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support gets credit

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Forum » General Discussion » support gets credit 28 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mattyg2787 » July 8, 2013 3:00pm | Report
So this is for all the Thankless supports out there.
I played a game the other day and I waited until I was the last pick. After our team picked drow, huskar, sniper and pa. The other team picked rikki, bounty, pl and some other carries.
I picked up bane going for #5 support.
Long and short, I grabbed both courier parts, ob wards constantly and of course, sentries.
Game went on with a constant stream of ganks on rikki and pl Thanks to vision of their jungle and rosh.
Either way, at the end of the game, I had the other team commending me for completely shutting them down all game. My team was telling me "you're awesome bane" and I ended up getting 4 friends b requests on steam from it.
Also, we won.
It's rare but how good is that?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 8, 2013 3:25pm | Report
Yup, it's very rare, and it's very good.

No one really likes playing support and spending money on consumables instead of buying damage items.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Underseer » July 8, 2013 6:18pm | Report
Support is typically a thankless job. And, more often than not, all the blame is put on you, and you alone.

But there are those rare games we get, every once in a blue moon, where we're recognized as a driving force.

We may have gone 2/10, but man, that was one hell of an Ice Path. Did you see me interrupt that 4-man Black Hole? Man, that PL must have been scared ****less when I sentried him perfectly!

But, I digress. Congrats on a team that loved you!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mattyg2787 » July 8, 2013 8:28pm | Report
@Underseer - Brag as much as you want man. Like you said, normally as a support you get blamed for things going bad, while the carries get talked up when they are team wiping/soloing towers.

It's those rare rare occasions in pub matches that you feel appreciated. When you play team games (I play off lane, not support) you make sure you appreciate your supports all that much more.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » July 8, 2013 10:44pm | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Yup, it's very rare, and it's very good.

No one really likes playing support and spending money on consumables instead of buying damage items.

I only like playing supportive heroes (with cool ultimates)
It is the same as in tf2. The engineer and medic never get played in pubs while being the most important classes.

I also would love to get some credit sometimes :'(


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cepheus1988 » July 9, 2013 12:34am | Report
I actually like playing Support heroes, even though I haven't really played in a while except the new released Training missions (no time because of stupid work, and tournaments to watch xD)

Why I like beeing Support:
- mostly Item Independent
- I fail at last hitting xD (confirmed by training missions...)
- I mostly played Support / Tank in my days of League of Legends and me and my lane Partner went on a total rampage each time :p
(I miss you my dear Lux, Leona and Soraka... sometimes i played Lux as AP-Mid when no one else wanted to)

I always got credit for my Support in my LoL-days... but mostly because I played with friends :p

That's why I can't wait for Abaddon... he is everything I like to Play... and one hell of a carry in addition if he gets the farm :D
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » July 9, 2013 1:19am | Report
It is rare, but it's very nice when it happens. I'm usually the guy playing support - most people moan when stuff isn't getting done, but don't tend to say thanks when it is. My pet hate is having harder supports on the team than my hero who don't pull their weight or even help out at all.

On the odd occasion I do end up playing mid, carry or whatever I always make sure I thank the supports if they've done a good job, win or lose. Treating them well and giving them some respect would make a hellova lot more people be willing to do it, and do it properly - it's easy to see why people stop after the 10th time some arrogant "pwnage" carry talks down to them or tells them they suck.

Had a game last night as Doom Bringer, the main support Disruptor was 1-13-17 and 9 levels below me at the end...not exactly great stats but he did a fair job of warding all game and doing his job on pretty minimal equipment. I wouldn't have been able to get as strong and carry the game if he hadn't done his job properly.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jaslam » July 9, 2013 2:31am | Report
That one that gets me with supports. are people who can't shift their roles.
Heroes like Windrunner, Nyx, enchantress, have a variety of positions - and based on your team picks/composition, if you have to support, not go mid (i'm looking at all the nyx players) then you f***ing do that, you buy wards, and you do your bloody job..
so you end up with a nyx mid, with a puck and a carry top - stupid **** like that, and you've already lost.. and the poor sap, who actually picked a hard support, somehow has to buy EVERYTHING, (and place them, without dying, lose of exp time.. all that jazz)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by VooDooTech » August 9, 2013 1:47am | Report
Hello All

So as so many of you i am playing support.
You can ask a person why do you play support?
Answer: Because i like to WIN!
Question here is how can you win picking up a support?
Answer: you babysit this damn carry and providing god mode wision.
It is a really hard job... you need to feed this little minion (yes you Mr. Carry) and then see how it annihilates the enemy one by one...then you are a proud mom of a hell monster.
The thing here is..when something goes are getting kicked in the balls every damn time something bad happens.
But yes...there are those rare moments where you get a ...... thank you from a Player.

Cry me a river VooDoo...i can't must provide vision :( !


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fleshbits » August 12, 2013 10:49am | Report
In pub games, I almost always choose support. Not because I want to, but because I have to. Even if 1 teammate chooses support, I will still choose support. Why? Because my experience so far (500 games or so) is that they will not buy courier at all, don't even know what support is, never ward anything, and won't buy a single team item unless it is in the guide they chose. this drives me bonkers.

9/10 when you ask your support to buy a courier at the beginning of the game, you get, "If you want it, buy it yourself noob!" to which I respond, "Please read a Dota2 guide after the game. Pretty please."

If there is a support, I'll try to get someone that also has some killing power, like Skywraith and then play the support role or share it. It seem to on average win more games. Just playing the odds.

If the guy actually calls "support" in the hero pick chat or responds to my, "Are you going to play support, including buying the courier, warding, and team items?" then I'll choose someone else. No response and I pick support too.

I will always commend a support who even drops 1 ward the entire game and buys the courier. They are already in the top 10% of pub games"

I really wish I had 4 friends :(


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