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Gankin' Type Luna (Holy shit is waiting)

August 21, 2012 by FinalL
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Blitxxen (7) | August 21, 2012 2:33pm
FinalL wrote:

I don't prefer Moon Glaive at early game, because you can skill your Lunar Blessing and Lucent Beam instead of this. Both this abilities are more helpful for me in early and mid game while ganking. And Helm of the Dominator ? I don't need this, instead of this I bough Yasha and I had bigger auto-attack damage and better mov. speed.

Moon Glaive is more helpful for me if I have bigger damage and I want to push...

Of course, you can always max Lunar Blessing and Lucent Beam, but he said one point, its useful (like, for example, you get DD rune, DD damage to the first target, and his ally will recieve also good amount of damage). Yasha is just one simple and common item for agility heroes, while Helm of the Dominator gives you +10 damage, +5 armor, lifesteal and the ability to take a neutral creep under your control and let you gank with it with good micro, much more benefits coming from helm.
FinalL | August 21, 2012 10:02am
I don't prefer Moon Glaive at early game, because you can skill your Lunar Blessing and Lucent Beam instead of this. Both this abilities are more helpful for me in early and mid game while ganking. And Helm of the Dominator ? I don't need this, instead of this I bough Yasha and I had bigger auto-attack damage and better mov. speed.

Moon Glaive is more helpful for me if I have bigger damage and I want to push...
Hades4u (296) | August 21, 2012 9:47am
Why you don't level up Moon Glaive at level 4 ? It must have level 1 at least, it's helpful.

Also, why don't you get Helm of the Dominator earlier? It helps you a lot, damage, lifesteal and armor.
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