January 23, 2014

Match ID: 479926228 (not listed on Dotabuff because it was a team matchmaking game).

Welcome to the adventures of Bear Grylls's Team of Survivors!

For the second blog post regarding lineups that always stomp you, I'll show a loss of our team. While I thought we had the upper hand in the picking phase (and I'm pretty sure most of you will agree on that), we underestimated that cyrillic-writing team with a childish name and didn't pay much attention to our laning phase.

But anyway, we'll talk about what we did wrong later, after showing the draft:

Bear Grylls's Team of Survivors


Let's start from the mistakes we (and them) made in the picking and banning phases:
  • First stage: common bans from both sides. I was actually very surprised about the Furion ban though, that meant they

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