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There won't be any detailed explanations about how this hero works because this guide was made for advanced players who already know how to play weaver and know about this hero in general . Some experienced players say that weaver isn't much reliable as a early or late game hero , but i find that incorrect ... To see why , read further :
I think that this build makes weaver one of top 5 early game nukers in Dota 2 if played right.
So try it and feel free to comment :)
First skill you should take is "Shukuchi" . But I also considered taking "Geminate attack" as a part of relying on my ability to play safely without any escape abilities . Let's face it , at pro games it is really hard to play solo weaver no matter what skill u take . Enemy players will just get detection and take heroes with strong disable . So your second skill will not be as useful as in lower MMR games . But in case you get "Shukuchi" first . With this skill you can push your lane , because you can easily escape with max move speed , moving through units and denying most slowing buffs . It would be good if you use it only for escaping critical situations or getting kills . Next skill at lvl 2 should be "Geminate attack" which you should use almost always on enemy heroes (not farming) , that's how you can efficiently harass them and keep their hp low (especially now when it gives bonus dmg on second hit). Of course if the situation in game is suitable for farming then you just might use it to get at least ranged creeps .
Next one is "The Swarm" again (Note : you need to be extra careful until you get your "Shukuchi" on 2nd level because you could be ganked).
This skill allows you to provoke your enemies more frequently , and start more aggressive play , also farm easier.
After that you can choose between 2nd and 3rd skill , my choice is 3rd because you can spam it more frequently . When u get lvl 6 , then of course take your ult because it will allow you to safely dive under enemy tower and get kills , and it will save you in critical situations ...
Then it's up to you what skills you are going to take , but for this build is very important to max out your 3rd skill as soon as possible .
Later you can use your ult with "Teleport boots" and push 2 lanes in same time or create some other crazy combinations that are not really useful but fun ,just like this one with TP boots .
The point of this build is to get zone and magic damage item (Maelstrom and Javelins) as soon as possible so you can farm and get kills much faster .
When the game starts you need to get as much attributes as you can by buying "Circlet" and 1 "Iron branch" (which later may or may not become "Magic Wand" and "Wraith Band"). There is also "TP" and "Fearie Fire" as very important items and ofc "Enchanted Mango" that gives HP rengen and mana supply in emergency situations.
Then you get "Boots" so you can move faster to take runes or get kills and escape if you are out of mana and can't use Shukuchi . You also need "Town portal scroll" so you can quickly gank any lane if needed .
You need to buy "Javelin"that will give u nice 25% chance to deal 100 magic dmg which is good combined with your passive skill . And then "Power Treads" that will give you more hp or agility with attack speed and damage which is core for Weaver .
As soon as you finish "Power Treads" you need to get another core Item for this build , the "Maelstrom" . It will allow you to deal more damage and get chain reactions that will deal zone (magical) damage and allow you to push and farm faster . Magic dmg also means that it ignores armor that is good against tanky enemies or enemies with high armor values. It will also enable u to get kills faster . After that u should get "Quarterstaff" because your aim should be building moneky king bar which is great after 7.14 update because it now gives damage like few years ago and then 75% possibility of landing strike with bonus 100 magical dmg (last update was 60 pure dmg).
You can also buy few "Town portal scrolls" to be able to gank or escape .
After that you need to get "Aeon Disk" that will enable you to survive critical situations and will get u hm and mana , not to forget debuffing and damage block every 115 seconds with 2.5 seconds damage block .
You can get another Maelstrom" , it's completely your choice .
Then u can get "Desolator" that is also great for more pushing .
Soon after you need to upgrade "Maelstrom" to "Mjollnir" . That's how you will max out your attack speed and also get more chain damage .
Your 6th item for final build is optional but of course you can buy "Heart" which will provide you with great hp regen and make it easier to return to fight after receiving damage.
Also if enemy team has silence or disablers , best item for you would be "Black king bar" .
Of course , you can sell "MKB" and buy "Bloodthorn" that will also give you true strike on silenced units , but it's not good idea if they have "Black king Bar" or Linken's Sphere" . If you play against mana heroes like medusa and Wraith King or someone like then u can buy "Manta Style" with "Diffusial Blade" , and trust me with that and talent vlv 10 "20 mana break" you will drink them up in no time ...
It's up to who you play against , so choose these optional items wise .
If someone asked me about a generally good Tier 1 item for any hero , I would say "Trusty Shovel" . It is useful because in most cases you will get something good except in case of TP-s .
As next tier 1 "good" item for weaver I would say "Ironwood Tree" since it grants great deal of stats in early game and in that way it supplies weaver with health , mana and agility (all things that he needs) .
Then "Royal Jelly" that provides good Health regen which allows weaver to be sustainable in early game without any cost .
"Broom Handle" is also good drop especially for weaver since this hero lacks Attack Range . It also gives some Armor and Attack damage which makes weaver better trader .
As a winner I would say : "Trusty Shovel"
As useful Items here I would put : "Ring of Aquila , Vambrace(strength) and Philosopher Stone" . Yay , "Ring of Aquila" is finally back , great carry Item . Provides hero with Armor , Mana Regen and Lots of Damage . Sole reason why I put "Vambrace(strength) " is because with "Vambrace(agility)" you don't get as good stats and resistance as with Srtength ones . As 2 Items that might seem good that I wouldn't recommend , I would put "Growe Bow and Imp Claw" . Reason for this is because "Grove Bow" doesn't give any stats which weaver needs in early game period and because "Imp Claw" can really be replaced with much better Items . I recommend it only if you have a free slot .
As a winner I would say : "Philosopher's Stone"
Recommended Items : "Greater Faerie Fire , Third Eye and Helm of The Undying " .
Not recommended Items : "Mind Breaker and Orb of Destruction" .
Why not these Items ? Well because what these Items offer is not much and can be easily replaced with other more useful Items .
As a winner I would say : "Helm of The Undying"
There is not much to say about good Items for Weaver here . I would just say : "Flicker and Leveller" .
As a winner I would say : "Leveller"
Well at least I think this is easy . Most of Tier 5 Items are useful . But if I had to choose top 3 , I would choose : "Apex , Stygian Desolator and Trident" .
To choose a winner here is Hard and dependable on situation , but in most general way weaver is played I would say : "Stygian Desolator"
You can be very usefull as a damage dealer using both magic + physical dmg .
You can save your teammates with your ult if you buy scepter . It would be perfect if you had alchemist in team so you wouldn't need to buy scepter . Also you can put your sphere on important players in team and be their support in teamfights .
So what if u have tried this way of playing weaver and it didn't work for you .
Well , this build and way of playing was checked many times by many players (different mmr brackets) , and it is worked really , really well . But there are games that enemy team has much better coordination , or your team has really bad players , so you lose games . But it is easy to say that it is because of your team . Always try to be the one who is blaming yourself for losing . So if this way of playing is not working for you . It is probably you who is making mistakes . So what should you do , hmm ? Well , if you are above 4.5 K MMR , you should know what is wrong . But if u are bellow 4.5 K then :
I will make a list of things that you might be doing wrong :
1- You are concetrating too much on kills and solo play with weaver
2- You are not playing by the rules stated and trying to do it your way
3- You don't have enough experience with weaver and don't know the basic builds
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