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Late, Hard Carry Windranger

August 23, 2015 by Marixrush
Comments: 3    |    Views: 15061    |   

Crazy Wind <3

DotA2 Hero: Windranger

Hero Skills


2 5 7 10


3 9 13 14


1 4 8 12

Focus Fire

6 11 16


15 17 18


Windranger is known to be a support, but what's truly amazing about her hero, is that you can build her into a support or a hard carry. Don't let your teammates make you buy wards and courier! You will show them how a true carry plays! :D

Starting Items, Lanes.

For starters, go with Tango and Blades of Attack. +9 damage is pretty scary in the early game for your enemy and just by firing 3 arrows, you will easily make them use up 1 tango. If you have enough money, get an observer ward for your lane, so you won't get ganked if on side lanes or you will keep an eye out for the enemy if on mid!

DO NOT use Powershot as harass often. That is a huge mana waste, that will just kill you over and over. ALWAYS have enough mana for Windrun, because you should always be able to escape!

Middle is a pretty good choice for Wind, but she is just as magnificent on safe and suicide lane. On mid, you will just have better feed, that means items come in faster!
On side lanes, you have more trees, that means better shackles!

The only reason why I personally think Windrun should be prioritized after Shackleshot, is because you have to try your best to not die many times in the early game. You have to try and build Phases and Crystalys as soon as possible, because Crystalys gives you enough damage to already kill an enemy hero with a perfect shackle and Focus Fire.

Towers, How to deal with enemies!

If you are on mid, prioritize dropping the tower. Tell your teammates to ask you for a gank, only if they REALLY need it. Otherwise, try to destroy the enemy's middle tower, because later in the game, that will help out a lot.

Before buying Crystalys, try to not kill anyone. With Shackle and Focus Fire, all you will really do is deal enough damage to give them a chance to escape from you and there goes a wasted Focus Fire. Only do this in team fights, because your teammates will most likely finish them off.

Yes, you have Powershot that can kill the enemy that is running away from you, but if you are not sure that you will 100% hit it right, all you do is waste your Ulti, which can be used to drop their towers easily.

After buying Crystalys, try to just have fun! If anyone is running after you, turn on Windrun, lure them into a place where you can land a perfect Shackleshot (Most likely in the jungle. You have many trees and enemies won't really realize that you can kill so fast.) and Start your Focus Fire! So while someone is peacefully after you, when you have 30% HP, turn around and kill that bastard! xD

Late Game, Here I Come!

After you get Aghanim and Daedalus, you can kill pretty much anyone you want. If you get enough money to finish off with Desolator, you can already drop towers without a backdoor. Just run straight in when your enemy is not near and win!

What will be really hard for you? Great teamwork from the enemy. You need to catch someone alone, otherwise it's most likely useless, unless your team can kill others while you destroy the enemy that you chose.

So far, I think Windranger should fear stuns and slows from the enemy. I believe stun is your biggest enemy! So just try to choose the right target if you can manage in a team fight. You can kill their strongest carries, but the most important thing in this hero is Shackleshot. If your shackle is failed, don't even start a Focus Fire unless you are sure you can kill them anyway.

Situational Items!

Black King Bar is pretty amazing on Windranger, because BKB combined with Windrun makes you pretty much immortal. (Unless the enemy has a Monkey King Bar. That means your Windrun can't be used for dodging physical attack anymore.) This is a really good item if your team has pushed all the way to the ancient, but now they won't let you get close and there's a chance you might already lose. Starting Focus Fire with your build, you can not care about the backdoor and BKB protection will almost guarantee you a drop of an ancient, tower, barrack or whatever you want. If the enemy does not have MKB, you can be pretty sure the game is a win.

Monkey King Bar is good against heroes like Phantom Assassin or anyone who you see is planning to buy a Butterfly. Without MKB, you won't be able to kill these heroes even with this build, because +35% Evasion from your enemy (50% in PA's case, 85% if she has a butterfly.) may just make your Focus Fire useless.

Shadow Blade will be REALLY fun if you see you are playing with new players, or just players that are not good. You may just find someone peacefully farming in the jungle and that means you will get another easy kill.

Linken's Sphere is in the case if you just have too much money! (Of course, you are too awesome) If you get to the point where you are carrying your team, the enemy will focus on you and try to kill you first. Remember, the best spells come first, so Linken's Sphere may be a fun item to carry around.

Orchid malevolence will be just as fun as Shadow Blade. Silence, Shackle, Focus Fire and there goes the kill!


After you get Daedalus, you can go and kill Roshan alone. Aegis will be pretty useful for you, so try to kill Roshan as soon as possible.
Fun Fact : If you are strong enough, you can kill pretty much anyone who is trying to kill Roshan before you. Trying to Shackle the enemy who is killing Roshan will automatically give you a perfect Shackle, because Roshan's Linken Sphere won't work thanks to him being a secondary target.

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