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Forum » Matchmaking » DOTA2 RECRUITMENT! MALAYSIANS 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SashaALini » February 23, 2014 4:53pm | Report
I am looking for DotA 2 players that are committed and passionate in the competitive scene of DotA2. We will be joining all competitions that are available to us.

The players that I am looking for are: -

Position: Any roles
Game Experience: Any
Location: Malaysia
Training hours: After 7pm expect for sat and sun

I am planning to have a lot more than 5 players as I understand players come and go as time goes and I would prefer to have a inner competitive scene which players strive to improve among competing between themselves, so feel free to contact me through this thread or pm. If you are interested please send in the following details. I will reply within 3 days.

Preferred position:
Preferred heroes:
Game Experience:
Available time for training:
Steam ID:



Notable (1)
Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by slashmonster » March 3, 2014 8:57am | Report
Hai, Im SPM leavers./ Newbie.
Preferred position:Carry(2)etc
Preferred heroes:Bloodseekers,Luna,Bristleback,Lion,Riki,Skywrath,Gyro,SpiritBreaker,Alchemist.
Game Experience:10 month dota2
Location:Kuala Lumpur
Available time for training:8pm-2am
Steam ID:sephiroth_allstars


Posts: 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » March 6, 2014 12:13pm | Report
I removed your phone number from there, just for safety issues please don't post it! c:
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Distinguished (296)
Posts: 4707
Steam: hades4you
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SyahmiAuzan » November 25, 2014 5:36am | Report
Preferred position:Utility,Offlane
Preferred heroes:Sandking,Invoker,Earthshaker,
Game Experience:Almost 3 or 4 years and always watch all professional games
Location:Kedah, Malaysia
Available time for training:After 7pm everyday
Steam ID:
Please send some feedback ;)


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by rixxal » December 4, 2014 11:15pm | Report
Preferred position: Carry , Offlane
Preferred heroes: Tidehunter, Troll Warlord, Naix, Bristleback, Sandking, EarthShaker
Game Experience: 5 years I guess.
Location: Penang, Malaysia
Available time for training: Bout 4pm - 12am (Depends)
Steam ID:

I am 14 going to 15 next year. Played dota since I was 7. Willing to listen to captain and learn more. I am now in 3k Solo Mmr and 2.99 party mmr. Hope you consider it.


Posts: 1
Steam: nightrushz

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