfless and can help the team even with 0 farm(highly not reccomended,but i have gone games where i was only the ward ***** and had nothing but brown boots and magic stick at 20 min and still somehow managed to he useful)
Cons - the very definition of squishy. I said Shadow Demon was squishy? At the very least he can disrupt to save him, cm has nothing at all.

Witch Doctor - a good support all around, he has a damage amp, stun and a heal, on top of one of the strongest teamfight ultis in the game. If your team has skills that keeps the enemy in a small area. Death Ward can make short work of them. Don't forget to turn your heal on to help your team.
Cons - easily countered ulti, and requires good positioning. He is somewhat squishy as well, but has a heal to partially offset the damage.

Omniknight - there is a reason this fella has the highest winrate in dota. This guy is the bane of 5 carry team. Heal, magic immunity and an amazing aura for chasing, plus an aoe physical immunity spell for teamfights. There is not much the enemy can do against a good omni in disorganised pubs(5 carry teams)
Cons - you will get yelled at. A lot. You have 4 carries to save, and only have a limited selection of spells. Remember what i said earlier? Find the one guy who knows his ****,and help him every way you can. Treat the other teammates as bonuses or side quests. If you don't have time for them, don't help them.

Of course, if you can play rubrick, he would be an amazing hero too. But i can't help you much there since i don't play rubrick.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » August 29, 2015 2:11pm | Report
WW is good because she's item independant aside from like mana boots, so you can deal with being a 6 position support. She has amazing depush/harass. She's a solid laning support, she has a solid team-fight ulti (Whose issue is that it requires some level of co-ordination).

ES is good because you can probably get away without Blink a little bit due to that level having ****py positioning, but a little greedy all the same.

I really don't like Omni in this position, because he is super greedy. Spending all your money on wards and TP scrolls really hurt. Especially since it doesn't actively help you get the late game, it just means you win once you get there.

CM is okay because you have an ulti that can make space/crush fights, her abilities are actually pretty solid outside of that, and she can farm. Like, the fact she can farm without taking gold away from these cores is amazing.

Dazzle is okay as well because people at that level probably won't understand the impact of Weave in a team-fight. As well as being a solid laning support, and being able to save people in a pinch. But the lack of disable hurts.

Earth Spirit is probably the best, because he's a hero who doesn't really need back-up to wreck and make space. So long as you put this gold towards useful things, and not go semi-carry, then you should be fine.

Oh and Techies. If there's something everyone can agree about it's that he drags games out.

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 29, 2015 2:31pm | Report
When that happens, I straight-up pick Keeper of the Light.

Endless de-pushing, great high-ground defense in Blinding Light, decent laning stage.

Go Tranquis >> Mek >> Aghs.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Blubbles » August 29, 2015 2:52pm | Report
Medusa. Kappa.

Id say Rubick. He needs Arcanes and thats about it. He is great in mid and late game. buy a Blink dagger if you want.
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