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Mishag's guid to bh.

July 30, 2014 by mishag110
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mishag110 | August 2, 2014 12:35pm
jaitara_x wrote:

Hmmm... interesting. I can only see this working with a team that is incredibly coordinated against a team that is similarly uncoordinated. At most, you can get 310 burst damage by level 5 (250 from Shuriken and 60 from Shadow Walk) at a total cost of 255 mana. Having 3 points in Shadow Walk instead, however, gives you 280 burst damage at level 5 (100 from Shuriken and 180 from Shadow Walk) at a cost of only 190 mana. That's 65 mana less for only 30 damage less, with the additional utility of your invis lasting 10 seconds longer per cast.

Just something to think about.

Yea, thats right. But you should keep in mind, that to deal damage from Shadow Walk you have to attack enemy in close range (and also you cant use anything while you in shadow walk). And Shuriken deal instant range damage. Thats why i think you should max it first)
jaitara_x (1) | July 30, 2014 8:39pm
Hmmm... interesting. I can only see this working with a team that is incredibly coordinated against a team that is similarly uncoordinated. At most, you can get 310 burst damage by level 5 (250 from Shuriken and 60 from Shadow Walk) at a total cost of 255 mana. Having 3 points in Shadow Walk instead, however, gives you 280 burst damage at level 5 (100 from Shuriken and 180 from Shadow Walk) at a cost of only 190 mana. That's 65 mana less for only 30 damage less, with the additional utility of your invis lasting 10 seconds longer per cast.

Just something to think about.
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