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ADVANCED Weaver (Survival) 7.23b

December 2, 2019 by majormax17
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Best survival , Be their nightmare 7.23b

DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm

3 13 14


1 4 7 9

Geminate Attack

2 5 8 11

Time Lapse

6 12 18


10 15

Hero Talents

+1 Geminate Attack
-3s Shukuchi Cooldown
+0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction
+70 Geminate Attack Damage
+2 Swarm Attacks to Kill
+20 Mana Break
+7 Strength
+60 Shukuchi damage

ADVANCED Weaver (Survival) 7.23b

December 2, 2019


Hello ... This is my new weaver survival build .
I based this build on making weaver even harder to kill or disable , and combining with my previous build "" i came up with this one which is more effective in some situations ...
I will show you some builds that I tried in game . Those are versatile builds from period when I was experimenting with this hero . In the beginning it was hard but soon I got a hold of it . Later I was changing my build as new patches changed this hero .
Here's few of my games with weaver 1 year ago (75 % of those are wins):
NOTE : This build is only for advanced players that already have some experience with this hero .


More or less we go for standard skill upgrading common for most weaver guides first upgrading 2-nd skill for being able to early escape ganking and disjointing projectiles.
After that it's also important to take all 3 skills once and continue upgrading 2-nd and 3-rd skill as much as possible ...
The reason is that by upgrading these 2 skills you are able to harass enemy heroes more frequently ...
Everything else , harassing included , is explained in my first weaver guide (link in INTRODUCTION)...



1. You buy circlet because u may want to upgrade it later to "Wraith band" and it will give u some attack speed and stats .
2. You can eat "Iron branches" if u want to heal more or u can save them for magic wand depending on different situations .
3. U need 1 "Mango" because they give you bonus hp regeneration , and of course if u are out of mana in emergency situations you can use them to replenish mana and escape or kill enemy .
4. Last but not least "Healing salve" , also very important item


You can see these items and explanations in my first weaver build . (link in INTRODUCTION)
But we have 2 additions here . It's "Helm of the Dominator" and "Ring of Tarrasque" that you can buy before dragon lance if you are harassed too much by enemy players . It will give you great hp regen and some stats (in case of "RoT" , it will give you considerable amount of health) . If you ask me this is way much better than buying "Ring of Health" and going for "Perseverance" .


1. "Maelstrom" is important because of fast farm and combo with your 3-rd skill , improved attack speed and chain(zone) damage = faster farm , easier kills , magic damage making high armor hereos easier to kill .
2. "Eul's Scepter" is new item that i combined with weaver because of his wide using range as debuffer and other bonuses like mana regen , bonus movement speed . Ofc you can use it also if your 2-nd skill is on cooldown so you can buy yourself time by using eul and escape ...


We concluded that main damage output of this weaver is still physical but we also slightly improved his magic dmg with maelstrom and weaver level 10 talent . So what we need to do now is to improve his magic dmg even more . Our next item should be "Radiance". Ofc if you don't feel safe even now you can buy "Lotus orb" or "Linken's sphere" , depending on a situation . Of course we can use lotus orb as another debuffer . What will you buy is up to you and situation in what u are . Then of course u will want to make use of all that magic damage so after that you should buy "Octarine core" . It will make you tanky and give you spell and chain damage lifesteal . Also it will decrease your cooldowns which is very useful in weaver case especially because of "Boots of travel" and your 2-nd skill . In addition there is "Aeon Disk" that should be very useful to weaver considering his low hp and vulnerability to disables . Next item is completely your choice that you choose depending on situation .


If someone asked me about a generally good Tier 1 item for any hero , I would say "Trusty Shovel" . It is useful because in most cases you will get something good except in case of TP-s .
As next tier 1 "good" item for weaver I would say "Ironwood Tree" since it grants great deal of stats in early game and in that way it supplies weaver with health , mana and agility (all things that he needs) .
Then "Royal Jelly" that provides good Health regen which allows weaver to be sustainable in early game without any cost .
"Broom Handle" is also good drop especially for weaver since this hero lacks Attack Range . It also gives some Armor and Attack damage which makes weaver better trader .

As a winner I would say : "Trusty Shovel"


As useful Items here I would put : "Ring of Aquila , Vambrace(strength) and Philosopher Stone" . Yay , "Ring of Aquila" is finally back , great carry Item . Provides hero with Armor , Mana Regen and Lots of Damage . Sole reason why I put "Vambrace(strength) " is because with "Vambrace(agility)" you don't get as good stats and resistance as with Srtength ones . As 2 Items that might seem good that I wouldn't recommend , I would put "Growe Bow and Imp Claw" . Reason for this is because "Grove Bow" doesn't give any stats which weaver needs in early game period and because "Imp Claw" can really be replaced with much better Items . I recommend it only if you have a free slot .

As a winner I would say : "Philosopher's Stone"


Recommended Items : "Greater Faerie Fire , Third Eye and Helm of The Undying " .
Not recommended Items : "Mind Breaker and Orb of Destruction" .
Why not these Items ? Well because what these Items offer is not much and can be easily replaced with other more useful Items .

As a winner I would say : "Helm of The Undying"


There is not much to say about good Items for Weaver here . I would just say : "Flicker and Leveller" .

As a winner I would say : "Leveller"


Well at least I think this is easy . Most of Tier 5 Items are useful . But if I had to choose top 3 , I would choose : "Apex , Stygian Desolator and Trident" .

To choose a winner here is Hard and dependable on situation , but in most general way weaver is played I would say : "Stygian Desolator"


7.07 update is weavers game changer . When we talk about weaver new talents which made him more of a versatile hero . So , because of this we can make weaver more survivable with more early game impact. This talent pick should be logical . We take +35% exp so we can get other talents and upgrade ult faster . With 7.20 - 7.20c patch no important changes were made to weaver . He just got slightly buffed with health rengen for example , and ofc a few more things .
After next dozen of Updates Weaver got Buffed and Nerfed many times , but lastly we mostly see buffs as minor changes to stats . So after 7.23 patch there has been no changes .

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