January 07, 2014
This is a part of what I hope could be a series of speculations about the Dota 2 competitive scene: I won't probably post them regularly (actually, posting this is already a thing I didn't think I would have done) but I'll try to keep up the series as much as possible, if you like it.

So, let's start. After watching different competitive games and seeing how the meta has changed in the past month or two (especially after the 6.79 patch), I'm wondering why some Heroes didn't get considered at all: we saw Hand of Midas on supports, a huge amount of Elder Titan picks for a (relatively) small amount of time, the fall of Batrider and Io and, also, the rebirth of Luna. Many Heroes including Bristleback, Mirana and Slark became the trend of this period, but some others with (in my opinion) big potential just passed through the patch - some of them even untouched - without seeing any increase in their pick ratio.

The first Hero I want to talk about is Centaur Warrunner . …
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