March 14, 2013

The Possibilities - Drow Ranger

Views: 5066 SkyStormSpectre
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Noob  |  Drow
So, I have this secret hate. This burning hate for one hero in particular. I never play her, and curse the enemy team if they decide to employ her services in noob stomping. She's the dark ranger, Drow Ranger.
Now, to start off, you never see a Drow in high-tier or professional games, and there's a reason for it. Drow is a easy kill, DPS hero with an amazing slow ability as well as a Silence. This exceptional skilled hero comes with two passives that increase her raw damage. This makes for a surprisingly easy to play with hero, but she is very weak and dies quickly.

Sadly, she gets played a lot, according to Dotabuff. Most chosen hero in public games. Now, we as the average player will cringe when we have to face this annoying hero in the throes of battle, as we don't know how to deal with heroes like her that are generally considered (by the less pro people) as a 'noob' hero. But really, its a new-player hero. It comes with only 1 real skill, an autocast, and fairly easy way to kill…
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