June 29, 2015

Right Clinkin, Snowballin, Solo-Killin Pudka Dotka

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Troll Build  |  Pudka  |  Ez Katka  |  Doto  |  Illuminati  |  Dank Memes
So, I've been messing with bots recently (during which I may or may not have been drunk) and I decided to try something that had no valid reason to exist: A right-click Pudge build. Now, this might be a troll build, but it is one that could fool a scrub like me into thinking it is a super secret Illuminati-Tier build that will let me win TI6.

Now I've tried couple different routes but the one that I found to be the most "feasible" looks something like this:

And you will want to eat this as soon as possible

Yes, you're reading that right, and granted I have not tried this in a pub yet since I don't feel like getting reported (again) but I feel if I were actually a skilled player who could land hooks on a target that isn't stunned, hex'd or beyond point blank range, I could make it work.

So an overview of these items.

Boots of Travel is pretty straight forward as it gives Pudge 100 extra move speed and get around the map a lot faster.

Assault Cuirass is the first item here that helps awaken the carry inside this pot bellied powerhouse; by addressing his nearly non-existent armor (which sits around 8 or 9 when leveled out) by giving him 15 extra armor and it helps address his lethargic attack speed by giving him a whopping 55 bonus attack speed.

Abyssal Blade allows Pudge to fulfill his childhood dream of being able to win a manfight against someone not named Crystal Maiden or Keeper of the Light. It grants 190 health, 95 damage since Pudge is a strength hero and chance to bash alongside giving him a another bkb-piercing stun to compliment Dismember. As a result, he will have 5 seconds of bkb-piercing lockdown, as if Phantom Assassin wasn't unplayable as is.

Satanic is tank/manfighter item that grants 475 health, 5 armor and 45 damage (20 damage from the item itself+the 25 strength the item gives). Oh and it gives you a ****-load of lifesteal. Don't have too much fun!

Eye of Skadi is the best late game item in the game and it's high time that Pudge got on the skadi band wagon. 725 health? Check. 575 mana? Check. An Eaglesong's worth of armor and attack speed? Check. 25 damage and a 35% move speed slow to go along with the 26% slow from Rot? Yes please!

Mjollnir. Sometimes you got to tell illusion heroes like Phantom Lancer and Terrorblade to ****-off and since Pudge was already planning on cosplaying as Thor at this year's Comic Con, you may as get it anyways. Since it gives you 24 damage and 80 attack speed, you will be able to plow through those puny illusions, allowing Meepo (or any other actual carry) to f*ck your sh*t up. At which point you will rant on dotofire about Meepo being op.

Remember to eat that Moon Shard since it will give you another 60 attack speed.

Now that I've covered the items, it is now time to go over why I chose to build this on Pudge. Ultimately it comes down to two reasons.
-His strength gain (which is 3.2) is the first factor, which means he will already have a naturally high right-click damage (but needs items to rectify his attack speed and armor issues).
-The second factor is Flesh Heap, which is Pudge's snowballing skill and the resulting strength and spell resistance means he doesn't tank items like Heart of Tarrasque or Crimson Guard. Heck, you could even swap out the Satanic for an Agh's, another Skadi or a Silver Edge, a Butterfly/MKB or a Heaven's Halberd (if you can't out carry them, disarm 'em!). In addition, the stacks will further bolster Pudge's right click damage and he can snowball into a tank.

Don't ask me where I got the farm for all these items, or the Illuminati will find us! But I will say that level 5 dagon is easily the most underrated farming item in the game.

Now this was just a byproduct of my 1k antics and will not boost your mmr by 10k in one week.

Let me know what hero I should try a right-click build on next in the comments.