May 12, 2015
+Rep Report
MMR  |  Magnus  |  team  |  solo que
Alright guys, it's armc3j, or exit, here. As you know, I'm not, in general, a big fan of people who complain that "the only reason I'm in 2k is because of my teammates," etc. I think that dota 2 is a team game, and should be played WITH, not WITHOUT, teammates. However, I have reconsidered that a bit.

First off, I still stand by the fact that dota 2 is very team based. You are thrown together with 4 other people, and you are expected to probably share a lane with at least one of them. If you can't cooperate, the other team gets an advantage, assuming they cooperate themselves. For instance, it's fine for me, as Magnus, to land a 5 man Reverse Polarity, but if my carry isn't cooperating with me, I'll feed and put RP on cool down. It's that simple.

However, your tea doesn't totally reflect your MMR. I played a Phantom Assassin game where I was the highest MMR, and this is what happened. This guy 1st picks Venomancer, and asks that someone pick a jungled so he can solo-offlane. Alre…
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