December 18, 2014
+Rep Report
wraith king  |  limited  |  wtf  |  scrub tier  |  blink dagger  |  mask of madness
To spice up my dota life, I decided to do something I hadn't done in awhile: Limited Heroes. So I picked Wraith King and naturally there's a Sniper on the enemy team, thus began my quest to farm the almighty Blink Dagger. My quest begins like any other, I got my basic regen items and my trusty Quelling Blade before departing for the safe lane. But things began to get... spooky, at this point. The Sven on our disconnected from the game and yet... he kept moving around as if he was still in the game!

Little did I know that this was only a sign of things to come, and before I knew it, I was thrust into a solo-lane when the spooky Sven decided to go form a tri-lane with Vengeful Spirit and Zeus. "No problem" I though to myself, I didn't protest this impromptu tri-lane, knowing I would be able to get quick levels and maybe complete my Blink Dagger quest! Little did I know that there was a Witch Doctor and a Viper in my lane, and all of a sudden I began to regret my decision of b…
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