July 25, 2014

Death Prophet Early Builds

Views: 2320 Sando
Got to keep the { happy :)

I was replying to this guide earlier on, and it got me thinking about why I tend to build Death Prophet the way I do. Is there a best way to do it?

It's quite tricky as you really want many early levels in Crypt Swarm, at least 1 level in Silence (for ganks) and at least 1 level in Witchcraft to make your level 1 Exorcism suck less. The mana cost reduction and speed increase of Witchcraft also make it very enticing for many players - it's really quite useful.

Ok, so lets oil up TheXyrusOmeter, cos it's maths time!

Lets look at why I usually go with this build...
Witchcraft WitchcraftWitchcraftWitchcraft

Early game nukes and magic damage are pretty much king - they tend to secure the kills, deal the serious harassment and generally run the show. They often fall off the side of a cliff late game as they don't scale however.

Mana pools and regen are also a big issue early game - unless you've got access to a…
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