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3 Votes

Non-pro Winter Wyvern

January 8, 2016 by guicpv
Comments: 7    |    Views: 16866    |   

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kianmir | March 1, 2016 7:08am
Hi! now, for a WW guide, its surely good, but orchid? octarine? orchid is heroes with high-burst and WW isn't one. also, the right-click damage on the orchid is quite wasted, as WW's job is to land perfect ults, not using her auto-attacks. about octarine... it again good for more bursty heroes, to generally take advantage from its great lifesteal. sure, you can land a Splinter Blast and get a lot of health, but after ulting, thats worthless (100% damage reduction when ulting? WHY NOT NERF URSA INSTEAD???)i say going arcanes into force into Greaves is the best, as it gives your team a great aura (needed for your survival) and a way to purge those dem silences :3 the active is one of the best in the game IMO.i just can't count how many ******* times i killed the enemy TA in seconds thanks to their strong team. the thing is, due to the damage the ult is dealing, that invulnerability is not a big problem... especially because most initiators got a bad profile nowadays (apart from carry Earthshaker :D). other than that... GREAT GUIDE! hope you make some more of these guides... except longer, please :DDD
masaaki14 (11) | February 23, 2016 1:26am
the slow is more useful in lane as a support, you don't want to max second skill because it pushes the lane. Also, it does a decent amount of damage and can help set up for other heroes, like lets say a jug with spin.
jsmendoza | February 23, 2016 1:04am
Why prioritize artic burn? When advancing its lvl only helps duration and cant spam the damage?
guicpv | January 8, 2016 2:30am
michimatsch wrote:

Nicely done here definetely a +1 from me here.
On another note: What do you think about Aether Lens on her? After Blink Dagger or maybe even after Force Staff it could help a lot with getting good Cold Embrace and Winter's Curse out. That's at least my thought.

Thanks! Added Aether Lens. I think I still prefer Force Staff first, but it's definitely viable, and can see why some people is going for it after a rushed Arcane Boots as their build.
michimatsch (26) | January 7, 2016 2:29pm
Nicely done here definetely a +1 from me here.
On another note: What do you think about Aether Lens on her? After Blink Dagger or maybe even after Force Staff it could help a lot with getting good Cold Embrace and Winter's Curse out. That's at least my thought.
guicpv | January 7, 2016 5:08am
ChiChi wrote:

Only one suggestion: stress out how WW is a good pick against strenght heroes, specially following this build, since Artict Burn works on percentage of health (so hight health heroes struggle more against this). This makes her even more of a good support against strenght offlaners, that she can easily zoom out.

True, I'll do a revision and add that
ChiChi wrote:

I really liked what you did here If someday I update my guides will you allow me to use your chapter on Winter's Curse if I identify you as author adequately? :D

Sure! Open-source guide, no profit intented =P
ChiChi wrote:

Good job, +1!

ChiChi (47) | January 7, 2016 4:45am
Wow nice guide mate! I came thinking "does he adress the changes", and you do precisely that! And you also have my favourite skill build :)

Only one suggestion: stress out how WW is a good pick against strenght heroes, specially following this build, since Artict Burn works on percentage of health (so hight health heroes struggle more against this). This makes her even more of a good support against strenght offlaners, that she can easily zoom out.

This is just a suggestion, I really liked what you did here If someday I update my guides will you allow me to use your chapter on Winter's Curse if I identify you as author adequately? :D

Good job, +1!
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