July 05, 2014

A Dream of Earthshaker

Views: 2984 Safecyn
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Some  |  Idiot  |  Idiot's  |  Earthshaker  |  Echo Slam  |  Math  |  Mathematics  |  Dream  |  Ultimate
Most of us, those of us who have played the game for any appreciable amount of time, anyways, have what I like to call an " Earthshaker Story." One of those rare, beautiful instances where the stars align just right, where your reflexes allow you to blink in at that perfect moment. You press R, and carnage ensues, your announcer of choice screaming TRIPLE KILL, ULTRA KILL or, perhaps, if the moment is just beautiful enough... RAMPAGE.

And you want us to believe that you have such a story?

Oh, I could spend all day spinning yarns about the Phantom Lancer's I've wrecked with a well placed Echo Slam and an Aghanim's Scepter, but this blog isn't about bragging, you know?

I was under the impression this blog wasn't about anything.

Shush. No today, as I do most every day, I would like to take you on a journey through absurd mathematics, to try and see just how powerful we can get Raigor Stonehoof to be. This will require far more estimation than I typically like to employ in our …
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