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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » April 9, 2017 7:38am | Report

Hi everyone,

This is VengefulJerry, I am new to Dota 2. I recently started playing the game after a friend's consistent and annoying recommendation :P.

So far I am liking the game and the heroes. And if anyone has tips and suggestions for noobs like me, fire away.

Hi, welcome to Dotafire.

For a new player I'd recommend all the versatile heroes, those who can play more or less any role. Night Stalker, Abaddon, Necrophos, Bloodseeker, Lina, Ogre Magi, Zeus, Skywrath Mage, Witch Doctor, Warlock, Shadow Shaman, Venomancer...
All these guys are pretty easy to play, can lane essentially anywhere at your level, and scale pretty well with items while they can support as well if necessary.
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
Hero guides : Spectre , Windranger and Clinkz
== Broodmother guide out! ==


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Masked_Man98 » April 9, 2017 11:53am | Report
First thing you must always do is to LOVE this game, The second thing is to choose a small circle of your favorite heroes and then master them all cause what do they say? Don't be afraid of a man who practices One thousand kicks, Be afraid of a man who practices one kick.
And the last one, Don't judge your hero pick by dotabuff at all.
Good luck and have fun playing this great game.
Brave Travelers Tell Stories of A Legendary Warrior Who Freezes The Heart of His Enemies And Burns Their Untouchable Souls
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The UnTold:Dawn,Blizzard, Dire
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Masked_Man98 » April 9, 2017 12:27pm | Report
Wait a second I've never introduced my self to you properly...(****!)
Ok I've been playing defense of the ancients since 2006. I mostly play heroes who I admire their philosophy and they are:
1) Huskar you sacrifice your own life to gain strength and power, How poetic. This and his amazing DOT were probably the reasons of him being my favorite hero not to mention the history i have with him (We are talking about 10 years)

2) Rubick That's a nice looking spell, I think I'll take it.

3) Razor I feel a connection between us, such a pity it's one way only.

4) Axe Hit me mother****** hit me.

5) Anti-Mage Magic sucks (even though he has the best magical escape mechanism in the whole game XD)

6) Dazzle Being immortal is great even it lasts for 5 seconds only. (every single person who masters Huskar MUST master dazzle as well)

7) Lion I just like him, no more reasons.

8) Night Stalker Farm during the day and Rape during the night.

9) Sniper U Can't C Me.

10) Pudge nothing feels better than saving an ally who is caught in deep ****.

11) Warlock Nothing feels better than controlling two mindless golems.

12) Wraith King Try to kill me I just revive (feet. Dead Pool).

13) Tidehunter Just started to like him

14) Enchantress How enchanting it is to see you attacks get stronger when it fly longer.

15) And the last but not the least, outworld devourer. He is like a vampire who slurps you int.

Well these heroes are the ones creating my tight circle of main heroes. the one I play the most, I'm not saying i don't pick other heroes when counterpick is pinching me but these are my favorites.
Brave Travelers Tell Stories of A Legendary Warrior Who Freezes The Heart of His Enemies And Burns Their Untouchable Souls
List of my guide Here
The UnTold:Dawn,Blizzard, Dire
Follow me on Instagram For more Updates @soroush_s77


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ursula7 » May 2, 2017 11:43pm | Report
Hey there! I tried DOTA in 2014, but I wasn't as hooked on it as I am now. I've been in the game for two weeks and I've decided to make it my life's work. I'm disabled, and I tend to be a hermit, so I have a lot of time on my hands.

Time to Git Gud!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 3, 2017 2:53am | Report
Welcome to DOTAFire, enjoy your stay and let me know if you have any questions! :)
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by LordVesper » May 18, 2017 4:58am | Report
Hey wazzup, I just realized that I kinda just appeared out of nowhere in Dotafire with my guides and comments so let me introduce myself... Hi! My name's Jeff- I mean LordVesper! But you can call me Marcus instead (since that's my real life name).

I'm a 15-year-old scrub from the Philippines with a solo MMR of 3003 (as you are reading this). I'm currently experimenting with a LOT of things and this Dotafire guide-making thing is one of them! To be honest, I'll probably just focus on making a name for myself in Dotafire and see where it takes me from there!

No bad motives here... I just love Dota 2 so much that making guides for my favorite heroes is one of my hobbies! I love typing in information about strategies, builds, items, and stuff like that plus I'm tired of seeing other people making bad decisions (in general). Hopefully, my guides will help them git gud and make Dota 2 great again!
Here are the guides that I've kept up to date:
Crystal Maiden Guide

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Untouchable » May 22, 2017 3:47am | Report
Hi, everyone :)
It usually takes me a long time to post my first ever post on a forums, but I'm gonna break the old habit XD

I came to Dotafire when I was looking for a Disruptor guide.

Not much to tell, I started playing Dota 2 recently because my friend never stopped talking about it lol
No Slithereen may fail.

The Untouchable

Posts: 17
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Janitsu » May 23, 2017 2:17am | Report
Welcome to DotaFire! Hope you enjoy your stay :)

Don't hesitate to contact me, Hades4U or Wulfstan for any questions, or you can try asking the people with green names (Veterans) =)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Untouchable » May 23, 2017 8:12am | Report
Thanks :)
Sure, I still have a lot to learn XD item matchups, lane matchups, etc.
No Slithereen may fail.

The Untouchable

Posts: 17
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by EGTL » September 15, 2017 6:28pm | Report
Hi guys I'm new to the game but so far I'm loving it, right now I'm only playing unranked with my friends. I'm trying to learn how to play 5 or 6 heroes and then introduce new heroes in the future.


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