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Mortred = time for equality

September 30, 2012 by mortredryu
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faster and faster

DotA2 Hero: Phantom Assassin

Hero Skills

Stifling Dagger

1 3 5 7

Phantom Strike

2 8 9 10



Coup de Grace

6 11 16


12 13 14 15 17 18

Mortred = time for equality

September 30, 2012


hi, this guide is player who love movement speed. you may enjoy with this playing method.

Pros / Cons


    good ulti
    if you can make good farming, you are imba ( like a rocky balboa) (one hit one kill )
    escape skill (second skill)
    kill machine

    hard to play
    low hp

Creeping / Jungling

during to early game,
we must kill creep wtih first skill and run to last hit. i said ''run'' because We should not be damaged only last hit. if you are relax your lane alright you can. if there are 2 range against. we should use 1. skill. and we should wait help froms supports. no need to RAMBOlism

during to mid game
this time, we should make phase boot and dominator. as soon as we make these items. we can go jungle easily. we should fast farming in these mins.

Team Work

We should join latest team combat because of we have low hp. if we take ''focus on''. we can die easily. we are assassian. so we should kill intellegent hero or low hp heroes firstly. we make bkb because we should not be stunned during to team combat.


Phase boot
this item is more beneficial for easy kill with 2. skill. this item enable us more movement speed and more damage. absolutely we should make it.
Helm of Dominator
I am convinced that The founders of DOTA make this item for Mortred. so it is playing the most important role for our playing style.
good damage
good lifesteal
good armor

we should damage others during to fight. if we can make item and exp sufficiently. we can't die. it is impossible.

Black King Bar
we have to make this item. if we can't do this and if we is stunned, immediately we die.


this is more beneficial for farming jungle and creeps. even we can take rampage with this item.

skull basher:if other team have fast hero or invisible hero. we can make for them. because we should kill quickly before they have run.
monkey king bar: if other team have hero who has miss skill. absolutely we should make this item. i think that this item is perfect in every way.
daedalus: actually I prefer not to. because the game ends already but we can do it for fantasy and more damage.
satanic: if we need hp. we should make firstly.


first skill (Stifling Dagger):during to early game we can use this skill for last hit. i think its work :) we can kil easily. moreover enemy team range heroes can't damage you with this method.
second skill (Phantom Strike): this skill is more important for pro player. you can create wonders. you can escape others you can catch others. we should use 1. skill and than it.
third skill (blur): i think that we can give for once. it is sufficient. on the other hand stat is more important than this skill because we have low hp low attackspeed.
fourth (Coup de Grace ): No need to comment! One hit one kill!

to sum up,
we should use effectively first skill for movement speed is most important in this playing method. we must try to last hit with first skill. after we have had pervence. we should be not afraid of using skill.



if we can fight as a range hero and quickly hero such as balanar. we have become a kill machine.

Thank You...

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