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Riki Buff: Pro Happy Noob Angry

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Riki Buff: Pro Happy Noob Angry 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » August 30, 2014 5:04am | Report
Problem with Riki is his Backstab. It deals very powerful damage, but very easily countered. With this buff, I hope to see Riki in a pro scene. Plus, I dont care about the noobs.


Backstab (Passive, affects enemy units)
If Riki attacks from behind, bonus damage is applied based on his current agility.
Damage Bonus: 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 � Agility


Backstab (Passive, affects enemy units)
If Riki attacks from behind, bonus damage is applied based on his current agility. In addition, Backstab reduces turn rate and has a chance to cast Blink Strike with no mana cost, but halved bonus damage.

Damage Bonus: 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 � Agility
Turn rate slow: 0.3/0.45/0.6/0.75
Blink Strike chance: 10/13/16/19%
Blink Strike reduced damage: 50%
(Turn rate slow cannot be reduced by Backstab below 0.2)

So what do you think? Useless, OP in pro, OP on pub, or anything else? Feedbacks are apprecited... kinda.
Don't Worry, Be Happy

Late credits to Janitsu for the sig


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The amazing A.K.A stupid » August 30, 2014 6:38am | Report
For me I think the normal one is already ok since riki wont get far without eating alot of heroes, just buy wards , dust etc.

The old one is still ok but I dont get the slow rate in turning , so what if my back was facing a tower and Riki Backstabs me?

Will I have a hard time running to my tower since I have to turn back and move ?
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The amazing A.K.A stupid

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » August 30, 2014 6:47am | Report

For me I think the normal one is already ok since riki wont get far without eating alot of heroes, just buy wards , dust etc.

The old one is still ok but I dont get the slow rate in turning , so what if my back was facing a tower and Riki Backstabs me?

Will I have a hard time running to my tower since I have to turn back and move ?

Yes, you will.

The slow turn rate is basically to increase DPS since people cant turn back on you, thus countering Riki is harder.

Also, the passive Blink Strike is applied when you are starting the attack animation.
Don't Worry, Be Happy

Late credits to Janitsu for the sig


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The amazing A.K.A stupid » August 30, 2014 6:59am | Report
So the passive Blink Strike can be cancelled of fast enough?

Its ok for me but imagine a Riki trying to last hit then suddenly when the opponent goes in for the deny your blinkstrike ability activates xD.

Can also make you stuck on creeps sometimes but mehh Riki already sucks at 1 vs 1 so for me its ok .
"When we get attacked we fight back for we have faith in our side"

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The amazing A.K.A stupid

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Scezory » September 1, 2014 8:55am | Report
Instead of blink strike why not give it chance to use Smoke Screen, only less effective, cause what if i decide to not attack and than I blink strike into a tower by accident.
Before you ask why, think for a moment, why not.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » September 1, 2014 9:00am | Report
Me likes the idea. Would solve some of the issues with Riki in the pro scene, including the fact that they actually know what they're doing. However, vision or a gem would still be a hard-counter to Riki so I think that if these buffs are necessary in a game, he's probably gonna lose anyways.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » September 1, 2014 9:32am | Report
Isn't the whole point of a "stealth assassin" to be able to pick off isolated targets and burst them down quickly, but to be unable to manfight when he gets seen and focused?

Riki has already got Smoke Screen to prevents his targets from fighting back. And Skull Basher.

I think it's OP, whether in pro or in pub. Let the gankers do the ganking and leave the manfighting to the carries.

Each hero in DotA needs to have a discernable weakness (e.g Medusa has a ****py mid game and can't do anything but farm, Lion has short range on his skills and feeds a lot, Invoker is easily countered by BKB, Skywrath Mage has 0 armor, Clinkz has no disable, and Riki can't manfight heroes who have a Monkey King Bar). If you try to compensate for heroes' weaknesses by just removing them, it makes no sense.

Riki *is* actually viable in competitive, but it's more for the silence of Smoke Screen, which is a great setup for pickoffs on evasive heroes. He was picked in TI3.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Seagull » September 1, 2014 11:28am | Report
He actually was picked by CIS in TI4 wild card round... but with not so great success :P
I think his ulti should be modified somehow, it's basically a wasted slot compared to other invis-spells.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » September 1, 2014 11:49am | Report
Wasted slot? Permanent invis?! Low tier pub matches this will wreck ANYONE, hands down. This is a very viable ulti. What is it you suggest to change?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Seagull » September 1, 2014 2:14pm | Report
kkoopman3 wrote:

Wasted slot? Permanent invis?! Low tier pub matches this will wreck ANYONE, hands down. This is a very viable ulti. What is it you suggest to change?

Dunno what kind of change, but even Bounty Hunter can be permanently invisible when he has Shadow Walk on lvl 1. And yeah, in lower tier it's OP, but only in lower tier. Compare it to for example Vendetta, you can be permanently invisible when lvl 16 and you get massive "nuking" damage with it. Honestly, I think it's the worst ult in the game and weakest of Riki's abilities.


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