May 15, 2017

Brief Respite From All Hero

Views: 1220 Ursula7
+Rep Report
Ursula  |  Sniper  |  Ursa  |  Courier
I have been getting tilted as I train with Ursa. I feel very uncomfortable going for a naked dagger because that's a lot of money to get that early in the game. I'm always leaning on my phase boots and Poor man's so much that knowing I can't run away from trouble that easily when I have to step up to the creep wave to get the money is a problem. If I don't have a ranged attacker on my lane to back me up, the task seems very uphill. I'm just going to set Ursa aside for a little while and expand my horizons so I can get out of just using Lich and Veno all the time in Pubs. Yeah, nobody else wants to play the support and if I choose anything else I might lose the match... but... not everyone is a jerk. So I decided to pick up Sniper.

I've cussed this character out in matches many times. The first thing I notice is that he has no animation time in his attacks. You point, you click, you first hit. He doesn't do a lot of damage when you are in the first levels, but that's okay. Once you get…
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