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So I am a huge fan of Eye of Skadi, though through my first 6 monts of Dota experience I ignored this item and thought of it as of an overpriced artifact. Now, however, I take any possibility to get this item, and I think it should be bough more especially now when Troll Warlord, Juggernaut and Axe are in the meta.
So, I would like to see what you guys think about Eye of Skadi on the following heroes:
Rating(personal)1-10 on aforementioned heroes. In order of your writing:
10 if it stacks with lvl3 ulti.
8 . But there are so many better alternatives for puck
4.Hes a support damnit!!!! if you got so much money coming outta your ***, just BUY WARDS and AGHS
8 works!!!
You can run Venomacer as a semicarry. And please at least write shortened hero names at least in some places, it's really hard to figure out which hero you are rating.
Abaddon : 6
This hero is only playable as a support and farming Abaddon is terrible. How did you get that kind of farm in the first place?
If for some reason you're sitting on tons of gold AFTER your Aghs and other utility stuff, it's legit.
Alchemist : 10
Hero has huge kiting issues. Heart of Tarrasque is pretty **** on him since he already has regen from his ult, so Skadi is by far the best tank item on this hero.
Bristleback : 7
Legit, but a bit too much of a late game item to be viable. He's supposed to buy mid-game items.
Good luxury item though
Broodmother : 0
Doesn't stack with Incapacitating Bite. And I see no reason why you would ever want to skip your passive on Brood, it's a really good skill.
Chaos Knight : 9
Only reason it's not a 10 is because of how expensive it is, on a hero who farms really slowly. So you might want cheaper items first.
Core in your 6-slot build.
Clinkz : 11
Almost-core item.
Because of how mana-starved he is, Clinkz needs every stat. INT from skadi solves his mana issues completely even if you don't go orchid. And the slow is exactly what he needs since he needs a disable to gank.
Dragon Knight : 9
Great late game item. Solves his kiting issues and stacks with the dragon form slow.
Drow Ranger : 8
Since you're supposed to cast Frost Arrows manually in the first place, there's nothing wrong with skadi on her, especially to kite BKB carries.
Ember Spirit: 8
Legit, but only if you need to build a lot of HP on Ember. Just the orb effect isn't enough to justify such an expensive item over the classic Bfury + crit build, however it still allows you to kite the whole enemy team.
Enchantress: 3
If for some reason you're sitting on a billion gold on Ench, more slow is probably not what she needs since she already has Enchant. Build attack speed and a sheepstick instead.
Huskar: 8
Solid tank item, stacks perfectly with his lifesteal and the spears. Better than heart in every way since heart heals him and it's not what you want. Late game only though.
Invoker : 8
Only for late game when you're facing mass BKBs and want to move towards a right-click invoker.
Juggernaut : 8
If you're playing right-click racecar jugg, it's great. And since everybody is doing that these days...
Lifestealer : 8
Great item to solve his kiting issues...but forcestaffs and ghost scepters will still make you cry.
Lina : 9
Honestly after you have your Euls, I think rushing skadi is better than going Aghs if you can afford it. Because then you can play right-click lina with crit and BKB and not be useless past 35 minutes.
Lone Druid : 4
It sucks on the bear since the bear doesn't benefit from stats. You can buy it on the hero as an ultra-luxury item but this only makes sense if you're going for the 12-slotted druid build in a 2 hour game.
Luna : 8
Good HP and helps with chasing, what's not to like?
Lycan : 7
Since the new Lycan has a billion movement speed during ult, I don't think he needs a slow on I think he's still more of a Heart of Tarrasque hero. Not bad in any way though.
Medusa : 11
Absolute core item in every game.
So good that I honestly consider stacking 2 or 3 skadis on her Meepo style. I'm not even joking, the stats make her literally unkillable.
Meepo : 10
Core in your 6-slot build. Only question is when you get it. Just after Aghs-blink? After heart? After Eblade? Anyways it's the best stats you can get on the hero.
Morphling : 10
Almost-core item.
Sice it gives both str and agi you can morph full agi as soon as you get it and still sit at a comfortable 2K HP.
Morph has huge kiting problems and the slow is a must on the hero honestly.
Night Stalker : 8
Only reason it's not 10 is because it's a late game item, and NS is an early-mid game hero. Really good if you can get one though.
Oracle : 5
Almost-core if you're playing carry Oracle, but you shouldn't play carry Oracle, ever. Hero is a support so go Mek-Euls or something.
Phantom Lancer : 10
Almost-core item. Since it stacks with diffusal now it's better than heart in almost every game.
Puck : 4
Not bad, but not that good either. Sheep and Aghs sound way way better. But in those crazy 1 vs 5 pubs where you have to play carry Puck, why not, get that just after your rapier xD
Queen of Pain : 9
Legit as hell. You'll just hgave to decide between this and other builds (Aghs, sheep, orchid...)
Razor : 9
Only reason it's not 10 is because it's a late game item and Razor is a mid game hero.
Riki : 10
Almost-core item. Otherwise you get kited to no end.
Shadow Fiend : 10
Almost-core item. Otherwise you get kited to no end.
Silencer : 7
Legit, but only if you play right-click carry Silencer. Cast your orb manually between skadi hits. But who plays carry Silencer anyways?
Sniper : 9
Kiting with a 950 range slow is awesome, and he really needs the stats including the INT.
Only reason it's not 10 is because it's a late game item and Sniper is mainly a mid game hero for a snowballing/pushing lineup, so you'll need fighting items before you can afford something that expensive. Core in the 6-slot build IMO... Awesome item if you can afford it but you probably can't since he farms so slow.
Spectre : 11
Core item if you ask me. Especially since it stacks with diffusal now. Far better than heart in every way : Spectre doesn't need regen since she can just TP to base and Haunt into fights from full HP. And even if you like heart that much on her you can get a skadi on top of it because of how much she needs HP.
Tiny : 9
Legit tank item, better than heart in every way. Tiny has huge kiting problems and it really helps. Only problem is that Tiny has item slot issues so you probably don't have space for it. Maybe if you want to play Tiny without Aghs (is that even a thing?).
Troll Warlord : 10
Almost-core item because he absolutely needs the slow. Only question is when you buy it. I honestly think you can rush blink + skadi and skip SnY, but that's maybe because I don't like SnY :)
Venomancer : 5
Decent luxury item but you probably don't have that kind of farm anyways. Only makes sense after you have Aghs, blink and veil. He's a utility/nuker hero whether you play him as a support or as a core, right-click Veno sucks.
Weaver : 9
Weaver has no disable and absolutely needs HP so awesome item. Only reason it's not 10 is because it doesn't stack with deso.
Windranger : 7
Solid choice and great slow, but generally you want to build more damage and an Aghs on WR, not HP.
So I am a huge fan of Eye of Skadi, though through my first 6 monts of Dota experience I ignored this item and thought of it as of an overpriced artifact. Now, however, I take any possibility to get this item, and I think it should be bough more especially now when Troll Warlord, Juggernaut and Axe are in the meta.
So, I would like to see what you guys think about Eye of Skadi on the following heroes:
even though i really like skadi, i dont think its that good on most strength heroes just because satanic is often better and there is also heart. skadi is the AGI hero heart.
Abaddon carry abbadon is kinda ***... but i will by this item a 100% of the time if im screwing around because the game is easy or something. LET THE SLOWS COMMENCE!!!! still 2/10 wouldnt bang in serious game. Alchemist nope, yes his stats are great, but he needs to benefit from more stats, straight HP and mana is not gonna cut it. besides abbyssal is your lockdown item. Bristleback nah, already has a slow and a ****ton of movespeed to chase, and abyssal is better for lockdown. i would also prefer heart if i needed straight up tankyness. and this hero is actually good with S&Y so that is kind of a substitute for it. Broodmother doesnt work ;_;sadface� Chaos Knight nope, heart is better, your illusions get a bit more damage and it lets you go maximum tank mode which you kinda need on him. Clinkz yes, great if you need HP and already have or dont need BKB. Dragon Knight nah, i would rather have satanic as my designated survivability item. Drow Ranger HAI ITS BILLY MAYS, HAVE YOU PICKED DROW AND JUST REALISED THAT YOU ARE JUST A WALKING AURA FOR YOUR ALLIES TO USE AND HAVE TO RUN AWAY EVERYTIME A SUPPORT KIND OF APPROACHES YOU? THEN BUY SKADI NOW SO YOU CAN SURVIVE A BIT LONGER, AND LET YOUR ALLIES HIT HARDER FOR A BIT LONGER.
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Ember Spirit this is pretty much the item if you need HP, but always try to get away with as much battlefuries, deadaluses and RAPIRAS? as possible. Enchantress w0t, you already have an orb, just get that aghs MoM hex and CARRY THAT GAEM. Huskar nah, you pretty much always get AC satanic already, and after that i think butterfly is better. Invoker there is probably this one game where this is good, but then still, YOU WANT DAT HEX AND STUFF RIGHT? Juggernaut yes plz. fek S&Y, get manta skadi instead =D Lifestealer there isnt much place in his itembuild for this item. you want the AC, you want the Lina LINA IS NOW CM. it will fit somewhere in a six slotted lina build, but its not an item that you will get early. Lone Druid can be pretty good on the druid when going for 12 slots i guess. :P Luna Need more Ho after your satanic bruh? GET SKADI. great 5th or 6th item on her. Lycan nah, i have done it once the screw around, and we almost threw the game XD I was not impressed. Medusa 24/7 literally the best skadi hero in the game my a ****ing huge distance. yasha skadi is a good buildup if you want to push a bit early. (i will also fit another **** linkens in here =D) Meepo STATSTATSATSTASTASTASTATATS. yes plz. Morphling pretty much core. he also kinda depends on the slow with his **** range and speed. Night Stalker nah, like ive said with a lot of other strength heroes. Oracle nope brah, unless you are wrecking as yolomid oracle. Phantom Lancer CORE ITEM. 24/7 BLAZEIT!!! Puck good item if you get DAMN farmed and linkens is not great. Queen of Pain SUUUURE, if you Razor AGHS REFRESH SKADI WOOP WOOP. Riki one of 2 HP items along with satanic. Shadow Fiend like pretty much every AGI hero a great pickup. Silencer no.... orbs brah. and even the just get dat refresher and hex. Slark ALWAYS BRUH. Sniper if there is AOE flying around so you need HP yes. Spectre Yes plz, although she is one of the few AGI heroes where heart can be better. Terrorblade core item. Tiny Not bad but you dont really need the slow and a lot of other items will have priority over this. butterfly might actually give more survivability sometimes. Troll Warlord AGI hero, yes plz. Venomancer uuhhhhhmmmmmmmm maybe. after your stuff like aghs blink veil. but why not buy utility like hex? Weaver if you need the HP hells yes. Windranger meeeeeeeeeh, just get aghs and damage and dominate dat gaem. also hex.
Maybe I'll provide my own thought about this, if I'm not too lazy as always.
So I am a huge fan of Eye of Skadi, though through my first 6 monts of Dota experience I ignored this item and thought of it as of an overpriced artifact. Now, however, I take any possibility to get this item, and I think it should be bough more especially now when Troll Warlord, Juggernaut and Axe are in the meta.
So, I would like to see what you guys think about Eye of Skadi on the following heroes:
Abaddon maybe Alchemist he has so much other stuff to get that it might not be worth it, but no reason not to i can see Bristleback i would get it over heart on him. some extra mana, a bit armor, some attackspeed, and more slow. of course, i also cant play bristle Broodmother doesnt stack with bite Chaos Knight gives the illusions some attackspeed. probably good Clinkz yes Dragon Knight if it stacks with ult Drow Ranger not really, but could be good if you need HP or want lifesteal Ember Spirit see others posts Enchantress could work. slow is wasted though Huskar yes, although it would be a fairly late item usually Invoker i really dont like it, but i build way to much utility on everything, so maybe Juggernaut yes Lifestealer if you are not going deso Lina if your going for a right-clickish mid build Lone Druid as a late game item on the druid, yes Luna better than heart for getting tanky Lycan i...have no idea Medusa do i need to comment Meepo do i need to comment Morphling do i...yes, i do. always Night Stalker i never thought of this. i might try it some time Oracle no Phantom Lancer see morph Puck if you are against a doom that always dooms you, maybe. otherwise no, there are to many better options Queen of Pain for right click and survivability, sure Razor yes Riki yes, if you are actually playing this hero Shadow Fiend yes, you need survivability Silencer not really, but could work Slark do i need to comment Sniper i think so. The only sniper i was ever really scared was the one that built a skadi. Spectrei think so Terrorblade see morph Tinyi approve over heart unless going armlet Troll Warlord sure, its some hp and a little damage with less being kited Venomancer not really Weaver if you need hp Windranger should be ok, but subpar
Abaddon - You already have Curse of Avernus.. Heart might be better.. Alchemist - Eh, he's fallen so out of favour, he's a very weak carry and a mediocre support at best right now.. Bristleback - Viscous Nasal Goo gives you all the slow you need. Combined with the MS boost from Warpath, a Skadi isn't needed.. Go heart.. Broodmother - Incapacitating Bite is plenty of slow.. Chaos Knight - Heart does so much more on CK as well.. Clinkz - Great pickup on Clinkz.. One of my go-to items on the hero to tank up.. Dragon Knight - Not a fan.. Drow Ranger - It's situationally OK.. I remember Nip's Era building it in one of his games, in which he won.. I have built it a couple times, but there are better options.. Ember Spirit - He needs the damage from b fury and daedalus, and going skadi gimps his damage.. Enchantress - Why?!!? Huskar - Could be nice theoretically, I've never tried it though.. Invoker - Sure, if you go right click Invoker, it can be nice.. Juggernaut - Good item.. Gives damage, HP and overall boost to his teamfight presence.. Lifestealer - Not a fan of Skadi on str heroes in general.. Lina - It could work I guess.. Lone Druid - Skadi on bear seems good theoretically; haven't tried it out though.. Luna - Situational late game pick up, although the skadi doesn't apply to Moon Glaives bounces.. Lycan - Not a fan.. Ult is plenty chasing power, and heart gives better survivability.. Medusa - Obviously one of the best skadi carriers, gives an insane boost to her EHP.. Meepo - Can be situationally good, although Geostrike + Heart seems like a better option.. Morphling - Another hero that can make full use of the stats.. Great choice, in my opinion.. Night Stalker - Not a fan of skadi on str heroes.. Oracle - I've only ever played him as a support.. Phantom Lancer - Theoretically good, however, I've seen people go for heart a lot on the hero.. I think Sksdi would be really nice on him.. Puck - Nope.. Puck isn't your standard right clicker, in my opinion.. Queen of Pain - Decent situational pick up.. Razor - Not needed.. There are other better items.. Riki - Situationally good, in my opinion.. Shadow Fiend - Good item to tank up a squishy hero.. Silencer - Not a fan.. Slark - Sure.. Good item to tank up a squishy.. Sniper - If you are going the MoM, this would be my choice to help tank up a bit.. MoM + SnY + Skadi + Daedalus.. Spectre - Great item on the hero.. I think it's comparable to heart on her.. Terrorblade - Great item for a squishy hero.. Tiny - Nope! Troll Warlord - Again, good item to help a squishy hero tank up.. Venomancer - Aghs into Veil gives you much better teamfight presence.. You aren't right clicking much int he fight.. Weaver - Can be good theoretically, although I haven't tried it.. Windranger - Again, theoretically good.. haven't tried it..
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