June 22, 2014

Pro Pub Player Tales - The Saga Continues

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Pro  |  Pubs  |  All Carry  |  Sadness
Seeing ThreadOfFate's blog post, i thought i'd share a common experience of every good player in these harsh times,

DOtabuff link to game

Game starts, I random Alchemist, call the safelane, a few seconds later a Weaver and antimage are picked, I say all is well , ill support and go for a mid alchemist and call the guys to get a support.

Lightning strikes as the pro noob picks up an Ember Spirit, i tell him i called mid 2 min ago, he says "i go mid kill pudge" , i hear the victory bells ringin already, still i think maybe we can pull through.

Next up enigma pick, i think its nice, guy picks a support, maybe he is good. I buy courier and tell him to get wards, he says flat out no. I sadly buy the wards and head offlane as AM called solo top(we were dire) expecting weaver to follow me, they both take safelane together.

News Flash! First mid lane Pudge kills ember. I solo kill bot against a dual but its not enough, i die to gank, i cant stop PA from farming.

Fights start, AM feed…
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