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Celebrity Spotlight: Interview with Reaves

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 3, 2014 4:25am | Report

I'm sure everyone here knows DotaCinema, especially the Top Plays and Fails series. In this case, I have brought for you guys someone really special, a person who greatly improved our DotaCinema experience. Today, the amazing Reaves took some time to answer some questions for us!

If you want to support Reaves make sure to check out his:

For how long have you been playing DotA ? ( both DotA 1 and 2 )

  • I had played DotA from it's early development days up until about update 6.7x where I honestly lost interest with Warcraft and gravitated more towards FPS games such as counter-strike. Dota 2 I have played since late in the closed beta and continue to obviously frequent today.

What do you enjoy the most about this game?

  • People enjoy Dota??!?!? That must be nice. (/end.jokes) If I had to pick what I liked most about Dota, it's the fact that it supplies endless replay value. No game is ever the same twice. Even if the exact same heroes are selected by the exact same players the ultimate outcome of the game could be completely different, not to mention how that outcome was achieved. I can honestly say that the game has never been boring to play, regardless of how many hours I put into playing and watching it.

You're best known for being together with SUNSfan in fails of the week, giving us all a good laugh, how did all of this start?

  • Long story, but you asked for it. I have known SUNSfan since I was around 16 (I;m now 27). We actually met via the Counter-Strike scene, probably in some random pick up game or via CAL. Ultimately he found out I lived in Arizona so he invited me to be his 5th player in a CS tournament at Desert Bash, an Arizona based LAN tournament. Prior to that, we had barely spoken and had never played together. I ended up dominating with him at the LAN so he talked his online team into picking me up as a starting player. About 3-4 weeks later they figured out the LAN was a fluke, and quickly cut me from the team. =).....*bursts into tears*... but he still seemed to think I was funny so about 5 years later after the wounds of rejection had healed we started casting pub games in HoN with another friend Xenocide under the name glhfCasting. It was a mess, but it was fun. I of course was the punching-bag sidekick, to the much more serious SUNS and Xeno casting style. SUNS eventually went on to cast professionally for a short time with Xeno over at Honcast, without me.*bursts into tears again* ANYWHO, flash forward to Dota closed beta where SUNS started working with Neil on DC content until eventually they had the need of someone who could sometimes make people do the laugh thing. I originally said no, but I'm not a very good negotiator, so here we are.

Most people know only about this, can you tell us what else do you do at DotaCinema?

  • Other than co-host the series, I am in charge of final decisions for the clip selection. I do a few other odd jobs here and there but ultimately I work as a 'float' filling in the gaps where I'm needed. I do work outside of DotaCinema so much of my time is committed currently to my day job as a Processing Tech at a tissue bank. My main focus is and will always be FotW when it comes to DC.

Did you ever imagine you together with DotaCinema will get so popular?

  • Absolutely not. When I started with DC I knew almost nothing about YouTube, was awful at Dota, and had zero self-esteem. Looking back I am still amazed and feel blessed that the show was so well received. I love making people laugh and DC was my first time ever getting to do so on such a large scale. It is still astonishing to me that I have 'fans' and they aren't just the wind blowy kind. I am intensely thankful to the Dota community and DotaCinema for providing me with such an outlet for my comedy.

SUNSfan mentioned plenty of times in your videos that you're a really 'skillful' player, from a scale of 1 to Dendi, how good are you?

  • On a scale of 1 to Dendi I would say I'm at about a 'Decent Pub' status so what, like a 5? Is Dendi like a 10? YOUR SCALE CONFUSES AND ANGERS ME! /ragequit

What hero do you enjoy playing the most, and why? ( I have a feeling we know already )

  • Everyone probably assumes it's Storm, but that would be incorrect. I could honestly play Juggernaut every game forever and be perfectly happy. I love everything about that hero

Would you change or add something to the game?

  • I would either remove Roshan completely or make the map perfectly symmetrical with 2 Rosh pits that alternate Roshan spawn locations. In my opinion Rosh ruins the potential of some really good games by sometimes offering teams an unfair advantage.

If you had the chance, would you rather be part of a professional team and play competitively or do what you're doing right now?

  • After meeting players and seeing the life of a professional gamer I would absolutely take what I'm doing right now. Even if I could magically become the best player in the world, I would still prefer to be on the entertainment side of things. The stress of professional gaming would drain the fun out of the game entirely for me.

Who do you think will be the top three teams at this year's International?

  • I hate these kinds of questions but; These teams in any order would make me happy.
    - Na'Vi
    - Alliance
    - Fnatic
    - Titan

I'm sure you have a favorite team and player, who do you support the most?

  • I have flown the Na'Vi flag for a long time just because I find them intensely fun to watch. I'm also a big fan of Fnatic, having followed most of their players since my HoN casting days. Picking a favorite player is hard for me when speaking directly about gaming skill, but I am a big fan of the humor Puppey brings to the Dota scene so I'll just go with him *pause*.

That's about it, is there something you'd like to share with our members and your fans?

  • Thanks so much for the interview! As a few parting words I would just like to say to anyone out there thinking of doing something like what I do or really anything you are going for, DON'T SAY NO. I almost blew this entire experience when they first asked me and it has been one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. As long as you all want to laugh, I'll do my best to keep the funny stuff coming. Also, I read every comment on every fail video and do my best to keep the show fresh and funny. Keep the critiques coming, and I'll keep doing my best to improve the show. I am forever grateful to be a part of peoples lives and offer all of my thanks to anyone who crazily calls themselves my 'fan'

I'd like to thank Reaves for spending time and effort into answering our questions! We wish you luck in your further DotA 2 adventures!
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » May 3, 2014 9:24am | Report
I really like how the whole interview thing is something frequent, it's really interesting.

Are pro interviews something we can expect once TI4 hits?


Keep up the great work :D



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 3, 2014 9:43am | Report
samukobo wrote:

I really like how the whole interview thing is something frequent, it's really interesting.

Are pro interviews something we can expect once TI4 hits?


Keep up the great work :D

Hopefully yes, glad you like it ! :D
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by F.E.A.R.0 » May 3, 2014 9:58am | Report
Damn I loved this interview. And we can even expect PRO interviews? Mushi interview:

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 3, 2014 10:33am | Report
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

Damn I loved this interview. And we can even expect PRO interviews? Mushi interview:

I'll try my best to get them !
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerak Kyria » May 4, 2014 7:23pm | Report
Someone should buy a great big thank-you basket for Hades because of all these wonderful interviews... I would but the only thing of any worth I have is a baby roshan...
Your new diet for heroes; You will need 4 wards (cuz wards taste better), 1 set of tangoes, 1 mango, 1 cheese.
With this you can make a nice Tango Mango Cheese platter. You can wash this all down with a nice bottle of water, Can be flavoured with red, green, yellow, blue, purple AND GOLD!
Caution: Taking roshan 3 times is required.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » May 5, 2014 3:17am | Report
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Someone should buy a great big thank-you basket for Hades because of all these wonderful interviews... I would but the only thing of any worth I have is a baby roshan...

Just click Follow on his Stream, close enough 8{3

...also, I feel you. I would NEVER give away my Baby Roshan 8{D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » May 5, 2014 5:04am | Report

Haha, glad you enjoy them!


Not streaming that much anymore :(
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » May 5, 2014 6:11am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Not streaming that much anymore :(

Invite Celebrities to your Stream 8{D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by R-Conqueror » May 5, 2014 11:19am | Report
Awesome interview! I am now more enlightened about my favorite part of the FotW duo. A Puppey interview would just be phenomenal btw Hades :D.
I got to Notable, Thanks!
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