January 01, 2014
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Macro  |  Tactics

When first starting Dota, you play to own with a hero. Then, as you slowly start to take in the interesting teamgame that is Dota, you begin to develop a sense of roles, of purpose for each player. Soon you start to pick heroes that compliment each other, and heroes that fit in a niche that's missing from your currently drafted hero pool. You become skilled at understanding teamfights, laning, ganking, jungling, pulling, warding and all other strategic tactics that can be used to defeat your opponent.

But now, young treants, its is time to look further. Even though your direct, micro-based tactics are important to the game, you also have to start looking at the macro game. At the changes that's happening because of all the ganking, teamfights, pulling and warding. The game changes as the heroes develop, as pick-offs are made on lone heroes. One small mistake, and it could completely turn a game around. These are the things to consider when you play Dota with the aim of becoming bett…
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