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51 Votes

The Silken Road to Victory

November 5, 2013 by Furied
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wolFSpark | November 2, 2016 11:54pm
Spain2001 | January 11, 2016 1:24pm
Fix. Incapacitating Bite is no longer a unique attack modifier.
KEMEK | September 19, 2013 2:25am
For me, creeps are A LOT better than Broodmother. This hero needs to be pissed off from Dota. Just sayin.
Furied (1) | September 18, 2013 10:46pm

someone on dotabuff also decided to do a dagon 5 build with broodmother, along with veil and eblade that u btw?

No I'm not but that's the general idea of the experimental build I'm looking at. I usually go dagon one then Orchid Malevolence, but build carry after that, getting butterfly and Assault Cuirass.

The idea behind having a dagon is that the 700 magic dmg from q + dagon gives her a strong head start on being able to kill a dangerous caster during orchid silence, who might otherwise ruin her day with powerful stuns and nukes.
Ezreal loves Sona | September 17, 2013 10:37am
someone on dotabuff also decided to do a dagon 5 build with broodmother, along with veil and eblade that u btw?
Furied (1) | September 15, 2013 6:19pm
I'm going to be looking at redoing my guide to cut down on text and rework the item builds in an attempt to find a place for broodmothers to be having a greater game impact.

Is there a page with information on how to text-link items, heros, and abilities that someone could point me to?

The current build path I'm seeing people use is Boots > Soul Ring > Orchid > Vlad > Skull basher with some omitting the vlad altogether.

Broodmother also got a buff a while back, an increase to the miss chance component from her e. So far it isn't affected her win rate however.
Asdaft (1) | August 18, 2013 7:02pm
I like the guide,
However, some people (like me) usually don't like to read a wall of text(s?).
e.g. Instead of -Pudge, you can write -[ [Pudge] ]
(Removing the spaces gives you - Pudge)
Also, I kind of don't see the point with Vanguard.
Yes, it's good for the early game since the damage block is great.
But as of 15-20 mins of non-stop farming and pushing, you probably should have your Vladmir's Offering and an extra item at this point.
Vanguard's damage block goes off from mid game to late game

By the way, I think you should add Orchid of Malevolence as a situational item.
The silence is great for those annoying spellcasters and that one Queen of Pain who you'd like to shut up and just right click down.
It also has great mana regeneration if a basic Soul Ring doesn't cover your mana that much.
O-R-W-K | August 17, 2013 11:43am
Sorry, I meant one early point of incapacitating bite.
O-R-W-K | August 16, 2013 3:36pm
Hey! I noticed a few mistakes in your guide, mainly one that caught my eye: Spiderlings slow by 15 movespeed not 15%. That's a HUGE difference. Because of this, I think you should get 1 early level of it at 6 instead of the ult. Sometimes I get a level of it at 4, just for the ability to harass that much more. Also, you should recognize heroes that help you push down towers faster like shadowfiend and doom with any good creep aura.
CyDohl | May 17, 2013 8:20am
Hello i have a question for this build.

did u do that build on steam to use that inGame?
if so can u plz send me the link to your build at steam plz i will try it but i had only 1 monitor and thats bad to chage between browser and game ;D

greetz CyDohl
Furied (1) | February 18, 2013 7:33pm
jgke wrote:

Did you accidentally place the point at level 11 to stats at the suicide build? You leave the ulti to level 2 and have one extra point on stats.

Yes >.> Thank you.
jgke | February 18, 2013 6:08am
Did you accidentally place the point at level 11 to stats at the suicide build? You leave the ulti to level 2 and have one extra point on stats.
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