January 17, 2013

The amazingness behind the cover of Visage.

Views: 1763 austinfox12
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When you hear the name Visage in dota 2 you usually think of a character you don't know about or a character you have looked at but dosen't look particularly amazing for your gaming type. Well im here to tell you that if you like durable disablers and would like to do more damage Visage is probably the one for you. From slowing while gaining speed and attack speed to summoning familiars that will do amazing damage to start off and can regenerate that strength and lost health from one ability Visage will destroy everyone who tries to take him on alone starting mid game. Visage has three things that people love to see in characters. Including ganking for the first kill at level five or six to destroying in team fights and he can also take on someone on by himself especially wen treated as a carry because he can certainly carry the team. If you play dota 2 for the enjoyment of winning almost every match possible then go and give Visage a chance.

-Thanks for reading guys!

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