June 20, 2014

On Magic Amplification

Views: 2830 Safecyn
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Safecyn  |  Some  |  Idiot  |  Idiot's  |  Math  |  Mathematics  |  Magic Amp  |  Magic Resistance  |  Magic
To start off, I'd like to crunch some numbers related to a subject I covered in the Zeus guide: magic amplification.

You mean what you got called out on for calculating incorrectly?

Yeah. That one. I put some thought into it to make sure my numbers were 100% right after that, and the research gave me some pretty interesting ideas that I'd like to share. The main question we'll be asking today is... well, ok there are two. The first is: what is the maximum amount of magic amplification you can apply on a hero? The second, and arguably most important is: is the team composition required to make such a thing happen viable at all?

Prooobably not, just from what I'm doing in my head.

I'm inclined to agree with you, but I haven't crunched the numbers just yet, so let's see what we've got. For starters, it's best we lay bare some of the basic mechanics of magic amplification and resistance in Dota 2.

1)All heroes start off with a base magic resistance of 25%. There are, of course,…
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