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41 Votes

Sand King - Initiate your way to victory

May 1, 2012 by Konsume
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RyuKasugano | January 2, 2016 10:04pm
the luxury should be Divine Rapier :3
Enyxx | January 16, 2013 7:40pm
xCO2 wrote:

Consider Veil of Discord > Aghanim's, it benefits your team more as well as causing more damage for your ultimate alone, never mind the combined damage from your other abilities.

I Tryed this way, but it's a bit hard to land everything, you lose one or two shocks, but the dmg output is amazing. But still, it's hard to use, i'll have to train ^^
Affluenza | January 16, 2013 4:15pm
This guide is really good for SK...

It's definitely made my SK a lot better than prior...

Thank you for the guide...! ;)
xCO2 (72) | January 13, 2013 8:27pm
Consider Veil of Discord > Aghanim's, it benefits your team more as well as causing more damage for your ultimate alone, never mind the combined damage from your other abilities.
Enyxx | January 13, 2013 8:19pm
That's a wonderful guide we have here !
After 4 games with SK i made this amazing 22 - 5 - 21.
I died 5 times stupidly but with little training i could do this much more ^^
I finished with every items of the list and i was on my way to buy Vlad :p
FrizzleDizle | January 9, 2013 4:42pm
The Sand King is extremely effective with this build except against ranged opponents. I personally do not find Sand Storm to be useful enough to upgrade past 2 but others may like it.
wyndex | October 7, 2012 6:08am
Nice guide but i was wondering if you could post up a more detailed section on where/when/how to use epicenter. I used to play Sand King quite a bit in Dota 1 but my strategy was burrowstrike then epi. Not the most efficient way to kill things. I'm still trying to find good ways to ulti and then burrowstrike but im having trouble making it work.
alekk89 (1) | August 20, 2012 9:38am
Nice guide. Very easy to make first blood in the first 3 minutes with the right teammate in lane. I hope more people will see this guide , because i see a lot of people just can't play sk , and it's annoying..
Konsume (2) | May 10, 2012 6:51am
If you're supporting the carry, the team is doing something wrong. You want a "ranged intel" to support your carry. Cryx won't be able to harass the long lane since he'll probably face 2 stunners or a slower + stunner or verry agressive long range... etc. Cryx is verry squish early game!!!

Also... in a team you want 2 players to farm early game: You carry (which is obviously for late game) and your initiator, cause hey... he's going to take at least one attack from every hero once he jumps in for your team. So since you need to get your initiator farmed and your carry farmed you want them in 2 separated lanes.

Like I said in this guide... Sand King is a verry potent roamer, but this guide isn't about roaming it's about laning which I think is better for him.

As for Boots... I think every players has their preferences depending on their play style... but Cryx is soooooo fragile early game that I rather get the powers than the mana... and if you're not a mana tard, the bottle will be enough!
Aladassa | May 5, 2012 1:59am
You're usually better off if you're going to be laning and supporting a carry (Especially if you're supporting a carry.) even roaming to get Arcane boots if noone else on your team gets em considering how mana hungry Crix is early on Arcane boots will fix that you can get tankiness with a heart if the game lasts long enough even having just a scepter and BkB will help with that, Bottle generally isn't enough to keep you in lane for long.
Sillax | May 1, 2012 2:30pm
Thanks Konsume,

Your guide helped me reach a 12-1-31 score on a 52 kill game!! :)

You have the most complete guide on SK and I feel already way better with him! Keep the good work!
Konsume (2) | May 1, 2012 8:38am
Tranquil Boots


KK I understand!

thanks for the tips
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