May 06, 2017
+Rep Report
All-Hero Challenge  |  Ursula  |  Tiny  |  Undying
I just won with Undying, and I feel kind of bad because the opposing team rage quit... I was okay, I suppose, but I played him almost as my full support Lich. I didn't realize until the 40 minute mark that I totally forgot to buy him a blink dagger... x_X I also learned that his ult should be used for team fights and siege attacks. I completely poo-poo'ed it until level 9 when I could level up his Soul Rip and ... that circle attack... Decay? I'm really tired. Suffice to say, I tried to play him like a melee Lich and ended up underleveled for ten minutes.

Greaves are nice for a support, but trying to decide between the BD and the SB is one of my early game ponderings. Most people in pubs aren't smart enough to drop sentry wards unless their fighting a Riki. I don't want to get into the bad habit of relying on invis to save my bacon on a constant basis. None the less, that sweet attack bonus on the SB makes it more appealing to me than a bd, for the simple fact that I can use it when b…
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