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12 Votes

Atropos - Death By Fiend Hug

October 28, 2012 by Unicorned
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Sp12 (25) | October 29, 2012 1:06pm
Actually, refresher does refresh everything

However, rearm does have some limitations, necronomicon included.
jaslam (21) | October 29, 2012 9:39am
Phase Boots no way, Bane's base MS is now 315 - when it was 305, he was always above average base MS. that said, if you were mid, and got a bottle - Phase Boots would be best..

Bane got buffed slightly on base stats - and still goes up 2.1 per level every stat. Enfeeble probably has a greater presence at level 1 now than nightmare (which you could get a level 2) as a lane partner, every wave you can enfeeble their carry/harraser for -30 dmg, for a measly 95 mana. 4 waves in, you may have mana issues - but who cares.. of the 20 creeps that have come they have a nice fat 0 creeps - complete lane control until you hit 6 and start to gank aggresively.
Wulfstan (77) | October 29, 2012 9:03am
Sp12 wrote:

Two thoughts.

Soul booster yes/no? And,

Why not refresher over aghanim's scepter. Your spells all have fairly long cooldowns, plus you can double necrobook, plus double grip means you can swap targets or use it against if interrupted.

Refresher does not refresh Necrobook.Nor does Tinkers Rearm refresh Necrobook.As far as I know.
LiLPr0 (9) | October 29, 2012 8:42am
It helps me. also if you want to stick to the old vanilla fashion of playing the heroes why do we need a guide site? theres dota alttab
Hades4u (296) | October 29, 2012 5:55am
LiLPr0 wrote:

Rofl. Look guys. People approve of this guy's guide and doesn't approve of numeta's

That's because Numeta's guides are useless and helps no one.

This is a well-written and formatted guide, a +1 from me.
OneHalf (10) | October 28, 2012 10:11pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

You seriously haven't seen necrobook bane.. Lol!

Lol! omg scrub gtfobbq
Unicorned | October 28, 2012 9:53am
Sp12 wrote:

Two thoughts.

Soul booster yes/no? And,

Why not refresher over aghanim's scepter. Your spells all have fairly long cooldowns, plus you can double necrobook, plus double grip means you can swap targets or use it against if interrupted.

Soul Booster can definitely be a good item but I don't think it is as useful as the other items I have listed in the Luxury section. By the time you have boots and necrobook you shouldn't be having mana issues so looking at soul booster I see its effectiveness limited to survivability, which I would rather get Shiva's Guard if survivability is an issue

Refresher Orb is a very powerful item on any hero, though it is rather expensive. The reason why I didn't include it is that at that point in the game you don't need the mana regen, and Bane doesn't make good use of the +40 damage, which means you're looking at 6 int and 5 hp regen, plus the effect. While it's a powerful item, I don't think its as cost effective as the other luxury items I have listed. However, you are correct in what you said. With refresher orb you can effectively disable 3 targets simultaneously via 2 Nightmare and 1 Fiend's Grip while the other 2 are Enfeeble. It may work for some people but I prefer to grab a hex or cyclone if I need the extra control. Scythe of Vyse Eul's Scepter of Divinity

Thank you for your input!
Unicorned | October 28, 2012 9:40am
Wulfstan wrote:

I would pick Phase Boots for Bane as he is relatively slow.Then I would get the afromentioned necrobook.Gives a ****load of intellingence, Soul Ring and that bad boy is enough for our mana hungry Bane.Just my thought.

But yes,+1.

I will give this a try and add my thoughts to the guide once I've tested. Thanks for the input!
LiLPr0 (9) | October 28, 2012 7:54am
Rofl. Look guys. People approve of this guy's guide and doesn't approve of numeta's
Sp12 (25) | October 28, 2012 7:03am
Two thoughts.

Soul booster yes/no? And,

Why not refresher over aghanim's scepter. Your spells all have fairly long cooldowns, plus you can double necrobook, plus double grip means you can swap targets or use it against if interrupted.
Wulfstan (77) | October 28, 2012 1:11am
I would pick Phase Boots for Bane as he is relatively slow.Then I would get the afromentioned necrobook.Gives a ****load of intellingence, Soul Ring and that bad boy is enough for our mana hungry Bane.Just my thought.

But yes,+1.
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