October 08, 2014

There are TWO OF ME???!?!?!!!

Views: 2478 Safecyn
So, I was looking up my Dotabuff profile. Like I do. Cause I'm a narcissist.

How on earth does looking at your Dotabuff make you feel BETTER about yourself?

Shush. Anyways, I typed in my name and expected it to pull right up to my profile but... it didn't. It gave me a choice between two...

Wait, what? You're saying...

There are two of me now. o_0 This feels so weird. I want to think it's just a coincidence, but how many people are going to come up with 'Safecyn' on their own? Maybe at least one? I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Probably. You do that.

Yeah... anyways, on the off chance anybody wants to look at my profile (maybe to check on how good I am at the game? I've already admitted to being horrible...) I'm the guy who doesn't have almost 30 abandons. I have like 7, and they're all because of either internet crashes or, my personal favorite, my freaking computer deciding it absolutely needs to download updated in the middle of a 50 minute match…
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