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Gyrocopter X's Guide (Death From Above!)

November 6, 2012 by RossenX
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RossenX (1) | November 6, 2012 2:45pm
Tread Switching can give you a nice boost of Mana, but ultimately it doesn't give you as much benefits to mana as the [[arcane boots] and as in all my guides, i do play as a semi-support, you'll almost never see me as the hard carry or anything, just not my style.

I mas out the rocker barrage before Homing Missile simply because i find it more useful for those close encounters that usualy start out about level 9, specially when the enemy start to gank you. I like to have both skills at roughly the same level throughout the whole game, because they just go hand and hand and the Homing Missile's main job for me is the stun and to weaken them so i can rocker barrage them to hell and back. Having a more than one level difference between them just always seemed to get the job ALMOST done. My strategy is usually simple, missile,barrage,missile if they run and that is usually enough to take them down.
I think this hero would also be great for any beginner in Dota (As me, because i've only about 400 hours of game time and no prior MOBA gaming experaince) because he's just so easy to use and powerful and his items do not make a GIANT difference. Some other heroes i've played you HAVE TO get him the EXACT items at the EXACT time in the game for them to be fully effective, but Gyrocopter doesn't really care about exact items or when you get them. I'm pretty sure i can even go with phase boots and it would not make a major impact on his performance in game.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 6, 2012 1:48pm
Nice job on writing the guide, it looks easy to read and has good context.

My problems are, if you do have mana problems, you'd still go for Treads, because if you know how to Tread switch, you would never have mana problems, you'd have a hp buff and physichal dps!

Can you please explain why you max Rocket Barrage before your missile?

Anyway, nicely written up guide, Rossen, +1
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