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Sniper Guide: Beyond Godlike Somebody kill them!!!

November 2, 2013 by TwoSwordsClash
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cOffysOul | February 20, 2014 9:08am
Xyrus wrote:

Pudge is easy to beat with Sniper, just don't get Meat Hooked. If you Harrass him and Deny Creeps right from the start, he'll have a hard time gaining any levels or getting a Bottle. When you can't see him, be sensible and use Shrapnel on spots where he might be hiding, if you can't find him, then back off. Play it smart and you'll be near impossible to Hook.

I must agree early game Pudge it is easy to kill with Sniper just stay behind creep Harass and last hit. Also as soon as Pudge moves within range go for him just make sure you get "Headshot" at lvl 1 for that mini stun and extra Damage which is a lot early game and then follow with "Take Aim" on lvl 2 and "Headshot" on lvl 3 and "Take Aim" lvl 4 and "Take Aim" lvl 5 by lvl 6 Pudge will be low on HP you can use "ASSASSINATE" to kill him off. The trick against Pudge early game is that,stay behind creep and always if possible at a diagonal position to him never in the clear and as soon as creep die go back and wait for the next wave at all times stay behind creep this way when he sends his hook it will catch the creep and not sniper.
cOffysOul | February 20, 2014 7:22am

Top is suicide. Against any good players you will get ganked as soon as night starts or even before if they have enough stuns. As a carry, you should be going mid or safe lane.
Also, Riki's best skill is not Permanent Invisibility. It is smoke screen. Invis is countered by wards, gem, and dust, but smoke screen is a 50% slow and 70% miss as well as a silence.
Also, Sniper's skills that allow him to carry are his Take Aim and Headshot, those should be maxed first for lane control and better last hitting. Other items that you should build are flash-farming items like Maelstrom.
It seems like you are trying to play sniper as a pushing hero, which does not work well. Sorry to say that I do not agree with your build.

I must say i agree with Saggin Dragon, Kardel Sharpeye is not a pushing hero but can be played as a support or carry. And also Bottom Lane is safe for sniper early game.
samukobo (28) | November 4, 2013 3:08am
Getting Shrapnel for the damage is like getting Aghanim's Scepter for the agility it gives and not the ult upgrade. It's nice and it's definitely not useless but it is not how you are supposed to use it. Shrapnel gives around 50 damage or less at level 1 unless the enemies keep standing inside and receive the full damage. You can deal that much with a level 1 Headshot without draining for the extremely measly mana pool that Sniper has.

Shrapnel is a nice skill, but it should be maxed late. Its damage is awful and the slow is negligible. The best part of it is the vision it gives. It works best when pushing tier 3 towers because of this.

I would also have to disagree with it being directly useful for pushing just because of the damage it deals for structures (Again, it is good for this because it gives the vision) because you have a skill that gives you more range than towers, and if you spam this you would quickly lose mana for Assassinate, Shadow Blade active and such. Use it once for a push, do not use it again. Otherwise, it is most likely going to be a waste of mana.

EDIT: It doesn't help farm. It pushes the wave earlier on which would be really bad for farming.
Xyrus (104) | November 4, 2013 2:38am
KEMEK wrote:

Don't take mid if you see there is Pudge on your enemies side. 90% chances that Pudge will take mid, and if you face Pudge on mid lane you gonna have a VERY BAD time (even if that Pudge is pro as hell). Once you got hooked, 100% you will be dead: you will be damaged by almost half of your HP and then you will get nowhere if Pudge turns his Rot on (since Sniper's movement is low).

Pudge is easy to beat with Sniper, just don't get Meat Hooked. If you Harrass him and Deny Creeps right from the start, he'll have a hard time gaining any levels or getting a Bottle. When you can't see him, be sensible and use Shrapnel on spots where he might be hiding, if you can't find him, then back off. Play it smart and you'll be near impossible to Hook.
KEMEK wrote:

Damn wrong. Sharpnel has MANY uses. I recommend to take Sharpnel on level 1, why, because it helps you a lot for farming and it can speed up your bounty. Besides, for early game, the damage dealt from Sharpnel is pretty big for harassing enemies. Sharpnel also helps slow enemies (as Sniper's movement speed is also damn slow). And if you play pushing strategy, as you say, Sharpnel is really helpful for damaging enemies' towers.

I agree, Shrapnel is an amazing Skill when you know how to use it, but I'm not sure about taking it at lvl1. It's extremely long Range also makes it good to Initiate with (similar to Gyrocopter's Calldown. It is also useful for scouting enemies that are running away through the Trees. Spamming it on Towers is an easy way to bring them down without having to get close to them.
KEMEK | November 3, 2013 7:29pm
Well, there are some disagreements with your guide here.

1. "That hero is very good for newcomers in Dota 2."
Well, for the playing style, indeed he is good for newcomers. Snipers is only shoot and shoot all over the time, without dealing much with spells and hotkeys. BUT, there are couple things that are to be considered. First, his basic damage is freaking low. Newcomers should learn how to last hit if they play carry like Sniper, meanwhile Sniper's basic damage can't much help for learning last hit. Newcomers will be crazy as hell. Second, Sniper is squishy as f*ck. When, lets say, a newcomer using Sniper facing a pro using, lets say again, Shadow Demon, they will be dead in no time. Sniper is good for newcomers in a way, but I can say there are a lot of better heroes for newcomers, such as Spirit Breaker or Rikimaru.

2. "Shrapnel has low-use."
Damn wrong. Sharpnel has MANY uses. I recommend to take Sharpnel on level 1, why, because it helps you a lot for farming and it can speed up your bounty. Besides, for early game, the damage dealt from Sharpnel is pretty big for harassing enemies. Sharpnel also helps slow enemies (as Sniper's movement speed is also damn slow). And if you play pushing strategy, as you say, Sharpnel is really helpful for damaging enemies' towers.

And if you can add to your guide:

- Don't take mid if you see there is Pudge on your enemies side. 90% chances that Pudge will take mid, and if you face Pudge on mid lane you gonna have a VERY BAD time (even if that Pudge is pro as hell). Once you got hooked, 100% you will be dead: you will be damaged by almost half of your HP and then you will get nowhere if Pudge turns his Rot on (since Sniper's movement is low).
zer0lis | November 3, 2013 10:29am
There are some things i think different.

You said what he needs is Damage, I think Sniper would benefit alot more from AS.
The most usefull and reliable Sniper is the one with high AS thus the build recommanded would be Treads/Shadowblade/Mjollnir/Desolator/Dedadus(much later damage). Adjusments are made throught the game because all items are meant to be situational.
Most of items listed in your build are purely situational(Bfly, Tarasque , Manta).
I find that if the enemies are mostly nukers going for 2wrathbands and str threads are a must in midgame. When enimies siege rack's going for an MoM makes you the imba defender. Sometimes when i mid i even go for bottle/aquilla(situational ofc). And more examples.
The skill build also is situational.Standard is 0/2/4/1
Maxing your 3rd instead of 2nd makes the Sniper a great harraser because of the range. Your headshot abillity does not scale that well without AS(witch he lacks earlygame).
When the faced against heavy push lineups youll find that maxing your 1st in a defend tower scenario is great.(So 1st is actually good for both pushing and defending).I allways get 1st before the stats because its a GREAT spell, players who think otherwise are noobs.
You should allways get involved in fights when you finish items and not all times. Your job as the hard carry is to farm. You got lvl 6 and treads go gank then chill till your shadowblade then go for teamfight.Repeat. Allways show up to teamfights within a progression of your itembuild.

In the end your Ultimate Destruction guide is bad. Ultimate Destruction Sniper is made with high AS, Desolator and Dedalus. Youll get a rampage in 10seconds and 2-3shots kills. Thats the Sniper we all love:)
Saggin Dragon (1) | November 3, 2013 9:32am
Top is suicide. Against any good players you will get ganked as soon as night starts or even before if they have enough stuns. As a carry, you should be going mid or safe lane.
Also, Riki's best skill is not Permanent Invisibility. It is smoke screen. Invis is countered by wards, gem, and dust, but smoke screen is a 50% slow and 70% miss as well as a silence.
Also, Sniper's skills that allow him to carry are his Take Aim and Headshot, those should be maxed first for lane control and better last hitting. Other items that you should build are flash-farming items like Maelstrom.
It seems like you are trying to play sniper as a pushing hero, which does not work well. Sorry to say that I do not agree with your build.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | November 2, 2013 2:09pm
Since your skillbuild is all over the place, I suggest elaborating further as to why you suggest taking those skills in that order.

If you want this to truly be a guide on how to play sniper in the way you feel is correct, you should give more information into the type of play you are looking for.

For example, generally Sniper builds max either Headshot or Take Aim putting second priority on the opposite skill, then either getting Shrapnel or stats while maxing their ult at the standard, occasionally only taking one point in Headshot and maxing Shrapnel earlier. Your skill build stops leveling certain skills in the middle of its scaling to get other skills, and I would like to know your reasoning.
Why do you forgo the 4th rank of Headshot for 2 points of Shrapnel? Do you expect to be pushing at this time and you don't think you will need the extra hero damage?
Why do you forgo so many point of Take Aim? Do you feel you only need 2 points pre-6 because of some reason and that any extra range becomes relevant when teamfights start happening more often?

These are things that I feel to make a truly good guide should be explained in a skillbuild that is certainly all over the place.

Shrapnel slows heroes and gives vision in a large area of effect. Saying it is only useful or tower sieging when you get it is a mistake in my opinion
R-Conqueror (24) | November 2, 2013 12:37pm
WeatherOrNot wrote:

Pretty good guide! I would suggest Skaadi and Desolator, especially desolator. It gives you great damage and makes your bullets glowy red.

The glowy red bullets makes it essential :D
saifthedestroyer (6) | November 2, 2013 11:25am
may i suggest that you make your skill build "better" by making sections such as: Situationals, Core, ETC it would make the guide a bit better :). And also just a couple of items to add to situationals would be desolator, Mjollnir, and Phase boots as the burst of speed is VERY good for sniper.
WeatherOrNot | November 2, 2013 9:24am
Pretty good guide! I would suggest Skaadi and Desolator, especially desolator. It gives you great damage and makes your bullets glowy red.
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