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4 Votes

My purpose is clear, my targets doomed.

August 30, 2012 by Garfield#228682
Comments: 12    |    Views: 10549    |   

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seank888 | September 3, 2012 6:20pm

Maybe not, because Nyx Assassin is more of a caster than a carry. He doesn't rightclickpwn like normal carries do, so a carry build isn't really recommended for him.

It's fixed now! I clicked 'save' instead of 'publish' lol. Forgive me, I'm new to this stuff. XD

Yes Nyx doesn't really have a different build for a carry I have managed to carry a game with him but you generally use the same build so you can gank early-mid game and if the situation is right, get enough farm to kinda be a carry.
esRenz | August 29, 2012 4:20am
Garfield#228682 | August 28, 2012 4:22am
SemenLike wrote:

Finally fixed XD

Yes. I hope you like it! :)
SemenLike | August 28, 2012 4:19am
Finally fixed XD
Garfield#228682 | August 28, 2012 3:37am

maybe you should have a nuking build and a carry build?

Maybe not, because Nyx Assassin is more of a caster than a carry. He doesn't rightclickpwn like normal carries do, so a carry build isn't really recommended for him.

wilddeonpwn wrote:

It's still not fixed XDD you can't get Impale at lvl 3 and 4

It's fixed now! I clicked 'save' instead of 'publish' lol. Forgive me, I'm new to this stuff. XD
rayzorpenguin | August 27, 2012 10:59pm
maybe you should have a nuking build and a carry build?
Garfield#228682 | August 27, 2012 6:23am
SemenLike wrote:

You havent fixed it yet..

It's fixed now.

Sefi wrote:

Perhaps a little more detail would be helpful for the guide. Add some brief explanations of abilities or core item choices and why you find them necessary on the hero. I personally cannot stand Dagon and would ignore this build just because of that if I didn't know anything about the hero. I know that Dagon is a pretty essential item on Nyx Assassin, but someone else might not realize it.

It's not finished yet, but thanks for the criticism, it gave me an idea on how I'll make the explanations and stuff. :)
Sefi (3) | August 27, 2012 5:17am
Perhaps a little more detail would be helpful for the guide. Add some brief explanations of abilities or core item choices and why you find them necessary on the hero. I personally cannot stand Dagon and would ignore this build just because of that if I didn't know anything about the hero. I know that Dagon is a pretty essential item on Nyx Assassin, but someone else might not realize it.
SemenLike | August 27, 2012 4:09am
You havent fixed it yet..
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