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DotA2 Skill: Spectral Dagger

Spectral Dagger

Casting Method:Active
Targetting Method:Point
Allowed Targets:Enemy Units
Spectre flings a dagger to draw a Shadow Path, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed of any enemies along the trail. Units hit by the dagger also trail a Shadow Path. While treading the path, Spectre phases through otherwise impassable terrain.

Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220
Movement Speed Change: 10% / 14% / 18% / 22%
Duration: 7
Mana Cost: 110 / 120 / 130 / 140 Cooldown Time: 22 / 20 / 18 / 16
Additional Information
Damage and slow are blocked by magic immunity,

Mercurial's dagger eclipses the physical plane in shadow, a state in which mortals cower, but spectres thrive.

  • Spectre can move over cliffs, trees, buildings and units while under effect of this spell.
  • Movement Speed Buff/Debuff lasts for 4 seconds after leaving the shadow path.
  • There is a 1 second grace period after leaving the path where no collision is preserved.
  • Units that enter the shadow path will be slowed but not damaged by it.
  • The dagger moves at a speed of 857.14 units per second.
  • Vision is granted of shadow path when Spectral dagger is cast.

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Donk_illMe (6) | October 31, 2011 8:24am
The Spectre launches a deadly dagger that trails a Shadow Path. Deals damage to the targets in its path. Units hit by the dagger will also trail a Shadow Path. The Spectre becomes phased (gains zero collision) while on the path.
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