August 12, 2015

Post-TI5 Digest

Views: 3016 Safecyn
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Safecyn  |  Some  |  Idiot  |  Idiot's  |  TI5  |  The International  |  6.85  |  Gyrocopter  |  Leshrac
Hello one and everyone! Safecyn here. How about them grand finals, huh?


I... I'm sorry. We're American and he's been like that since Universe's six million dollar echo slam. It'll take awhile to un-break him.


Annnnyways, with an absolutely insanely huge tournament on our heels, it's time to start looking towards the inevitable 6.85 patch. I'm anticipating some big, big changes, because while the grand finals were fun to watch, I think everyone has to admit they were a little... stale.

The game as it stands right now heavily favors heroes that can fight early on, but also have decent scaling into the late game. As such, teams were forced to limit themselves to a specific strategy and a smaller pool of heroes than usual in order to stay relevant. Leshrac and Gyrocopter has a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT pick/ban rate this meta, even more ridiculous than the pick/ban rate of Lycan during last year's infamous deathball TI. When a team can pick Gyrocopt
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