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5 Votes

Settin' Stones: Offlane Guide to Winning With Earth Spirit (6.81 update!)

April 26, 2014 by Puckster
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C-C-COMBO BREAKER | May 10, 2014 2:06pm
Decent Guide, but shadow blade on Earth Spirit is not a good item.
bomabastaar | December 30, 2013 10:29pm
Puckster wrote:

I also decided to see what would happen if you tried to Rolling Boulder into the chronosphere as a joke, and surprisingly when you do you appear inside the sphere, blocking Faceless and you apply the 80% slows! Kinda a weird quirk, not sure if it's useful but it was kind of interesting. I guess bodyblocking Faceless and making 2 seconds of his ult mostly useless could have a use at some point? I don't know, Earth Spirit's a pretty interesting Hero, though!

It won't work as you describe. The mechanics of Chrono are that you will freeze exactly at the edge, so you won't impact Faceless Void, unless he is somewhere within the hitbox of Roll and near the edge.
Puckster | December 30, 2013 8:08am
ThePlaymate wrote:

Good work mate, Grip was nerfed too since it doesn't work anymore in Enigma's Black Hole, and Faceless Void's Chronosphere.

I took this into a lobby and checked this since I didn't remember reading about it. Looks like you're right, I'll update the guide accordingly. Thanks!

I also decided to see what would happen if you tried to Rolling Boulder into the chronosphere as a joke, and surprisingly when you do you appear inside the sphere, blocking Faceless and you apply the 80% slows! Kinda a weird quirk, not sure if it's useful but it was kind of interesting. I guess bodyblocking Faceless and making 2 seconds of his ult mostly useless could have a use at some point? I don't know, Earth Spirit's a pretty interesting Hero, though!
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | December 30, 2013 4:33am
Good guide, but you should have add a little bit more items (tank), but no offense.
ThePlaymate | December 29, 2013 11:58pm
Good work mate, Grip was nerfed too since it doesn't work anymore in Enigma's Black Hole, and Faceless Void's Chronosphere.
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