May 16, 2017
+Rep Report
Ursula  |  Support  |  Girl Gamer
I took a day off after I got into a fight with one of my friends in DOTA who claimed I wasn't doing anything to help the team when I was playing support. I was so pissed I saw three enemies on mid. I was playing Lich so I TP'ed to the base tower, threw my ult and killed the Crystal Maiden and put their other two at half health. I then replied in chat "Am I helping out NOW, *******?!". I had been placing wards, making sure I farmed enough to get Mana Boots and Mek for our carrys, only underleveled by three levels with 5 kills and 2 deaths under my belt, helping out in team fights and my usually nice friend decides that my performance isn't good enough when he's died three times more than I have.

I try to be proactive... I ask him... what am I not doing? All he says is watch the replay and demands that I play another match with him. Now... this is a guy who has stalked me for matches because he claims I am a good player even though his level is higher than mine. I get tilted from his co…
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