May 13, 2017
Hey all... I was messing around in Demo to get a feel for the distance of a Force Staff when I came up with a brilliant idea.

Troll Soccer

This is ONLY to be used on people who do bad things on purpose. Newbs don't deserve this kind of punishment. This is only a last resort to the unteachable or just plain mean. Nobody deserves constant verbal abuse. Now... give them one pass before deciding to do this. Some people just have a bad day. This is also ONLY to be used if there is little to no hope of winning (I.E. there is a high tier hero that has been fed, all your towers are down etc).

Step One: The rest of the team who has been harassed by the offender (and they have tried to reason with him, but he's being a jerk) decided unanimously to play Troll Soccer with the offender. If everyone is okay with this, you pause the game.

Step Two: Make your intentions known to the opposing team, citing why the offender is about to be humiliated. Tell them the rules of the game.

The Troll will b…
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